How is genjis dash fair

something literally unblockable and without a telegraph. how is that fair. explain it to me.


Because he ends up in melee range with no way out, so he is easily punishable. Also it does 50 damage which isnā€™t a lot compared to something like hitscan.


Ability itself isnā€™t too bad. Would argue that the actual worst part of it is if you get a kill OR an assist it comes off of cool down. And itā€™s not like totally broken, but rather a bit weird that itā€™s the only ability like it.


50 damage is a quarter or more of most heroes health pool. itā€™s nothing to shrug at it. people cry about mcrees extra 25hp and call it OP. why is genji being able to do 50 damage with 0 counter balanced?


50 damage is nothing because of how easily it can be healed up. Most supports can heal it in one second. Have you seen mccree who can deal 70 or even 140 damage per shot, without having to be in close range?

Two completely different things. McCreeā€™s health buff is OP because it allows him to live through more damage than he should when combined with all he other buffs heā€™s gotten, and how strong fan the hammer is.

There are counters. Almost every hero has a counter. Tanks can just walk off the damage, and probably kill him. Almost every DPS can either escape like Ashe, Hanzo, or Tracer, or they have anti-close range counters like Junk, Torb, Mei, Doom.

And supports have tools as well. You can just nade yourself as ana and the dash damage is already healed and you might even damage Genji. Baptiste can literally place ā€˜Eā€™ on the ground and live. Brig has probably 3 ways of countering it. Lucio can boop him back and speed away from him. Mercy can fly away if thereā€™s a teammate around. Moira can fade and orb herself. Zen has the highest chance of dying, but heā€™s the most punishable support in the game anyway. Any peel really will just negate the damage and probably make him lose the duel.


I just wish it were easier to visually see him going up to you mid-dash. I play above 144hz and it still is just a blur to me.

Blizzard doesnā€™t know the definition of fair. Thats why their game is so unfun to play


Because Genji doesnā€™t have a primary fire that snipes you from 20m away, or a flashbang + FTH combo that deletes you when youā€™re within 10m of him. Mccree was balanced because he was squishy, so he was high-risk; high-reward. Now Mccree is high reward without the high risk.

Anyways to answer your question; dash is balanced becauseā€¦

  1. Heroes have escape tools (Lucio, Mercy, Moira, etc.)
  2. Heroes have CC/Boops to stop the Genji from following up (Brig, Mccree, Junkrat, etc.)
  3. Some heroes are tanks and donā€™t care about 50 damage.
  4. Teammates which can easily out-heal Genjiā€™s low sustained damage or use damage mitigation abilities.
  5. Genji lacks the TTK/in-combat mobility required to follow up on dash unlike Doomfist (who normally deals 100+ damage with slam + uppercut with a better primary fire), Echo (who has a better primary fire, the highest DPS ability in the game, and a 200 DPS laser) or Tracer (a far higher damage primary fire + the highest in-combat mobility in the game).
  6. His primary engage tool is also his escape tool, which limits when he can dash into enemies.

I mean, Genji is pretty well-known to have one of the worst base kits in the game. No idea why anyone would complain about dash.


A melee is 30 damage a nearly 6th of a squishys health.

Shocking isnā€™t it


itā€™s not fair but people who canā€™t play real heroes need it


I think he already knows all of that, this is just a complaining post. But thanks for the effort you explained it very well.


Itā€™s not ā€œ0 counterā€, itā€™s a huge part of his mobility. Itā€™s his engage, and often his escape.

Protecting his target(healing, bubbles, body blocking, booping his fan, ect) so he canā€™t get the kill and is stranded is often a free kill. Also stuns, Hack, freeze, hook and more just ruin him.

Genji isnā€™t too scary outside of Blade, just donā€™t let him sit highground and farm that all game.


well lets not forget he has deflect, double jump, wall climb, faster than normal run speed, and getting a kill (or someone getting a kill on someone he damaged) resets dashā€¦ I wouldnā€™t say he has ā€œno way outā€ or is easily punishable


Swift Strike is always going to be followed up by the 180Ā° melee. Both are AOE cleave damage, so 50 + 30 = 80 AOE cleave damage. Which is 40% of most of the castsā€™ health. Not a bad chunk of change at all. McCree canā€™t shoot through shields, around cover, or cleave many defensive abilities.


Genji has the most escape and movement abilities of any hero. Like this guy already mentioned.

Those are 5 legit ways he has a chance of getting away, which is more and better than any other hero in the roster.


Itā€™s not fair. It has no casting time and thus no telegraph. It canā€™t be reacted to and its CD canā€™t be reliably predicted at any level of play.

I imagine all this was supposed to be counterbalanced by the caveat that itā€™s only 50 dmg, which is fair in theory. But any Genji with a couple dozen hours of practice knows the full squishy instakill combo. No one is going to take only 50 dmg when Genji comes zooming in.


There are many unfair abilities in this game. The problematic ones are on heroes than can force an encounter at their leisure, and the truly problematic ones are on heroes than can both force AND leave an encounter at their leisure.

He has wall climb, which requires an actual wall to be nearby and a place he can climb to, or else he falls back down. He also canā€™t attack and the enemy can shoot or stun him in the process. Double jump is literally just a higher jump, itā€™s not an escape. The normal run speed has a borderline unnoticeable effect in a duel or mid fight. Deflect sure most people canā€™t shoot him (even tho beams and most abilities can work around it), but itā€™s not an escape. And dash reset doesnā€™t count because the enemy isnā€™t dead yet. If he goes in for the kill, he HAS to get the kill, and there are so many abilities that counter him that itā€™s unlikely for him to do so


A melee does 1/6 of an enemiesā€™s health, itā€™s now op.