My PC crashed several times during compeitive, at least 2or so. I then received a 20 hour ban, and after that I got D/Ced again and now I’m banned/suspeneded. Is this for the remainder of the season? How can i determine how long its for? Did not receive an email.
Says i am going to received 75% less xp for the next 13 games. Is my ban over after that?
Check your email as they send an email explaining it but if you can go without leaving fewer than 25% of your games it should lift, that means leave fewer than 5 of your last 20 games, it’s the same way you get the penalty. I missed that this is a comp ban as well and you are probably getting close to a season ban.
probably till next season unless stated otherwise.
never got an email. I filed a support ticket and no response either. And do you mean if I play more games my comp ban will get reverted?
Invest in a UPS power supply.
I also thought don’t smash the keyboard if you lose a game. 
Strange as they normally send one but what I listed is the normal times and I think it’s 5 games left in comp is a season ban and two season bans are comp perma ban.
You do realize they said it was just a crash, a UPS power supply won’t fix all crashes.
I felt some players may think a “crash” is nearly any interruption. Playing on a desktop PC a UPS is a must. Playing on a lap top?
Just to add…if the internet modem falls out of sync you could use a UPS on that too.
Yeah, I built a new PC and I think Overwatch isn’t fully compatible with my Ryzen 5 3600X and 5700XT. Getting so many “your rendering device” has been lost error. Turned off my overclock, updated drivers, and i THINK i resolved the issue. Its not like I was griefing or throwing, its literally the overwatch game
Believe me. If you have occasional “brown outs” of power. A UPS power supply will help a lot. I have one UPS power supply connected my internet modem, computer, and monitor to it.
When the power dips, my modem and computer don’t fall out. 
Yeah I don’t think its a power issue. I have a PowerSpec 650 Watt 80 Plus Bronze ATX Semi-Modular Power Supply, with no noted power surges or spikes. I truly believe it was a graphics card/rendering issue specifically related to OW
Is it a desktop computer or lap top?
If you have to plug in the internet modem to the “wall socket” then you are at risk of losing your connection. Any power fluctuations may cause disconnections.
It doesn’t matter if your power supply “in” the desktop computer is top notch. If you plug it into a wall socket your computer is at risk of power dips or “brown outs”.
If you leave 6 in-progress matches then you get a season ban. If you haven’t left that many yet then it’s a fixed time. It all depends on how many you have left as each leave gets a longer ban.
Check the heat in your system.
NZXT CAM is a free monitoring utility.
I used to get that a lot with overheating issues.
Don’t really push 65+C anymore (in game) after i reverted back to stock settings. So if I dont see a timer for my ban anymore, does that mean im banned from comp for the whole season?
It’s amazing that you keep racking up longer penalties and only now try to figure out the issue.
I know I have a problem with my PC that’s going to cause disconnects but I’ll just keep playing until I figure out why…
If I am reading this correctly…
Your ban is for 20 hours, but maybe for the season. It depends on what you were doing when you got dc’ed again
This is quickplay and not part of the ban. Once you play 13 quickplay games without leaving, you’re normal exp will be restored.
Your Graphics card might be messed up, or one of your RAM modules is a lemon. Try running the memory tester in Windows to see if your RAM is bad.
Well, it’s probably worth just playing non comp modes if it’s a new machine for a while =\
Surely by the second you would figure somethings up and stop joining…