How i'd balance the Support Role

I am not fond of this change as I find perma heals through shields unfair to the other two main healers . If it was short durations, I’m fine.

Nor this change as mercy heals fine and performs well across the board

I think baptiste is also very balanced. I don’t think this buff is needed.

Love this but that’s not really balance

How come there suddenly is just one support?

Also, Brigitte’s survivability is generally higher just by comparing their attributes. How long you’ll survive as Brigitte or Moira depends on your capabilities, not the hero themselves.

Fine. If you already had Moira, take Baptiste. Now you have a ridiculous amount of healing and a defensive sort-of-ult so you don’t all get nano bladed.

Using support ultimates against nano blade almost never pays off, unless it’s Zenyatta, who has somewhat a chance against it, if Genji doesn’t hit dash+slice combos.

You can either chain CC him or rely on your other team’s roles. For example, solo graving a nanoblade pays off very well.

I think these changes are all fair for 222. But I thought Lucio already kept momentum from walls if you timed your jump while hitting the ground?

edit: yep just tried it again. you can definitely keep your momentum if you press space right when you touch the ground. it’s tricky because if you miss you basically come to a standstill.

Interesting. Still, from how you made it sound, it’s tricky and punishing, so maybe they should make it smoother.

Care with this one, it technically already has a 10 sec cooldown because cooldown starts on use and has a 5 sec uptime. 13 sec CD should be fine so it at least has a 8 sec downtime.

Immortality field can help. Nano or no nano, Genji can’t kill anyone until someone kills the drone, which can save at least one person and possibly everyone if the drone is behind a barrier and Genji doesn’t immediately target it, or the delay before he kills it lets people counter.

These are all just to make some heroes stronger, not necessarily balanced.

lucio bunny hoping already exists in the game

I mean she obviously does if she’s got the highest death average of any support even when having a 500 HP barrier on live and 250 total HP. Nerfing her survivability even further like what the PTR is doing is rather dumb.

Mercy has been able to heal through shields since forever.

I think:

Mercy 55hps or 60hps

Moira healing orb cleanses status effects on the initial tick. Something for damage orb but I don’t think it really needs anything.

Brig 350 shields

Baptiste 12 second regen burst cooldown.

So basically I agree with everything except the moira buff. Healing through shields is mercy’s niche

I also find mercy to be a hodgepodge mess of an off healer :woman_shrugging:t5: I do not believe mercy should be a main healer and heal through barriers is one of the many reasons

I can agree with Ana and Baptiste possibly, but:

That’s still too much for her shield, and believe me - I don’t think she’s good on PTR atm. I her shield should be 300 HP max.

I also don’t think Mercy needs any changes as she’s balanced as she is. With 2-2-2 coming out, she’ll already be strong (as she’s proven to be in OWL) due to consistent heals and the ability to resurrect. Bumping up her and Moira’s healing is just going to make healing even stronger than it already is, making sustain heroes even worse, which then makes snipers even more mandatory.

If they dont increase her shield they should increase the range of her primary. Or turn whip-shot into her primary with no knock-back and give her another ability for a knock-back/something else.

No Ana nerfs and the Brig nerfs were fine. Uh huh… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Like those Baptiste ideas, IMO mercy only needs that 60 hps thing

wait… buff healing across the board?

no. if anything, all 7 of them should get nerfed tbh not in their play style or kits, but healing has gotten power creeped ever since ana was created. i mean the original cast was lucio zen and mercy at 50 hps. not saying thats what should happen but thats more reasonable than buffing all of them.

I think theyre mostly balanced but I still think mercy is OP

Don’t frontline with Brigitte? So much for inspire and the vast majority of her healing output. People seem to think you can just whipshot successfully every 4 seconds, despite the overabundance of shield comps.

200 HP is nothing, and losing the shield so easily doubles as a loss to her stun regularly. I can’t believe anyone would think she’s fine as is without a terrible bias against her.

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she was meant to beef up the backline if a support was getting dove and couldnt do anything about it. she was not meant to steam roll everything before her like the german blitzkrieg, which is what she did for over a year.

if the other team is diving, her inspire will be up during every team fight.

if she is just as viable against a bunker comp as she is against dive, then she is broken.