How many lootboxes

How many lootboxes do I have to buy to get all the new event skins? Last even I bought like 50 and got 3 of the skins. Back in 2019, 50 was already too many. So what is going on?? Is this nowadays because of money or what

If you already have everything in the game, it should only take around 10 lootboxes to get all the regular event unlocks and a few more for the legendaries.

If you still have regular stuff (or items from previous years of the event), it’ll take a lot longer. I don’t play on PC or Switch much and event lootboxes on there almost always give me old stuff as there’s much more of it to earn.

its better to get to the point where you own all base lootbox items so you get a good amount of coins and 0% chance of getting base legendaries from event lootboxes

How do you not have enough credit for event skins if you’ve been around since 2019? By now you should be getting duplicates only that add up to the point you don’t need loot boxes.

Or am I missing something?

3 loot boxes each week in arcade, endorsement boxes, 1 free event box, and levelling up boxes should help you get skins (or credit).

You don’t know how much he plays, I preordered this game and i’m only level 300

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You get one every 14 boxes or so. The 50 boxes should give you 3 to 4 of the 5. As long as you get the free 9 boxes from arcade, you should have all of them, assuming you already owned every old Archive skin. If not, obviously buy those with coins first given they are only 1k to the new skins 3k.

They’re almost at a gold border; that means a lot of levelling up. You get duplicates way early, hence my question if I’m missing something.

But as I mentioned in my post, wait out before you buy loot boxes, since we get the free ones too. Wait until near the end of the event.

Otherwise there’s still time to get the skins when the anniversary comes around.

It’s 3 boxes from arcade. It’s one box every 3 wins.

But events are usually 3 weeks long :wink:

Well I used most of the credits in the upcoming events since 2019, while a new legendary skin costs 3k. And i quit the game aftet season 11 I think and came back last November.

Close to 100 lootboxes. I wasn’t playing around this year lol.