How much money have you spent on Overwatch?

Assuming I didn’t accidentally forget to tally anything and didn’t accidentally tally anything twice, roughly $850.

That’s fairly normal for me to spend on my primary games over a two year period. I had spent roughly $400 on HotS while waiting for OW to be released and I don’t even want to take the time to tally what my wife and I must have spent on WoW over six years.

I guess I should feel lucky that Blizz hasn’t decided to further monetize Diablo 3 because I could think of quite a few ways for them to get my wallet opened.

I don’t spend more in a game purchase if i know, i can get all for free.

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But will you get it all???

I haven’t bought any thing and i have every item for 3 heroes

39.99 for the game

I did technically spend 5 bucks on loot boxes once. but it was money i had sitting on my account from diablo 3’s old real money auction house . so i don’t count it.

Yes because i don’t have an alt account. :grinning:

About $80 each event. (This current one $40)

more than I’m proud to admit…

Oh, jeez. ._. I don’t want to say out loud how much it added up to. I’ll just say, AM I glad my sister and I agreed to stop buying loot boxes after last year’s Summer Games.


$80 total. $40 for the game, $40 for boxes.

Loot boxes in this game feel like a raw deal, so I stopped buying them.

Realistically? Probably like $100… Not counting merch

$60 for the origins edition on PS4 and then $40 for the PC edition once it became clear that my kids would never let me get a moment on the PS4 ever again.

I don’t buy RNG loot crates for ANY game. I would, however, purchase certain actual skins if that were an option.

Lol are you guys proud of yourselves gambling with loot boxes and wasting hundreds of dollars? This is hilarious.

For myself, not counting the game, 40$ in loot boxes. I’ve gifted about 50$ worth of loot boxes to friends.

$30 for GOTY Version (50% discount)
$40 for 50 Lunar New Year 2018 Loot boxes…

… because it was the last day of the event and I want that Mercy Zhuque skin :kissing_smiling_eyes: bad enough to spend money on getting it!

I don’t know how to check for consoles, but I know I paid $50 for my physical copy of origins(I was working at Walmart at the time and used my 10% employee discount) then I bought a digital version for $30 around Christmas time, but aside from the $80 for 2 copies, I have no idea how much I spent on loot boxes or league skins, but would it count as spending money on Overwatch when it’s the only blizzard game I play and I got a virtual ticket to have an albino monkey?

And then there’s the merch…

320 euros

100 euros on copies of the game.
20 euros on OWL skins.
The rest on lootboxes.

40 euro for the first copy, 20 + 20 for alts…

Legit you made me laugh

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I got it on sale. I have been getting most legendaries and dont feel cheated by the lootbox system. But i might buy lootboxes for archives. Anyone know how many I need to buy to get all the retribution ones. I have so far 4 of the archives legendaries.