I’m of the mindset that no character is ever a no-skill hero. Every character has a distinct set of variables that they have to focus on, and while some characters may have more mechanically inclined elements, it balances out by making positioning and teamplay elements far more important for the other characters. Mercy is just as skilled as Genji, Bastion is just as skilled as Zarya. They’re just focusing on completely different gameplay elements. This isn’t to say that a character would be overpowered or not, however.
That being said, personally, and this is coming from a person who most plays Mercy/Lucio/Zen (i.e heroes with slow/moderate speed projectiles), Hanzo feels extremely forgiving as a projectile character. I’ve played him quite a bit in DM and once or twice in comp to great success, although I’m not a fan of playing DPS - just isn’t an enjoyable playstyle for me.
You’ve got an extremely high alpha, capable of oneshot headshotting the majority of the cast, or at the very least doing quite a bit of damage very quickly. It’s not like Hanzo requires pixel-perfect precision anyway, so merely aiming at roughly upper chest height is enough to accidentally get headshots on the majority of characters.
His new Storm Arrow ability takes what little skill was required to land a scatter and removes even that, while also giving him incredible CQC damage. It’s an ability that’s extremely forgiving by giving high damage follow up shots with an extremely low TTK.
Even his movement - the minor downside to Hanzo was that if dived, he had difficulty moving away in the majority of situations. Now with the leap, combined with his old wallclimb ability, he’s more difficult to dive while still retaining some incredible CQC capabilities as well as with range.
Said all that to say this, there’s a thousand variables that go into how each character is played in Overwatch. Effectiveness at range, alpha damage, movement capabilities, team cohesion, positioning, utilities, so on and so on. What they’ve done with Hanzo is remove the vast majority of the danger to playing outside of Hanzo’s intended role.
Hanzo is no longer punished for playing CQC, something that used to be his weakness. In fact, he’s almost more effective in that range to guarantee the shots connect.
Hanzo is no longer punished for poor positioning. He now has two incredibly powerful movement abilities - one of which is completely independent from his own positioning, giving it far more flexibility.
Hanzo is no longer punished for missing shots, due to Storm Arrow being on such a short cooldown.
Hanzo’s arrow velocity buff means that he’s far more capable of fulfilling a hitscan role (i.e. anti-pharah, specifically), due to shots ending up closer to center mass.
Again, I don’t think that any hero is a ‘no skill hero’. Personally I think that anybody that claims that x or y hero is a no skill hero is just having ego problems because they want to feel superior to someone else. But Hanzo is a strange case where his downsides are now nearly nonexistent, making him a must pick character in the vast, vast majority of circumstances. Due to this, he’s a much easier character to play at the moment as his playstyle no longer revolves around trying to avoid his weaknesses.
I think once we see some balance tweaks to change up Storm arrow a bit to be less of a CQC destroyer, he’ll be in a much better place. Right now he feels like Mcree 1.0.