How long does it usually take for blizzard to respond to a ticket?
They usually respond within 24 hours
Most tickets are responded to within 24 hours, some may take longer either due to increased customer traffic or if the issue is a complicated one that requires investigation.
If your ticket inquiry does not involve any matter of your account details directly, we may be able to help you here on the technical support forum if you can provide us with details of what you are dealing with. If the matter is about accessing or managing your account, then that most likely needs to have a response from Blizzard.
i had already sent a thing on the forums and i also was unable to send a ticket for some reason, and kaldraydis who is a technical forum agent had told me to just email him/her and basically just submit a ticket via email, so i just wanted to know how long it would take lol, its been like 2-3 days so i just was wondering xd , this was my original post Unable to hear people in voice chat - #14 by Kaldraydis-1147
EDIT: its been 5 days now and i have no idea what i should do, i’ve gotten no help either ;-;
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