How i'd balance the Support Role


  • Pretty good at the moment. No balances changes necessary.
  • Statistic recorded for Healing Amplified/Denied in a Game/Match. Would show how much an Ana would help another support with her nade or how much she denies enemy healing.


  • Lower cooldown on Regenerative Burst, to around 10 to 12 seconds.
  • More horizontal mobility during a crouch jump, so that it doesn’t just make you a clay pidgeon for the snipers every time you ever go up in the air.


  • New kit isn’t really bad. Not many suggestions atm except…
  • Buff bash damage to 30
  • Buff shield health to 350 - 400.


  • Allow Lucio to more easily maintain momentum from a wallride (i.e. make bunnyhop a little easier/more consistent)
  • MAYBE revert the speed nerf


  • Pretty good all around. No suggestions.
  • MAYBE revert the discord nerf.


  • Allow Moira to heal through enemy shields again.


  • Revert HpS to 60
  • Allow Mercy some leniency for the final milliseconds of Rez. Far too often at the last possible moment do you die during a rez, and even though the animation seems complete, the Rez still doesn’t go through, and the Mercy feels cheated. Allowing a tad bit of leniency during the final frames will assist in this.

I like most of these but the changes to Mercy. I think Mercy is fine and doesn’t need adjustment (although if Moira is also buffed I don’t object to a healing buff to Mercy).


I feel the 60 hps buff is a must for the 2-2-2 setting Role Queue will enforce.

The other suggestions for Mercy are just my own ideas for what i feel would make Mercy feel better. But the 60 HpS is the only thing i think she absolutely NEEDS.

(Note: This comment was in regards to a rework idea i had in the OP prior, that i have since edited to only be ideas for the current kit of Mercy)


I don’t think she needs it (you can still play two main supports and Mercy is increasingly looking like the best off support) but if Moira is buffed she might need it then to keep up.

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This isn’t really a viable argument, since jumping generally makes your movement very predictable, thus much easier for snipers to hit you, no matter how good your horizontal mobility is when jumping.


Is this just a revert Mercy thread in disguise?

Also, a change I think is needed is for Ana. The cooldown of Ana’s nade should start on impact, not when she throws it. Throwing it up in the air and hitting it allows for more anti-heal debuff uptime, which can be pretty game changing.


As someone who play all main supports it’s pretty solid. Would add some more changes and QoL, but overall nice.


I like most of the changes, except the mercy changes are way out in left field. This isn’t a balance to the support roster, this is a complete rework. A complete rework to an already really well balanced hero. Just… Why??

Very well. I will limit my balance suggestions to cureent kits of characters rather than suggest reworking them. Give me a sec to edit the OP.

This is just a disguised mercy rework post lol


Does that mean I have to live with the abomination of current rez and Valk?

Sad bunny is sad


Sorry, i’m not a big fan of it either, as they both feel very much so against her playstyle of being, a hyper mobile single target healer…but oh well.

Not anymore, seeing as people were taking unkindly to my suggestion of a rework. So rather, i am now just suggesting the HpS revert and some leniency on Rez.


Not as bad as I was expecting.

Most people who post mass balance suggestions usually hyper gut their least favorite and hyper buff their main, so props for not doing that.

I’d honestly not want any of these as I think most of them are balanced. Maybe the brig shield should be at 300, but that’s about it.

That being said, if they did implement these, I wouldn’t complain.

I like all these changes. Defenitely can agree that Mercy could use a hps buff for 2-2-2, if they want her to actually be a main healer.


I wasnt even saying it was a problem, most of these changes are pretty good, the lucio one i dont agree with, hes my most played hero and i think this would make him really annoying to play against.

Brig needs at least 400, she’s going to be a trainwreck if she goes to live in this state.

I actually don’t play Lucio that much, but when i did play him again the other day, he felt sluggish and slower than prior. I then saw after looking it up that they nerfed his speed boost on everything but the wall, and that the main complaint in response to that was that it felt as though Lucio lost his speed too easily after coming off a wall. My suggestion is in response to that.

Yall need to accept that Brig is not supposed to be a tank and Brig is not supposed to have a 75% shield uptime.

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She has to be a tank hybrid. If she’s not she’s just an off support with no utility and no defensive ult, which is to say, useless.

Why can’t she be a hybrid? Zenyatta is a hybrid.


The whole point of 2/2/2 is to get rid of hybrids.

She doesn’t have to be a hybrid and yes, she does have utility… armor, duh

Also, how is Zenyatta a hybrid, again?

I do disagree on the absolute minumum it can be for her tostill be viable s (350 is good enough in my opinion), but asking for a higher health shield on a melee hero so they don’t get it destroyed immediately is not an unreasonable request.

Having a shield doesn’t make a hero a tank. By that logic, symmetra must be a tank seeing as she has a shield.

No, Brigitte is a melee only hero. As such, she needs some form of survivability. And seeing as having a higher self heal would encourage the tanking she should not have been doing, having a higher health shield is a fair alternative.