How long is Suspension-no email-plz read

My account was suspended a little over a week ago. I received no email regarding the situation(I have received weekly reports prior to this situation. Reached out to appeal my suspension, but was met with Ai response that never answered my question. Additionally after review of the past few weeks and others testimony, the only reason I am suspended was a lobby falsely accusing of hacking because I was playing well. Additionally I recall simply asking a person to switch, and being met with negativity to which they reported me out of spite(next day I was suspended). This is also my first suspension ever so idk how this is supposed to go. I sent the “GM” another ticket but have yet to get a response in the past 7 days.

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There’s no need to send additional tickets, just reopen a ticket if the question wasn’t answered. None of the players or Blues in the forum can assist with account issues.

I did reopen the ticket but that’s the 7 day no response, I am only looking for how long this suspension can be.


The same thing happened to me as well, woke up to hop online and couldn’t even log in because my account was suspended. Said to check my email for details never got one, I made ticket after ticket and even tried reaching out to Twitter customer support still no response. Just took it as a sign to never play OW2 again. I’ve spent multiple hours grinding to masters, have multiple skins, and jade weapons, and bought battle pass after battle pass just to have it taken all away. I feel bad for you my friend just know you are not alone.


Thank you for this response. My friend has looked for a reason to quit Overwatch and this may be the both of our signs to drop it. I’m just disappointed in all of the customer service, and the fact that Ai handles all of their reports, if they truly looked into things many people wouldn’t have to deal with this. Idk when the suspension will come to an end, I’m just sad it had to be like this. Again I’m very sorry that you had so much progress, and I hope it works out for the better for you.

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If you have installed even though you might be playing the game on steam just get on battlenet app under overwatch game and you will see a yellow triangle that will tell you your account is suspended and until when if you hover your cursor over it.

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Thank you I’m checking rn, I have the app on my phone and don’t see a thing but I am currently checking on my laptop to see if it helps :slight_smile:
Update: it doesn’t show a yellow triangle at all on any of my things any other suggestions?

first suspensions are usually 7-14 days, so if it has been a week usually it will be another one. it keeps scaling up tho so i suggest you turn your chats(text and voice) off and use pings. you may still get reported for other things, since false reporting is rampant in this game and well every pvp game tbh. though your battlenet client itself should have the suspension info right on it under the big ol ''PLAY" button, suspension info is in yellow.


I’ve had the same thing happen to me. It’s frustrating because blizz doesn’t have a customer support department and regardless of how simple of a request you make you will get no help and in my experiences the forum support gets upset when you ask for more help than being told to read ToS.

Reopening tickets doesn’t really do anything and you’re just gonna get more stonewalling in the form of 7 day wait periods for responses. It’s unfortunate but you can’t expect much from super small indie companies I guess lol

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Thank you so much for the response, I will look for the next couple of days. I find it weird that my client does not have the “suspension” notification at all, anytime I log in to it’s like “online” with no suspension indication. I find it very odd, on the app k can still even txt friends. Hopefully two weeks is all I have to deal with.