How long is it gonna take to nerf Ashe, Lucio and Reaper?

People are crying for them to get nerfs, so i wonder when its gonna happen, it happened to Junkrat, it happened to Doomfist, and now it happened to Brigitte.

All getting ruined by people crying because they arent good at the game.

(BTW, this a rant towards people that do nothing but cry and the devs doing HORRIBLE balance decision because of them)


They’ll prob give a small almost meaningless nerf (like pulse) or take a very long time to nerf them sadly

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Ashe is fine. She doesn’t need a nerf


People arent getting the point of this thread isnt it?


Theres even people saying Rein need a nerf

Again, we shouldn’t worry too much. They usually wont nerf heroes that are fine, but I could be wrong since they’ve done that, what, 7-8 times now?


i don’t know about ashe, the only problem with her in my personal opinion is bob being too tanky and she get him pretty quickly

lucio? just because goats is overpowered it doesn’t mean its his fault

every gm player i know of blames brig for being the problem


It actually charges quite slow, and B.O.B isnt really tanky since he cant move making really easy to get headshots on him


How can you complain about Reaper when McCree is in game


not for me, bob charges as quickly as genjis blade

even faster when you land her bomb thing on multiply heroes

bob is tanky, i cannot even kill him with hanzo spamming e into his head

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Not before Genji, Tracer and Hanzo gets nerf first. lol!

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Maybe he is getting healed?

Keep ya hands of my boi Lucio.


nope, his health is what 1200?

he kills you before you can kill him even if all of your shots are headshots

Why are you out in the open when he is shooting you then?

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because i might not have cover so i have to kill him or just die

might as well try (didn’t work)

Then thats on you, not him being tanky

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You people are just as hysterical as those witch hunting.

Stop roping in LITTERALLY EVERYONE into one category where YOU think they’re all cry babies because they got killed by X Y and Z.

I’ve written 2, almost 3 megathreads on Bastion, and have dived deep into balance of this game. I have worked and refined every idea of mine, and likewise, people will ALWAYS have differing opinions. With that said, I’m not always right.

I mained Pharah, Bastion, and Junkrat. I know their balance very well.

35% Ironclad was a problem and needed to be nerfed. Blizzard swung the nerf bat and crippled him.

Junkrat was indeed a problem after his buffs, but blizzard punished any and every little bit of accuracy he needed.

Pharah was a problem on Consoles, but blizzard just slapped sweeping nerfs on her, and now it’ll take another 2 years to get her balanced, meanwhile the power creep around her us growing.

But at the end of the day, i focus my attention on the outliers of this game.

Why does Ashe need a ohk headshot when boosted by a Mercy, or 175 Damage on Dynamite?

Why does Rein need a 300 Damage Charge when it only hurts the 3 Tank counters in this game (plus Orisa)?

Why does Ana need 100% anti-heal when Mercy got her damage boost nerfed a while back from 50% to 30%? Or Lucio with his speed boost nerf?

You are are so hysterical and love to scapegoat this community but any time anyone has a valid complaint or opinion, you jump on them like a pack of ravaged dogs? You roping everyone into 1 category to discredit them is no better than the Devs ignoring these forums.


Regarding the heros you mentioned:

Ashe does need a Damage nerf.

Reaper’s lifesteal buff is not what he needed.

Lucio is a tough but to crack, but his underlying problem is that healing stacks and this isn’t his fault.

McCree didn’t need a fth buff either.

Why do you people overlook these valid criticisms???


thats kind of a dumb way to argue

if i cannot kill him with hanzo spamming e into his head, what can other heroes do at all to counter it aside from sleep dart?

Block him, stun him, Hack him, push him away, focus him (since apparently you´re the only one attacking him), etc


Stay with your team and don’t try to solo him. He is counted as another player for a reason. Get behind your tanks or focus him with the other dps and ask for heals. If you could immediately kill him, it would kind of defeat his whole purpose