How is mercy now "unfun"?

Well, this is the point where our opinions usually differs. But i am happy to see that you are listening. Again, thank you.

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Remove all the unfun aspects of it
The bonus regen, the chain beams and the duration
COmpnsation buffs can mke it be at least tolerable if you link a double (or single but I still want to try double) rez

I disagree. Double edged sword mechanics can make it powerful without being too powerful.

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You could get taht same feeling of flying by going to WOW and getting a flying mount. It’s disengaged gameplay plain and simple

Apparently pressing Q was an extreme amount of fun for them for some reason.


Because it is a dead end. There have been threads about that as well.

It was incredibely fun and what we got to replace it not only dosen’t live up to that Q press but it takes away the enjoyment of the base kit.

  1. That sounds more like a lack of imagination, rather than a design limitation.
  2. I’ll never understand why Mercy mains focus on walls of text. When usually devs completely ignore those.
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If I want to fly I can play Pharah. She doesn’t even need an ult to fly.
If I want to do AoE healing I can play Lucio or Moira. Again, they don’t need their ults to do AoE healing.

Not to mention Valkyrie encourages the player to disengage -the exact opposite of what they promised with this rework- and removes most (if not all) of Mercy’s main weaknesses.

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Actually, there are many Mccree players who would prefer that over Deadeye so this isn’t the best comparison.


Well the devs tried a powerful version of valk and it was broken beyond everything the game ever saw. I have no idea myself how to make valk a powerful and interesting ult without breaking the game. Since I dont want Mercy a must-pick again I rather go back to a design that had less problems.

What should we do then? They said they would listen to our feedback so people started making threads with detailed feedback or how you call it “walls of text”. If they dont want that should we all just spam “#revertMercy” on end? Because that sounds way worse than detailed feedback to me.


If it was, then nobody would be complaining since Valkyrie is still bound to Q.

I disagree. Valkyrie in itself (fly + chain beams + longer ranges) is unfun. I don’t see how to make it fun without killing Valkyrie.

Where you see walls of text, I see very detailed thread that explains the issues.
Anyway, we’re on the forums, who even expect some acknoledgement from the devs ?

Eh, mass rez made the rest of her play feel better as you constantly had that feeling of building up to the big moment and how valuable gaining ult charge felt. And while her mobility is technically better, the fluidity was harmed by the slow and cast-time nerf to rez.

Plus, partly because of the value of mass rez and partly due to her having being much more vulnerable before GA buff and Valk, playing Mercy was just generally a much more intense and fast paced experience.

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To be honest, posts that are formatted to look like patch notes, with visuals, along with succinctly describing the problem-solution-result.

Along with showing why other options are problematic.

I’d love a supercharged gun over “Press Q to respawn/instareload”. Autoaim ults are lame.

She’s always been a very popular character, but she’s on her tenth nerf, and people are demanding even more nerfs.

I came to Overwatch after the 9th nerf, that is the one before this recent one. I can safely say that she’s not as fun to play now because she’s a single target healer except while in Ultimate, but her single-target healing cannot win a tug-of-war against a decent DPS. You basically have a single-target healer who can’t keep her team alive like she could befoer the 10th nerf, the nerf was 17% less healing.

I personally one-trick Mercy, and this situation has forced me to keep on my toes much more than before, and I do win games. BUT, the price of this was that before I placed safely in Silver, now I am in Bronze. Probably won’t get out of Bronze, either.

Ultimately the game is about fun; I love Mercy and I’ll keep playing her. But, it IS true that while people before were scrambling to take Mercy first, right now I am not seeing that anymore. If they make a change to her later, I hope they reverse the 17% healing reduction, because I think at that point she was good to play and balanced. Now, I personally don’t think that balance is the same.


So kill Valkyrie, but make it still be Valkyrie. Fix it.


  • 100 heals per second
    • No chain beams
  • Zero cooldown on Guardian Angel
  • 20% faster flight speed
    • No permaregen
    • Half of normal beam length
  • 40% damage boost
  • 8 second duration

Same thing, if slow Rez feels bad, then fix it.

Secondary Ultimate: Resurrect

  • Ult Charge high enough to average 5 ults per game
  • 0.5 second cast time

I love Valkyrie

I love being able to fly around for a few seconds, and everyone dying anyway because I don’t heal enough

I like being able to contribute to the team in a way that has no impact, so I don’t step on anyones toes

Why dont you make some good suggestions and lets ee how fun and balanced you make Valkyrie. Dont worry I’ll wait…

That’s op.

That’s… literally a nerf.
Ulting nerfs Mercy. Please don’t give bad ideas to Blizzard.

Why should Mercy have 2 ultimates ?