I’m not a huge fun of spears, but I think it would fit for a tank. Spear and shield. A normal solid shield noone can shoot through.
There are tons of spears in the game:
Zarya - Laser spear
Winston - Tickle spear
Mercy - Healy spear
Reinhardt - SPEAR!
Zenyatta - That flap between his legs isn’t decorative…
Reinhardt does in certain skins more or less
there is no thrust attack in the game.
Brigitte boop is a thrust
I think some sort of Spartan/Roman themed soldier would be interesting.
Maybe they can throw the spear and then teleport to it?
judging from how the last two melee heroes have been very controversial in almost every regard, i don’t think we’ll get another one. at least for a while.
not to be that guy, but not a spear.
(had to look it up cuz i assumed its a glaive) but i found its a Guandao, a weapon used by the Guan yu (the General this skin is based on) and is used in chinese martial arts.
We’re done here. Thread is finished.
If you really want to get technical, a spear is a type of polearm that can be either a slashing, bludgeoning or piercing (stabbing or thrusting) weapon. As far as spears are concerned, Reinhardt’s costume skin fits.
He’s talking about a main attack. What else you got?
if you really really wanna get technical
then no, a spear is just a stick with a point at the end. its a very specific term, but a spear can be put on another weapon.
as for your examples.
if it slashes, its a glaive.
if it bludgeons, its a mace or a club.
if it peirces then yes, its a spear.
it it peirces and slashes, then its a polearm or a halberd
other solo thrusting weapons include: pikes, lances, javelins (which are for throwing)
if you used reinhardts weapon for thrusting, it would do that well, its not pointy.