How long until Sym 3.0 is considered a failed rework?

Let’s be honest here… “reworks” have a pretty terrible rep in Overwatch.

Sym 3.0 might be more fun, but overall its been pretty terrible.

How long do you think it will be before they admit it and do something about it? Another year until 4.0?


Made a post about explaining her flaws if you are intrested My take on the sym rework. What i personally think it should have beenc

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i like the rework… its not a fail :two_hearts:


You can like the rework, but according to statistics, she is worse than before.


the rework was good. to simplify my thoughts:

she relays almost entirely on her kit that can be destroyed in seconds (and is very clunky), leaving her with 0 utility but her secondary fire for at least to 10 seconds and up to 30 seconds. (while other DPS can put out consistent damage)


she has a higher winrate than mccree on GM.


100% No way around this. 3.0 is a total mess.


Yes. Another year and Symmetra 4.0 will appear


Probably the same as Mercy. Never.


I just don’t think anything other than an overtune will make people drop their other mains to play her consistently.


They will never say that rework failed, because no one like to say “ok i was wrong with this”.


I quite like the rework, it’s just not done yet. The M1 is very underpowered and I’m iffy if she should have 150 shields instead of 100 when she’s assumably supposed to be more of a brawler (at least assuming the way her M1 ramps up over time spent fighting).

Her old kit had too much automatic value (turrets, ultimates, M1) to be balanced to be viable at the top as that would’ve made her oppressive everywhere else.

Sad to see the projected barrier E go, it was a good skill. M2 didn’t necessarily need changing, but it would’ve needed more projectile speed. It was a good tech against a nested Bastion too, I would’ve probably liked the old piercing M2 with about 20m/s velocity better than the current one.

The new teleporter is good on paper but perhaps still a bit too slow and has too many bugs. The new turrets are just better as they offer more options than the old ones did.

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Isn’t it already considered a failure? She is even worse than before and not nearly as fun.


I mean… it was a failure before it even went live. I said that it wasn’t going to be any good but everyone is like “no, no, it will be fine, you just have to switch how you play Sym”

It doesn’t matter what you do, this version of Sym is a total joke.

By far the worst rework yet. They totally destroyed a good hero

Knowing blizzard, they won’t. They’ll either double down upon this mistake I.E mercy. Or Give her another rework within another year.

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Well, at least she’s fun. I mean, lots of players think she can be even more cool to play now. Fun is what matters when you play a game, I suppose. Still sad that she’s seen as a bad hero. :frowning:
In the other hand, we have Mercy… sigh.

She has a lower winrate but that’s only because bronze players aren’t getting free wins with her anymore.


They don’t listen to feedback when they execute their concept. They will never learn and improvise on the matter. The developers here aren’t good to their consumers well nor listen to great constructive feedback. Look how they’re still struggling with Mercy tweaks. That just goes to show they aren’t good at playing their game, not understanding their mechanics and probably a lot of us here can actually beat them as a team.

Don’t get me wrong they do publish cool skins, dialogues and etc, but I think some of them are a stubborn bunch meaning they don’t like when their so called masterpiece is criticized. That’s probably why some tweaks aren’t done to fix things up fast to support the hero better.


Reworks are about improving kit design, and Sym 3.0 has a way better kit. I don’t see how this is negotiable when Sym 2.0 was effectively limited to defending on assault maps.

Sym 3.0 is still too weak, but that’s balance. Blizzard is buffing her in increments. She’ll get there.


I think the rework is alright, her ult is a little meh but the rest is okay :slight_smile: