How many DPS will quit the game with role queue

I enjoy playing DPS mostly, and to be honest i just dont really like playing tank or support at all, even though i fill most of the time.

When they introduce 2-2-2 lock for competitive, and queue times for DPS are going to go to 10-20 minutes i will likely stop playing this game all together, since i will not wait 20 minutes to play a 5-10 minute match.

Are there any people who feel the same? Yes, i understand that i am a toxic thrower because i enjoy playing by far the biggest category of heroes in the game…


I’m sure Blizzard has a way to make it so queue times for DPS aren’t 10-20 minutes. They’re smart people. They’ll figure it out.

Plus, if a ton of people are pushed away from playing DPS due to queue times, then that just means that I will get to keep playing it, lowering my queue times.


10-20 minutes is worth the wait. Queue times for Silver and Gold are currently less than a minute unless you have been avoided by like 1000 people.

I play WoW. Anyione who plays that game knows that random dungeon and LFR queue times for DPS can be upwards of 45 minutes and even tanks and heals can be upwards of 20 if you are solo. So I have no qualms about waiting 45 minutes for a good match that is gonna have a basic and workable 2-2-2 comp than have a crapshoot with 6 DPS mains.

Soo… Rest of the players have to suffer because dps players might get longer queues? I really don’t understand, if people only like to play dps, why even playing this game? There’s many better games for that, CoD, BF, CS etc…


2 maybe 7 or 8
On the other side, maybe we get back a lot of players that left out of frustration :upside_down_face:
Doubt there are a lot of players left on console anyway so its worth a try

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exactly, most people treat this like a traditional fps game when it isn’t


Ahhhh. Logic. I wondered when someone would bring this up.


When they introduce 222? Has it been announced that they are doing this?

And I’m with you. If it takes 10-20 minutes to start a match for DPS, I’ll just play a different game. I’m not a fan of tanks or heals.


Please God don’t make me go back to those games, I always had a negative k/d in Battlefield and I’m still silver 3 in CS… :cold_sweat: I’ll take the long queue times.

I don’t know why everyone thinks that DPS wait times are going to skyrocket. I think all wait times will go up a bit, which is expected, but if you look at even the last month on Overbuff, the highest picked DPS hero doesn’t even show until the 9th spot.

This weird assumption that there are always way more DPS players than anything else is entirely inaccurate. Even if you look at the universal pick rate over the last six months, it’s very even across the board with DPS heroes still arguably being picked less than tank/supp

That won’t be fun at all.
I was a flex player but still kind of am because I just can play every hero on the same level but I enjoy dps the most.
It’s just the aggressive play style, I hate having to play slow and with other characters you can’t do that for example Reinhardt. Supports are an exception because they can still have high APM but damaging is still more fun when you have good aim.
After forced 2-2-2 I won’t have Moira mains playing dps anymore sure but that also means I will have people who can’t play Tank or Heals. This will trigger me on so many levels when I can’t swap and do their job.

Why aren’t you using LFG then?


Tbh? Not a huge problem imo. I’m okay with not having 1 tricks in the game

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Where does this 10-20 minute queue time come from?

Im just going to queue healer and dps anyway.


Because many people are just as pushy about what healers they want or what specific DPS heros they want and they try to force you to play them just like any other random small stack team who insta locks roles.

I enjoy the flexibility of solo queue because I cant be forced to play something I am not willing to play. But that does not mean that I am not willing to fill any role, I just appreciate respect and civility rather that people being rude or holding a group hostage when people dont switch.


Ok you do understand why the highest picked dps is 9th place as opposed to tanks or supports right? There are less dps and healer picks that are possible so of course the representation is going to be different.

I promise you dps ques are going to skyrocket. What is more fun? Holding a shield up with rein or blowing stuff up with junkrat?

Dps is highly contested cause face it its more fun and involves less responsibility.

I enjoy the flexibility of solo queue because I cant be forced to play something I am not willing to play. But that does not mean that I am not willing to fill any role, I just appreciate respect and civility rather that people being rude or holding a group hostage when people dont switch.

I also want to play dps too. Most of the time you get 2-3 auto lock dpsers who pick dps before your screen is even done loading forcing you to have to fill. I am SICK of always tanking or playing support I would like to dps too. THAT is the problem.


This. Let’s not start crying and whining and moaning about role queue just yet. Bliz has to actually decide that they want to do this, and so far I’ve seen no evidence that this will ever be implemented. When a dev publicly says “Yes, role queue is definitely happening,” then it’s happening.

Whatever their plans may be for role queue, I’m positive that those plans do NOT involve being influenced by the idea’s popularity on the forums.

I still dont understand why everyone is talking about role q. They could simply lock roles in match making it impossible to pick 4, 5 or 6 dps or something like that.

You will go playing comp as normaly, only difference will be that you cant pick another dps if 3 dps slots are already filled.

Basicly all players will have to be flex :slight_smile: done.

Overwatch Jeff Interview - Role Queue and The Future - YouTube jeff quotes “dps will be waiting 19 to 26 minutues” 9:30 - 9:47 : source . Good, im glad one trick dps are going to leave if they cant wait 20+ mins to play their “glorified” hero. learn to play more than one hero group, you may get a better understanding of the game imo.