Me like 5% of the time… when genji reflects or anything else.
Other than that only using the secondary attack because the primary attack makes so low damage and taking into consideration that symmetra is a dd character (yes you have to take her turret’s damage also into account).
But her primary attack seems to make no sense at this current state or am i alone with this opinion?
Maybe they also should take into consideration to exchange the primary fire with her secondary fire… since it became the primary fire…
my 2 cents.
When there’s like 3 tanks nearby, I hold primary fire. Easy to charge on them, and they melt when it’s fully charged.
I use it when I forget that I swapped RMB and LMB
you can flip it around yourself. but sinse the beam is constant i still think its better to have that in its most momfortale spot. if they ever do switch it, i myself will put the beam on the button i feel it belongs to.
Any time I know no amount of human prediction capability will let me land an orb I do chip damage with beam, and any time I’m aware the enemy team currently has no backline harassers I immediately switch to beam to power up until I see a genuine threat
Generally I try to just never stop doing damage. Orbs are more reliable damage, but switching between the 2 frequently is the best thing you can do
i use it most in chaotic fights. its great for targeting the main threat given the oportunity, or any distracted target especially squishies since 180 damage kills fast.
i think base damage should be 80. then 120 then 200. that would make the damage ramp balsnced eith its timing to me
You can get a lot of value from her primary when a Winston pops a bubble nearby and jumps away or when you are around a wall to absorb Orisa’s/Rein’s shield. But yeah, secondary most of the time.
well i dont think that primary fire is efficient in any way…
you need 1-2 secondary shots to kill a tracer, but you need 10-15 seconds to kill her with laserbeam now… it is not balanced in any way.
laser beam now is only usefull in these situations:
- DVA using her defense matrix
- genji is using deflect
- gimping against a pharah
You can get a lot of value from her primary when a Winston pops a bubble nearby and jumps away or when you are around a wall to absorb Orisa’s/Rein’s shield. But yeah, secondary most of the time.
even when winston bubbles its better to spam her secondary and get close to him / behind barrier. makes much more dps
thats suuper untrue. first of you need about 3 seconds to kill tracer but thats assuming you hit her consistently with base damage. the beam is a weapon of oportunity. barriers increase the rate of these oportunities but shooting througb freindly shields is also often a good time. take advantage of distracted enemies and fat tanks because level 2 is pretty effective at taking down health.
the primary firehas an extremely slow damage rate in the LV. 1, but this is not the main problem, but rather the fact that it does not have many opportunities to highlight its most interesting peculiarity: reload the ammo through the shields.
it could recharge them against winston, orisa, reinhardt and brigitte (the latter is more difficult due to bash), but there are very few opportunities to do it. something smarter would be to create real specific advantages to certain characters: to load the weapon even when it hits the shield HP and temporary enemy barriers.
it would create an advantageous response against characters who use temporary barriers (ultimate of lucio, Doomfist and Hammond barriers) and if torb has a ultimate specifically designed against the HP armor and against Brigitte, I do not see why Symmetra should be limited only to the shields in the field and not to the HP shields (Zenyatta, Zarya and Symmetra)
When their is another juicy Symmetra wall
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I barely use it, the only time I do is when there is a rein or an orisa shield and a healer is backing me up. Other than that, I just use orbs.
I try to take advantage of it on shields but considering I have to be on the front line to do it, it is pretty much a suicide. it doesn’t seems to work that great on shields either. It takes forever to charge and drain the shield down.
Usually on Hamster, or any other tank in my face.
Occasionally to finish a tracer, sombra or genji after hitting them with an orb.