How Male Characters Smell (Jokes I swear)

Inspired by PooPlayer :muscle::triumph:

I need to touch grass :melting_face: (PLEASE TAKE THESE AS JOKES LMAO)

Rein: Smells like blood, sweat and tears. He does not care, he’s a glorious fighter afterall 7/10

Torb: he smells like ashes, just ashes and oil with some hints of burnt hot air. After all, hard work pays off :wink: 10/10

Genji: Going from a an interaction with him and Soj, he smells like walnuts and other things. So, maybe natural items like pine? 8.5/10

Zen: he got the iris on his side smells like the sun and has a really nice metallic smell. 6/10

Bastion: smells like freshly cut grass mixed in with an oil smell, also really smells like flowers 7/10

Hammond: Smells like hamster lmao 5/10

Winston: WINTON WIN :large_blue_circle: He probably just smells normal tbh (maybe a slight smell) 5.5/10

Roadhog: sweat…just sweat and gunpowder. Also maybe gas, idk he just seems like he smells like it. 6.5/10

Junkrat: smells like gunpowder and also gas, really doesnt shower either ALSO smells oddly of chemicals. 7/10

Doomfist: a tough one, but judging by his formal skin I think he’d smell really nice. Even after brutally punching someone off the map, he’d smell like a really nice ocean breeze. 9/10

Hanzo: also probably smells like walnuts and pine. 7.5/10

Cassidy: Bro probably smells like apple pie fr, he probably even has an apple pie perfume :skull: 6/10

Soldier: Smells like beer 4/10

Reaper: probably smells like dried blood and he could probably be void of smell due to cell death and regeneration over and over again 2/10

Ramattra: when you mix oil, blood and cologne together :heart_eyes: 9/10


winston definitely smells horrific hes literally a gorilla…
hog is sweat and gasoline 100%. Like that TLC video of the woman addicted to huffing gasoline
junkrat probably smells like a using crystal addict since thats what hes based on iirc (they dont smell gr8)


Overwatch Scratch and Sniff Edition



when is this coming

Junkrat would probably smell of chemicals than gunpowder tbh.

Torb would smell like a mobile foundry. Just molten metal smell if you could call it a smell. Just wafts of blazing hot air.

Rest of the list I would agree with.


I don’t know… it got delayed.

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Saying Roadhog just smells like sweat is being generous. I thought he would reek of fromunda cheese


:skull: lmaoo, he probably does smell like that

he proly uses10 times the hair products than the average woman
so he smells like a shampoo commercial
because he is worth it

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Mercy: Smells like doo doo.

Exactly!! He takes care of himself!

I imagine he smells like bacon. 24/7.

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He definitely does, though id give it a 9000/10

-pulls out smart people glasses- Technically blood does already smell metallic, given blood has iron in it.

Thank you for your time.

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-Pulls out thinking glasses-

What if he possibly had another odd smell to him? Like what if omnics have this very different smell :thinking:

Oil. Gotta keep those joints well greased or we’ll be hearing squeaky door hinge sounds whenever they move.

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LOL No wonder why Zenyatta has a stretch emote :sob:

Roadhog probably smells so bad that he would make people faint if they just caught a wiff of his scent. Probably smells of fermenting cheese.

Junkrat would smell foul just like his mains

I would buy it over the Moira mime skin

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