How much time has passed between the events of OW1 and OW2?

I just realized that we don’t know how much time has passed between the events of OW1 and OW2, do we? I know it couldn’t be too long because the characters still appear to be more or less the same age-wise, but I’m still wondering how many years it has been.

Will it be a relatively short gap like a year or two or will it be more substantial like the IRL 6-Year+ gap between the games releases?

I think it might actually be kind of cool if they made OW2 take place several years after OW1, mirroring the passage of time between the games released, not to mention help explain some of the more radical changes between the Heroes abilities lore-wise.

About as much time as it takes for a person to get from Antarctica to Gibraltar I’m guessing


wasn’t it like 10 years or something? I could be wrong I might be confusing it with a different game

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Well that would depend greatly on which Role you’ve selected, not to mention which mode you’re playing. :wink:

not too much because it seems like OW1 happens right until Winston sends the message and OW2 happens right after Tracer gets her adventure in london which has the actual call in between, after that they seem to meet with Mei somehow and they go to Paris… well thinking about it now, Mei was literally walking in antarctica on her own…

she somehow managed to contact them or reach a place where she could travel to gibraltar :S

Keep in mind that the events of the trailer that you are referring to was released years ago when OW2 was first announced.
Furthermore, without any form of time frame to go by, it’s uncertain precisely when that trailer was supposed to take place in the greater scheme of things.

It’s also important to note that a lot has changed since that trailer was released. At the time, OW2 was basically just going to be a story-driven PVE Sequel title which hadn’t even been stated to take place any notable length of time after OW1. In fact, all of the characters in the trailer still maintained their OW1 appearances with maybe a few minor alterations to their outfits.

So mercy is 47 in OW2…

here’s a short timeline:
OW had already been shut down for years in OW1. Winston sent out the recall message (as seen in the animated short), then that prompts the first ever cinematic teaser for OW. That one that takes place in the museum?
The message gets sent out to everyone else (prompting the Dragons, Honor & Glory, Rise and Shine, and Reunion animated shorts). Then we get to Zero Hour, where the characters meet up for the first time in years, maybe even a decade. Then they set out to stop Null Sector and save the world from their invasion. Prompting the PVE story mode in OW2.

Don’t 100% me on this, just a short timeline I’ve assumed.


yeah good job you can do math I’m proud :heart:

Mercy certainly doesn’t appear to be 47 in any of the OW2 screenshots or videos, and Reinhardt is still surprisingly active for a character who is shown (albeit in a somewhat comedic sense) to be suffering from some of the effects of aging like developing a bad back over time.

uh what? O.o on that trailer most of the characters had their appearance updated, minus brig and mercy sure but the story seems to follow a coherent line, at least thus far

that said, I don’t think any adjustments to the game itself would influence the story specially not when we’ve had several comic and stories released that follow a single timeline thread

Perhaps I worded that poorly, what I was trying to say is that they don’t look substantially older. (i.e. No gray hair or wrinkles which would otherwise imply that any substantial amount of time had passed.)

They just changed their clothes, which really doesn’t mean much when IRL folks tend to change their clothes at least every couple of days if not multiple times a day, depending on their lifestyle.

If 10 years have passed, then I would suspect Mercy’s hair to go a bit gray or otherwise white, and for her face to have a few wrinkles.
I’m not sure how old Mei is (Just checked, she’s 31) or whether she even ages naturally after years in cryogenic suspension as well as an in-game mechanic in which she regenerates health by freezing herself, but she might have a few streaks of gray herself after 10 years.

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Going from Recall to the OW2 launch cinematic, however long it took Mei to link up with Winston and Tracer, with all the other cinematics taking place in media res in the background, less than a year, most likely.



Now this is interesting because that trailer would mean that at some point, after OW was shut down, Tracer and Winston got together and fought Reaper and Widow… I always thought that trailer happened before the call but that doesn’t make sense

This means that Doomfist broke out of Jail after the call and got the gauntlet himself, which would mean that Doomfist’s trailer also happens after the call and not before O.o not to mention the fact that Genji is in that trailer as well so they have teamed up quite a few times already but probably haven’t been succesful with their missions unlike zero hour


Animation in this game is bad lol she does not look almost 50

that’s because it is a styleised game. like I said, I’m not sure if that’s right I only heard it from one person

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Good point, Moira is 48, yet she doesn’t really look much older than Mercy, so Mercy could be 47 in OW2.

I don’t think the basement dweller that writes for this game has decided that number yet.

I believe it’s been 10 years since OW fell when OW1 starts. OW2 is the exact same period as OW1 because the start of every OW match is interactions like they have never met for a long time (basically every Ana interaction).
As seen in Zero Hour, Winston, Mei and Tracer have only just met up and are reuniting with other members and this is the start of OW2. So they are basically ret-conning OW1 events but not really because there weren’t any event in OW1 that gave history, only events that gave back story.

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She doesn’t look 47 because she actually looks 57.