How is 5v5 ever going to work with 1 tank

When OW2 comes out there will be probably 3 new tanks and a couple new supports. I worry about the fact that there will be a roster full of tanks and you can only pick 1 so I feel like alot of tanks might not get used very often. Road hog and Zarya might be just become throw picks that no one uses

Sadly, they most likely wont adress any of those issues, they definitely want the game to be more fast paced, aka a kill fest. They reduced ReinĀ“s barrier and i wouldnt be surprised if they did the same for Sigma and straight up removed OrisaĀ“s barrier. Healing will most likley be reduced and damage will either be kept as it is or even buffed (wasnt Ana doing like 110 damage per shot?)

I honestly dont know how the DPS playr will react once we get to that point, rn they are happy because they have more liberty but chances are they will be blowing up in seconds just like tanks, especially due to the reduced barrier health and one less tank to protect them.