How many of you are actually GM?

I’m GM but the matchmaker has to balance me with bronze teammates for a 50% winrate or something


Not currently GM as I don’t have the time to grind anymore and now just play for fun, but I’ve been GM multiple seasons on both tank & support, peaked around 3900 for DPS

I feel attacked. LOL


Id be GM if I actually played the game

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We’re all Schrodinger’s GM.


And a doom player. RESPECT.

I mean, plat already means you’re better than a large majority of the playerbase since gold is the average rank.

Holy crap you are not kidding damn. There are a surprising amount of top 500 players on the forums.

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Quick play warrior exposed.

I’m rank 38 open queue eu which is like 3800 :confused:

Doing gods work brother

Not GM but been to GM lobby multiple times due to me being mid to high masters.

I’m like 3600 in open que, can’t bother to grind that.

You could probably count them on one hand

I just play it for faster queue times, I almost never fill. Instalock soldier or hanzo and throw the game.

I have NEVER been in GM.

I did get to contenders trials once though, back when I was bad, but that is more a “OCE doesn’t have a lot of teams” thing.

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this is more a matter of “when were you actually GM?” cause lets be real GM now is nothing compared to ole’ days. Overwatch nowadays is straight up platiumwatch. if you took like season 3-9 GM against todays it would be laughable, but guess thats just a sign of how far this game has truly fallen. source: console top of masters back at launch.

I’m wondering personally becasue there seem to be a lot of top down balance shills on here.

I’m mid-masters…


Gm lobbies are 90% unbearable, don’t bother trying to get to that rank, it’s just so toxic.

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I could get gm if I abused broken mccree

this is joke