How is anyone surprised? Like, seriously

How is this Support-a-Streamer thing bad? It supports content creators which are what primarily bring in new players to the game that might’ve not heard about it otherwise or didn’t have the confidence to try something new without seeing their favorite content creator try it out in a stream or video.

Wonder why this game is dead? Because almost no one is going to pay for Overwatch anymore because almost everyone they know in their social circle doesn’t play the game and says that it’s dead. None of their favorite content creators play the game anymore because they also think that it’s not fun and that it’s dead. This program, if implemented correctly, will bring more content creators back to Overwatch with an incentive and therefore bring back people who used to play this game but quit and/or bring in new people that haven’t even played Overwatch before.

I get it that people hate the fact that this skin is paywalled, but that’s the future of the game and that’s what is almost certainly going to make this game healthier. Being free-to-play will make the game more money and therefore we will get more content and more balance patches. Look at every other eSports title in the world right now, they’re all free-to-play.

Also, don’t know if I’m understanding this correctly but people keep bringing up the fact that the “Overwatch forums opinions don’t matter”, which I think is pretty stupid. Wow, they released something that they knew would make people mad on here? Maybe half of this forum wouldn’t be so upset over something that is so blatantly good for the games future if they would stop tunnel visioning and hating on the company that made a really good game and want to do better now.


Like seriously, don’t you guys have wallets? Just chill for a bit and pay these streamers bro


You know what would also support content creators and bring new players to the game? Beta codes like they did last time. You know, free beta codes.


Right, no one is asking you to pay for the streamer though? Can’t tell if your response to my thread is making fun of me or something because of the Blizzcon “Don’t you guys have phones?” thing.

Want the skin? Shell out the $15 for it. Want to support content creators? Shell out the money for it. Want the skin and want to support content creators? Shell out the money for it.

Don’t want the skin and hate content creators? No one asked you to spend money!

I think we’re just gonna have to deal with flare-ups of people malding over paid skins for the next 3 months.


Wonder why this game is dead? Because almost no one is going to pay for Overwatch anymore because almost everyone they know in their social circle doesn’t play the game and says that it’s dead. None of their favorite content creators play the game anymore because they also think that it’s not fun and that it’s dead.

This event isn’t gonna change this. What would make OW not be ‘ded game lul’ to non-OW players would be if Blizz just left the beta up and let the game speak for itself. People want to play and watch OW2, and Blizz moronically just won’t let them.

now it’s just gonna be even more “OW so ded game blizz has to bribe streamers to play it lul”

At least with the first Beta key drop and OWL stuff, there is a chance people would stick around and actually watch since they had to leave it open anyways. Now they’re just gonna throw out some subs, either to sock puppet accounts or people who already play OW, and dip.

If anyone hasn’t figured it out yet, OP is a shill.

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Who knew Markiplier was an OW player

if they want people to promote their game they could try… you know, paying them

I suspect the marketing budget has been cut, substantially


That is literally what a support-a-creator program is.

Where’s my option to get the skin if I want it, but don’t want to support some randoms on the internet?

You’re a great type of consumer for Blizzard btw. I’m happy they have their audience. “Just don’t buy it bruh”. Continue following the consoomer manual!

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Then you don’t get the thing you want without paying for it. Just like in real life.

Its literally the same people malding in every thread, its actually becoming laughable lol, man Andy was right, this is literally like 50 ppl on the forums when overwatch has like a community of at least 20-30k dedicated right now. Ill wait for the opinion of the masses k


the difference is the company normally pays to advertise its products

the customer doesn’t normally pay to be used as an advertising platform

(other than say, branded t-shirts…)

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As if Bobby Kotick was ever lavish with Overwatch’s budget.

But yeah, let’s say they had a direct purchase skin. Then Bobby doesn’t give the OW team a proportionally larger marketing budget, and instead purchases a 5th Yacht.

By comparison, this Twitch style approach isn’t contingent on begging Kotick for budget.


I suspect we have almost completely reconstructed the meeting in Irvine where this was thought up

Did you ever see anything about me NOT willing to pay for that skin? Can you read?

Then you don’t get it, simple as that. Stop crying about it.

This guy has it sorted out, I should be able to get whatever I want without having to do the thing I need to do to get said thing.

I feel like I’m talking to a chat bot. You barely can follow the dialogue.

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