How is this even possible?

I’ve been on a massive losing streak in all roles this season, but the last game I played was the absolute last straw for me. I can’t even begin to explain how tilted I am.

Hollywood, attack. We were almost on overtime and I was running back from spawn as Mccree after I had been killed during my ult (I had gotten 2 picks tho). My team killed rest of the enemy team and were capping the point.

Then, enemy Moira comes to contest ALONE and succesfully kills my WHOLE team with orb and coalescence. My team lost a 5v1. HOW BAD do you have to be to not be able to kill one person??? We didn’t cap the point. I’m telling you if I had been in voice chat I’d be permabanned for abusive chat by now…


Reminds me of when my entire team was pushing the payload on overtime, but i got headshotted by widow and died, and I then saw how my entire team left the payload to chase after one moira and the overtime ended. It made me so sad :frowning:


Did you have a massive win streak last season?

I had a massive win streak on a secondary account. Like an 83% win rate in a season. Season after, placements were full players who had zero clue how to play, followup matches were the same. Players who couldn’t play even the most remote basics, against players who could play in general.

I just came to the conclusion, that the matchmaker was using me to counterbalance bad players.

I was quite literally tasked with carrying the worst players in the entire online mode.

In this sense, I quit playing seriously in competitive. Ever.

I mean what’s the point of performing incredibly well, when the season after I get used like a losing anchor for people?

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Yeah I won a lot more than I lost last season, and this season I’ve noticed that I often get teams that are obviously worse than the enemy team. Not to be the person who always blames the team for losing, but it seems to be the case for now… like you have no excuse to lose a 5v1 no matter who it’s against. Of course you could say that I should’ve been there to kill that Moira myself, but like, my team shouldn’t need my help for that.

I don’t think I’m gonna play that much comp this season anymore, since I don’t wanna find myself in the depths of gold lol.

Play Hanzo. Eazy peasy

I went from near diamond to low plat, after I climbed from low gold to high plat in one season. On all 3. Healer I had to put the most work in.

The matchmaker is an absolute joke. Makes me wonder if I was just on the other end last season. Maybe I didn’t even earn a single win. Maybe the entire game was just rigged in my favor. The enemy team probably had one poor sap that did incredibly well the season before, and 5 players who didn’t belong. The entire season.

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Is this yet another hidden “nerf moira” thread?

5 people being killed by a lonely moira had to be all afk and standing in line, coal doesn’t even last that long to kill people individually. Even worse, she had to run to the point with her ultimate to prevent a cap, but 5 people didn’t lift a finger?

I call shenanigans. It’s like mercy killing a whole team in valkyrie lmao.

Maybe that was aimbotting moira? Oh, wait…

I need the replay code. Please