How it feels to get +5 bullets

We got the same thing, but it ain’t the same.


I’m feeling the Mercy pain right now, but I’m all for improving quality of life for Zens. We are all one within the Iris. :white_heart:


Nice meme

But seriously it wasnt the buff he needed, he just needed to change targets orbs while reloading and charging


As long as he doesn’t get into the chopping block next citing discord as op but then they reduce his base dmg and firerate and probably increase time on right click.

Remove bhoop of kick or put it on 5 sec cd.

I would be fine is zen doesn’t get any spotlight.


Oh but then that would mean Dev’s listening to community , we can’t have that, they know better you all get +5 ammo.

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meanwhile the least played supports, brig & bap, remain artificially impaired.

It’s not the same because they’re different heroes. It’s like if Ashe gets an extra bullet and Tracer gets an extra bullet.

Normally I’m on the side of the Mercy mains, but I don’t get the anger right now.

Glad for the Zenny boiz out there. Ran across a 10/10 one with a soundboard the other day. May he go to bed smiling with gold damage and elims every game.

I’ve kinda been wanting to pick Zen up again for a while. Perhaps now is a good time with the Mercy shenanigans. With five extra balls, I can miss my discord target even harder. :sunglasses:

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…I’m happy with more ammo as I tend not to use volley and he is very vulnerable while reloading… :slight_smile:

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Be careful what you see OP. Mercy got +5 ammo earlier and now look at her. Your +5 ammo is just a sneak peek at what’s to come. Prepare yourself.


I don’t know about that, I had people raging at me in a match earlier today playing Mercy, because I kept pulling my pistol out and killing them when they tried to dive me and my teammates didn’t need healing. It’s hilarious how mad people get, when they encounter someone playing Mercy who actually knows how to do something besides hold M1 and run away, especially when they lose the fight multiple times

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This is an intelligent take. Keep my boi out the damned spotlight. Shh :shushing_face:

Nobody needs to know.


Zen gets +5 throwy orbs.
To compensate, we now put a CD on his discord orb.

This GA change will absolutely dumpster her.

You don’t think the healing changes will help mitigate the GA nerf?

How do you think they will? I’m not asking rhetorically, I actually am not sure I see it.

Her time to heal is effectively the same, and the GA nerf nerfs rez as well. Also her high healing rate still doesn’t compare to the burst healers, so I don’t think she works as an emergency healer? I feel like this makes her a DB bot with an escape tool.

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Two things.
First, her regen was already better than the support one. Basically what you did was avoid damage and heal off when you got knicked by something.
Now, you heal ONLY if the target you are healing is ALSO being healed. and if they are above %50, it isn’t a lot.
If something is hitting you, that like… 16hps? Is not going to outheal any damage really. Especially if there is no one to heal or only you are being focused.

The other issue is the long break between use, the CD starts when you touch the ground, is going to feel like hell. It’ll be dangerous moving from ally to ally to keep them safe. So, for Mercy to stay safe, she wont.

My general impression is that now Mercy isn’t always gonna have to run away, there’s gonna be times where healing and soaking up damage are superior.

But I could be wrong.

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It might be interesting if she could effectively tank some damage like that(I haven’t looked into it). I’m not sure if that would be a preferable play style for either side, but maybe it could work with the right numbers.


That will only be in Valk she gets that level of out healing damage on herself. ( The Ult, she is already basically unhittable in it unless say McCree or Soldier Ults which you’ll probably still die.) In normal means, you are only self healing from one target. The moment you are hit, that support passive isn’t working and only your 16hps is healing you.

You ever just kinda… bursted or full auto’d someone with a zen orb on them? and that’s 45 Hps.

Honestly, I rather she not.
If she got tanky enough to heal off damage while being consistently shot at, she’s basically invincible. She’s already kinda hard to hit. Either you have durability or mobility. You can’t really do both well.
and if they made her just a tanky support I mean… is that really Mercy?
or fun, to be just standing there healing someone and negating all the damage someone is shooting at you?

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