How long is it gonna take to nerf Ashe, Lucio and Reaper?

May I point out you said teamwork. If Blizzard was so good as balancing new heroes at start, we wouldn’t have any problems lately. But well, I guess I’m wrong for saying Ashe is OP. Buff everything. Let bob call nuke from mars.

You compared helping someone getting more ult charge to a entire composition of 6 players (which btw lacked counters since a bunch of idiots killed all of them)

Bob already takes forever to charge. It varies from game to game whether or not you have time to earn a second ult, even if you’re doing damage. Then you have to wait for a safe “line” to send Bob in so he doesn’t get hung on an obstacle (like the very corner of the payload) or fall to his death. Adding to that, he seems to track to left of where you send him. I’ve singlehandedly blown a couple of QP games by not getting the line exactly right. If you want maximum effectiveness, you need to also know where the enemy Mei/Ana/Rein is. (Helps to have a good Widow so you can call a hit on Mei or Ana right before you send in Bob.)

Lucio doesn’t need it, Ashe could maybe use tweaking.

I am not sure on my stance with reaper though.

Hey mate, if you’re asking about teamwork/helping someone out then certain tanks wouldn’t pair so well with each other. There wouldn’t be any need to have main and off healer either.
Just because it’s not obvious, doesn’t mean Ashe isn’t strong. They wanted to kill goats by releasing her in such state. Since it failed, they buffed reaper to his current state. Since that didn’t work out too well in scrims where owl teams still run goats most of the times, thet made brig trash tier for stage 2.
Wait until they fix the problem and OW goes back to 2 2 2 or 3 2 1. Ashe will dominate the meta. You might argue she’s a sniper so should do more damage. But she isn’t like widowmaker.

I dont think Ashe was even meant to be a Goats counter…

Reaper needed a buff regardless, they gave him the wrong one though

I agree with that

I highly doubt it, she has counters, mainly getting in her face since she is quite bad a duels, and without the Coach Gun she cant get away

Her dmg is divided in her kit while Widow has her dmg in her Weapon, i dont have issue with her dmg

You really think Blizzard’s stupid enough to release characters without knowing how meta will shift? They released brig knowing exactly how it’ll counter dive since people were tired of dive (7 seasons). Now same for goats (5 seasons now). It’ll go away after this/next season with most likely another new meta. Sounds idiotic I know, but sadly it’s true. Blizzard is trying to put bandages on an open wound.

Do you really wanna ask me that with their balance decisions so far?

Yes. You can argue with me. But Blizzard is being Blizzard. Unfortunately Activision is more interested in owl cash than game balancing as of now. I hope owl fails which might give us a better game. Even if it means paying for extra fresh content on a regular basis.

Couldnt agree more

Fortnite can remove something deemed as OP in a matter of days while blizzard takes months to balance patch it out

unless you’re Sombra

Bud, player walking speed is 5.5m/s (6 for Tracer/Genji), it takes literally less than half a second to get out of the hot zone and that’s without any sort of abilities, just walking.

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Not counting the Rein, Lucio and Ashe I mentioned you can also sleep dart Bob with Ana, hook him with Roadhog or flashbang stun a part of his active time with McCree.

But it sounds like you don’t want to hear any solution that doesn’t involve a nerf.

I was partly joking there. There are a bunch of counters, but Bastion and Sombra still are in sad shape.

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Doesn’t mean their changes are right though. They nerfed Thanos in the IW event pretty hard to the point where becoming him was a disadvantage.

Orisa dumpsters him really, really hard.

And if you’ve got a cliff, he’s a great hook target for roadhog since he doesn’t move around.

IMO Ashe is kinda the bar around which I feel they should try to balance DPS… Used to be Soldier but healing and barrier and damage creep have made him poopoo

Reaper needs his recent buff reverted, but he overall needs buffs. Just not to lifesteal

Lucio, the jury is still out, but we’ll see how the next couple of months and heroes go

Ashe doesn’t need a nerf.

Really? This really shows you have no clue about her. Try playing her and spam her primary. See how well it goes. It’s really bad and only useful for exploding the dynamite, get a quick melee like finishing blow or panic spam when you don’t have time to scope and hope for best. It does pitiful damage, has spread, and worst of all, wastes your ammo so you can’t fire the better scoped shots.

Why does Lucio and Ashe need nerfed, if I might ask?