How many heroes are being released for OW2?

They said multiple heroes are coming with OW2, and we’re also getting 1 before it releases.

My question is how many heroes will be tied to OW2? If its something 3 or 4, couldn’t we have just gotten those in the usual hero release cycle instead of them being used as a selling point?

If its above the number said above then disregard this thread completely. I’m just hoping its something big so that tanks/supports get balanced out

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We don’t know yet. I’m kind of curious about whether the usual hero release cycle would exceed the number at launch as well.

At least 3 are confirmed. There’s an article talking about a picture shown in a presentation by Jeff of 4 silhouettes of future heroes, which would suggest at least 5.

“A few” was stated, so at least 3. Could be more. They don’t know for sure.

I read somewhere it’s five.

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My understanding was five new heroes would come with OW2–though that could actually be “five new heroes between now and the start of OW2 (with new launch heroes included in those five.”

Either way, it sounds like we’re at least getting more than a couple

If it was only 3 it would be a bummer since they are slowing down ow1 release schedule so it would basically be like we get them LATE

It will almost certainly be more than 3.
3 is just the bare minimum based on what was said.

6 makes the most sense. 2 for each role. It makes sense, which means I’m not expecting it. 3.

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