How long is it gonna take to nerf Ashe, Lucio and Reaper?

What did you expect? a lot of heroes are getting ruined, and most of the people complaining about said heroes are always “braindead”, “no skill”, “OP”, “Nerf him to the ground”, etc

Read the rest of my post if you want me to take you seriously.

Lucio? What is so OP that Lucio, of all characters, needs a nerf? Same with Ashe. Reaper I can kind of understand, but still he isn’t that bad.

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his whole point is to be a support to ashe

not being a solo turret that can pretty much kill your whole team if he isn’t focused

obviously when the entire enemy team is dead its super easy to focus him down but they don’t allow you to do that, even enemy ana throws nade into him just to keep him alive or even nano him

there is a reason why ashe has the highest winrate in gm, JUST focusing him doesn’t cut it and she will get nerfs eventually because she is too good at it seems

He is not a support to ashe, but an added teammate. If he was just to support ashe, he would stay with her and target her targets like torbs turret. He is supposed to do his own thing, and it isn’t that hard to counter him really. Any cc shuts him down, and he is stationary so moving out of los works too. As rein, I often pin him into a corner, then shield and lead my team around the corner so he can’t see us anymore. Most points have extra rooms or places you can cc him into where he effectively becomes useless

ok then

They being idiots in how to balance a hero

He was fine until the last nerf that did the complete OPPOSITE of its intended purpose (which btw was caused by constant complains about his spam)

Yeah she was an issue in console wont argue that, but again a lot of complains rather than asking for separate balance for platforms (btw good luck getting anything in 2 years)

Thats a Mercy issue, and Dynamite is half dmg over time

I dont get this one, Charge can be strong, yes, but its really risky to use (And kinda 50-50 if it even works)

Ana could use some tunning yeah, Mercy has been just a mess, and Lucio could literally just exist and be useful

No, she is fine the way she is

I only mentioned Reaper because i know they are just gonna kill him rather than fixing the mess they caused with this buff

Only mentioned him because people want him nerfed for the same reason Doomfist got nerfed (he was good in a meta that favored him)

I didnt agreed with this, i played since day 1, and i knew this buff was gonna be a problem

bob is basically torbs old ultimate

9/10 when torb ulted you couldn’t push through the point

bob is essentially the same just even worse because he can be pointed to any direction and contest on top of that

now how does it make sense that she has this kind of ultimate and top of that has a rifle almost as good as widows that shoots almost as fast as mccree’s?

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Not really, B.O.B can get Crit, which Lv 3 turret couldnt do before, plus he can be pushed away to completely negate him

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sure turret didn’t have crit but the turret wasn’t 1200 hp

who would push him away? most of the time ashe players knows this and they place him behind you or into a corner

If you get a lot of headshots on B.O.B he goes down quite fast

Roadhog is perfect for it

yeah road is just supposed to ignore the enemy team diving into him so he can just throw bob to the side

his team would be dead before he even finished it

Could also include Lucio, Ashe, even

They being blizzard.

If blizzard is the one breaking heros is awful ways, why is the community at fault for reacting to them?

He was not fine. His ult charge rate was still too fast, which is why they then went after his projectile size, to minimize his random damage from his nades bouncing around.

So how can you say that she was a problem on consoles but then do a 180 and say that people can’t adjust to changes?

Surely you could’ve just got better at hitscan on consoles if you wanted to counter her.

So hypocritical lmao.

This thought carried in from another thread.

No, she needs a Damage nerf.

So. How. Is. This. The. Community’s. Fault?

And DF is another problematic hero mishandled by Blizzard. So I’ve again, what has this got to do with your scapegoat?

Dynamite is too much damage. So I disagree. It needs to be 175 spread across anyone hit by it. Not 175 each for everyone in range.

9/10 when bob is used

entire enemy team dives on top of you to maximize bobs damage, you cannot waste your time on him because he is way too tanky compared to the enemy team on top of you

bob in itself its not a problem when you think about ults like blade or grav but ashe is also better than most dps heroes just with her primary fire which becomes a problem

good ult and good damage with good range is absurd

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but dynamite can be outhealed and the radius is like 2 meters. utterly tiny

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Blizzard paying more attention to idiots, making them idiots

And what did that caused? the change was meant for him to require more aim (than he already needed) but only made him inconsistent and pretty much pointless to even try to aim with him, and if the ult charge was the problem then the fix was obvious THE ULT CHARGE

What i meant is that instead of asking for separate balance changes, they asked for nerfs and ended with her being pretty much worse than ever

How?, Mercy can make a lot of heroes really strong by dmg boosting them, thats not their problem, its hers


People are asking him to be trash, and knowing blizzard, its gonna happen

People was CRYING for him to be killed, and it happened, and now they are still saying that he deserved it and should remain in trash tier

That would make it absurdly weak as an AOE damage ability.

If she hits six people, that’s 12.5 explosion damage and 3.2 damage damage per second for a maximum of 16 from burning. Meaning she’d get 28.5 damage max for aiming her ability well, assuming that the entire enemy team is at the epicenter of the explosion.

It would actually be a detriment for Ashe to aim it at the center of a team.


She is really bad at short range, and most people dont know this but she has falloff

Sadly, unlike running over a healthpack, healing doesn’t stop the burn. Which means while you’re healing one person being killed by dynamite, someone else is often dying. Or you are because you cant heal always heal yourself as a healer and you cant always get to a healthpack if you just got burned.

After everyone spamming x, dynamite is the most exhausting mechanic in this game right now… and it contributes to the spam too.