How much more attention is needed?

Topic being referred too:


Currently at 881 views since creation. What else is needed to actually get some much needed help?
Considering there have been people with the same if not very similar issue, all being suggested / referred to post on the forums by the ‘Game Masters’ (AKA, support).
There have been other topics, which I’ve tried to list with the documentation that’s been done. Still no help though.

P.S No immediate replies, this was posted before I hit the hay and go to sleep.


Yes, I have submitted a bug report too, as I was told on Blizzard support site, regarding this particular problem:

I also suggested a possible hint to fixing it:
It seems the game “knows” which skins you had already unlocked, because it seemed to me that it will not generate those again in loot boxes, even though they currently seem magically locked again by the bug.
The particularly bad thing is that event-only unlocks are also hit by this bug.

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I can confirm this, there have been more then a couple of people who did communicate that they had lost event exclusive items. Sadly because of the type item that they are, these users could not get those skins back.