How many heroes/classes do you flex to in comp?

I play a lot of the roster across all the classes, which keeps me in the plat elo, but allows for more variety and fun. When I tighten up my picks I can hover in diamond, but it gets boring and ineffective playing the same three or so heroes, especially with counterpicking and your heroes getting nerfed to uselessness.

How many heroes do you confidently flex to? What’s your philosophy: focus on your very best heroes or mix things up to keep the game interesting. I guess it depends on how often you play. If you only play a few hours a week, then a few heroes is enough.

I will flex everything except Genji, Tracer, Doomfist, Lucio … and I try to avoid playing Ana (I can hit the shots and such, but I need better positioning with her). I prefer to play all off tanks. I try not to play DPS but I have a few I do really well with. I need more work on Rein (paying attention to ults and counter charging on high latency 100ms) and Winston (mostly positioning).

I want to play off tank but I switch when no one picks a MT. If I feel I need to carry on a flex, I try to pick Orissa to provide extra damage or pull people off the map. With Rein I try really hard to work with my off tank.

If heals I try to be brig, I’ve hit 3200 with her when flexing or I go Zen depending on enemy team comp or map type (range I stay on Zen, close fights or counter dive Brig).

DPS I try to stay near supports vs diving into the enemy team. I just do not have that down hence why I try to stay away from assassin style heroes.

I always pick based on map, team comp, and enemy picks. I sway between 3200 and 2700 playing solo queue.

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I play mostly tank and lucio, moira or brig when needed

Rein Zar Orisa 76 bastion fara brig lucio, this is all i ever really play 2100sr

i’m playing what the team needs (picking last)

so i’m only ever going to play either reinhardt or ana. thats it.

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I’d say at least 12.

Mostly focus on the hitscans, have Genji in my pocket. only damage heroes i wont play are doom, junk, mei and symmetra. only non-damage hero i play is Zen… because i just dont trust people to dps

This made me laugh!!!

Hello Friend,

I only flex to tank roles - and I have peaked at masters

I would pick my tanks based on the match ups and the DPs we have on our team - diving team, Winston or dva

Or maps - Kings row? Rein/zarya

I take reference to a a GM whom once shared that it’s better to have a few that u are really good at then alot that u are scrubby at.

Only in extreme circumstances do I play support.

And only because of that, I have a spare account in which I main Ana and flex to moira or lucio.

Honestly, im not sure if this is good or not, but i can play basically any hero at my skill level (though im not exceptionally good at any of them :/)

very comfortable on: all tanks except hog and hammond, all healers except mercy and lucio, a few dps heroes

rather not but can play if necessary: hammond/hog, lucio, a few more dps

under no circumstance: mercy, genji, doomfist, mei, tracer

As a gold border with ~1500 hours in this game, I can play most of the characters in each catagory, and normally don’t mind swapping to fill if the teams willing to have coordination.

The few exceptions are: McCree, DF, Hammond, Brig and Bastion.
But my 'main’s in each are;
Support: Literally have at least 50 hours on all of them but Brig, I morally can’t play her.
Tanks: Zarya,, Orisa
DPS: Sombra, Widow, Hanzo, Genji

I keep a 2nd account just to play whatever i feel at the time, while still trying to make a good comp.

I’d say my mains are D.VA, Reaper, Orisa for chokes on D.

I really enjoy playing any of the following…

Tanks - Rein, Winston, Zarya
DPS - Pharah, Soldier, Tracer, Torb, Bastion, Mei. Love Mei! I even like some Widow.
Support - Mercy, Moira. A little Brig.

Heroes i could never really get into much - Genji, Doomfist, Roadhog, Sombra, Hanzo, Zen for some reason, he’s just too slow getting back to the fight.

one class. two heros great, three okay and one not at all. I took the practice one kick 1000 times approach.

I can confidently play tracer,, lucio and symmetra in comp.

I focus on the heroes i enjoy and play the most which are one in the same.

Depends on the account.

This is my main one, and I focus on tanks and heals. Rein, Winston, D.Va, and Zarya for tanks. Zen and Ana for heals. Anything else, and I don’t consistently play as well.

On my DPS account I main Ashe, McCree, Mei, and Pharah.

My third account is for hardcore flexing. The only heroes I try to never play on it are Rein and Zen, because they’re my best.

I’m bad at:

Doom, Widowmaker, Hanzo, Genji, Tracer, Ashe, McCree, Bastion, Lucio, Zenyatta, Zarya, Wrecking Ball, Winston, Reinhardt, Ana, Moira, Brigitte, Roadhog, D.Va, Sombra, Symmetra, Torbjorn, Orisa, Pharah, Mercy, Reaper, Mei, Soldier 76, and Junkrat.

But I’m really good at:

Echo, Athena, Emily, Tekhartha Mondatta, Katya Volskaya, Maximilien, Liao, The Junker Queen, Dr. Harold Winston, Dae-Hyun, and Balderich von Adler.

And just so u know, I playtested all of these heroes and they’re fire. I spent all 200 of my nonexistent, expensive Overwatch League tokens and all 203 lootboxes I had to preview these heroes. Jeff said yeet yeet nae nae whip whip shoot shoot when he allowed me to see the new heroes.

Ngl I’m a filthy 2-trick
I can only play Ana and Lucio, I’m a support onetrick by heart but the other ones are just… less useful atm.

Working on learning dps though, having fun with Ashe and Sombra!




For those who want to climb?
Play who you’re best at(Despite comp) and ignore your SR number.

As someone who mained both of these at some point, I am offended lol

Tank: dva, zarya
Support: ana, mercy
DPS: genji pharah hanzo