How I would balance Overwatch

I am also a tank main but I think everyone’s feelings on each role is valid even if they don’t play as them because how they feel to play against is also very important.

I disagree with him being trash, but I do agree that every other tank is pretty gutted compared to before. I disagree that Immortality is what keeps him strong, What makes him strong imo is he has double the shields of every other tank while also being the toughest tank to kill in the game without it in regards to his total hp. I’m just worried that with 3 second shatter it will force you to mirror but 75 hammer damage and 500 hp for 3 second shatter can definitely be playtested

You said my suggestion would and I quote “makes his shield rlly bad imo” and now it will make him fit into every team comp? Sigma is really hard to play into Zarya and Zarya already fits into every team comp and you think she’s fine.

Ooooooh my b, I thought you meant Winston is too big brained for any diamond and below player to comprehend his kit haha. I think tanks should be more viable even when the meta doesn’t favor them and this should help.

When I said could be better, I didn’t mean to make her more viable, idk if this change would make her stronger or weaker, she’d just be a tank that can tank more but has to work harder towards getting charge, I think that’s a healthy redistribution of power imo

First, you shouldn’t say “oh you think stickies are balanced? You no longer can have any good ideas because I disagree on one thing you said.” I don’t need to trust you if I disagree and vice versa, you should only not trust me if I’m being inconsistent with my opinions which I don’t think I am but if you notice any double standards then lmk I’d love to update this some more. And since this one opinion is so important to you and the only thing that factors into whether or not you trust my opinions even after you agreed with a few, why are stickies such a unbelievably overpowered ability? I think they’re genuinely fine.