How I would balance Overwatch

Before you read.

  1. Things written in bold means I’m not as confident on that specifically or shouldn’t be taken as seriously as the other changes. If you disagree with the idea then you don’t have to explain yourself, I’d rather you comment on the things not written in bold instead.
  2. If I have multiple ideas for a hero, I will suggest two ideas and call them path 1 and path 2. Path 1 is more tame. Path 2 is something crazy. If one doesn’t seem like a good idea then you can go with the other one instead.
  3. The fact that you or I think “x hero is fine and doesn’t need changes” is irrelevant. Remember this because a lot of my changes are or can be unnecessary but I put them anyways because I think they’d be fun, balanced, or an overall improvement to the feel of the hero and more importantly the enjoyment you get from fighting them. If you disagree then you can explain why and I’ll change my post or tell you why I disagree.
  4. If you want to write about how I made one character worthless or overpowered, remember that
    • A. You or I can’t playtest this, only theory craft ideas which may or may not work.
    • B. If you are 100% certain an idea can’t work, Explain why, build your case with honest statements that even if I disagree, I can understand where you’re coming from. If you only say "you ruined this character so badly that I don’t even have anything to say " then your opinion means even less than mine as I actually have an argument to explain why I feel this way about “x” character.


  1. Go backwards on powercreep.
  2. Make tanks less likely to have gold damage medals and live longer without reliance on healers, make supports have less healing output overall but with the bonus of stronger traits in different areas, and make DPS more valuable of a role.
  3. Find an equal balance of shooting shields and shooting tanks.
  4. Give some heroes new changes that will make them feel fresh.
  5. Have more consistent rules when it comes to changes and abilities (Orisa can’t farm ult while hers is active while Torb, Ashe and Ball can for example, LMK if I miss any)
  6. Take away headshots versus heroes that can’t consistently land all their shots at range even if they’re aiming perfectly at the head. (shotguns, weapons with big spread, compensate with damage if necessary.)
  7. Make all or at least most ranks satisfied with enough comp viability
  8. Remove hard counters. Hard counters encourage toxicity and make the game worse for everyone.
  9. Make heroes less lame, (micro missiles are lame, regen field is lame, sym teleporter that saves you 3 seconds of walking is lame)
  10. QOL


  • Small Health Packs healing dealt increased from 75 to 100
  • Large Health Pack respawn cooldown decreased from 15 to 10
  • Every single source of healing counts towards charging ults except regular health and the payload. (Reaper Lifesteal, blue health regen, Sombra Healthpacks, Torb Turret heals, everything that is a result of a heroes actions.)
  • All heroes receive 100% healing buff after not taking damage for 10 seconds.
  • All heroes heal 15 HPS after avoiding damage for 3 seconds. (Stacks with Blue Health regen so 45 heals if both are down.)
  • Reloads that are interrupted by anything (melee, abilities, stuns etc) continue the reload animation after it’s canceled. (If Orisa reloads for 1 second, melees, the rest of the reload will take 1.55 seconds instead of 2.55)
  • Grants players a Lucio speedboost unamped for 3 seconds if the point is capped in between 3 seconds of respawning. (trying to make long spawns not as annoying. may have worded this wrong my b but that’s the basic idea)
  • QP lets you choose which maps you want to que for, toggle whichever you want to play on then hit search, the maps you que for are saved after a game (I know this has nothing to do with balance but c’mon)
  • Comp lets you ban three maps from Que


D.Va ✓
  • Fusion Cannons
    • Weapon spread is 3.75 (4.15 as of 2021-04-23, 10% decrease)
    • Can’t headshot
      • I want to normalize her damage done versus smaller and bigger foes, headshots on shotguns are stupid.
  • Micro Laser (NEW)
    • Replaces Micro Missiles
    • After a 0.4 second animation plays, fires one hitscan laser that deals 50 damage, doesn’t have falloff and can’t headshot. E can be held to keep the shot ready and letting go fires it. Can be held up to 4 seconds, cooldown starts once laser is fired. Cannot use Fusion Cannons while active.
      • Micro Missiles are a very uninteresting ability that should never have been added. This new ability I came up with lets Farm Ult, deal meaningful damage at far range and stops from dealing insanely high damage up close. Also I like Titanfall 2.
Orisa ✓
  • Health
    • Health and Armor ratio is 250/200
      • Going with a middle ground between the health buff and shield buff, since shield isn’t fully compensated.
  • Fusion Driver
    • Damage per shot is 10 (11 as of when this was made)
    • Is now perfectly accurate
    • Movement penalty decreased from 30% to 25%
      • Made to be less tank destroying and more consistent vs smaller bodies
  • Fortify
    • Damage reduction decreased from 40% to 25%
      • Less damage overall and shield buffs make Orisa really strong defensively already
  • Protective Barrier
    • Health increased from 600 to 700
    • Interrupts Reload
      • Orisa’s Shield’s uptime is shorter than her reload animation so buffed it by 100 so it’s closer to Rein when she can get two up. New reload changes make it so she has to put even a teensy bit more agency on her shield management even if it doesn’t do much.
Reinhardt ✓
  • Rocket Hammer
    • Damage decreased from 85 to 75
      • Flat buffs that make every Rein better is dumb especially when he’s so strong in lower ranks.
  • Barrier Field
    • Rein now heals for 10% of the damage he blocked
    • Health decreased from 1600 to 1500
      • This is how you buff Rein without ruining lower ranks hero variety even further, buffs with diminishing value the worse you are at the game.
  • Charge
    • Charge control increased from 100% to 125%
    • Charge alignment changed so one side doesn’t boop as much and the other side doesn’t vacuum people up as much (QOL, it should make people question less how that pulled them in / didn’t connect)
    • Charge can be canceled.
      • Charge gains better control that better players will get more mileage with, same philosophy as the last change I mentioned.
  • Earth Shatter
    • Can be charged by holding the ult button, If held for 2 seconds or max, It goes through barriers and stun time is increased up to 3 seconds.
      • Same as the Barrier Field change, better Reins can create mindgames with this and worse ones will usually just waste it through poor play.
Roadhog ✓
  • Scrap Gun
    • Damage per pellet decreased from 6.6 to 6 (165 to 150)
    • Can no longer headshot
      • Headshots on a shotgun is stupid.
  • Take a Breather
    • Can no longer move while healing
    • Damage reduction removed
      • On live, Hog is either hard countered or stomps, I want him to be less oppressive in optimal conditions and not forced to swap vs others.
  • Chain Hook
    • Enemies are stunned for 0.4 seconds after roadhog finishes pulling them in.
      • This is to encourage Roadhog to play with his team instead of flanking as an unkillable god until Ana shows up
    • Damage decreased from 30 to 5
      • Unnecessary.
    • Cooldown decreased from 8 to 6
      • It’s cooldown is really long especially since Hog’s hook is all that he is, I buffed it and I want to see how much playtime he would get first before doing anything else.
Sigma ✓
  • Experimental Barrier
    • Cooldown when redeployed is 1.5 instead of 2
    • Health decreased from 700 to 600
      • Shield is more mobile to fix the flow of his kit but as a consequence, it is now weaker to better suit his off-tank role, how much weaker would need to be tested.
  • Kinetic Grasp
    • Duration decreased from 2 to 1.5
    • Cooldown reduced from 12 to 10
    • Hitbox matches the animation more (shooting him from the sides or back will more consistently not feed charge) (QOL)
      • I heard from someone I forget who, I think it was Flats, said that Kinetic Grasp invalidates as that’s her big draw and Sig does that too on top of more in general. So it’s going to last as long as genji’s deflect in both duration.
  • Accretion
    • Cooldown decreased from 10 to 8
    • No longer ignores Deflect, Defense-Matrix and Kinetic Grasp.
    • Rock’s size decreased to match it’s hitbox. (QOL)
      • Rock is on a shorter cooldown as Sigma will get better off-tanking, Plus there’s no reason this projectile doesn’t get affected by Genji or other Sigma’s.
Winston ✓
  • Health
    • Health increased from 350 to 400
    • Armor decreased from 150 to 100
      • Reverted the armor buff as compensation for shield buff, we can’t have Winston be meta now can we?
  • Barrier Projector
    • Health increased from 700 to 800
      • Rein lost 20% of his shield so I made Winston lose 20% as well (compared to launch), idk why he lost more shield than Rein since he had less shield to begin with than Rein.
Wrecking Ball
  • Health
    • Armor decreased from 100 to 0
    • Shields increased from 0 to 100
      • I changed my mind, I think Ball should feed like crazy, But he stays super strong, that way he still feels really strong but as punishment he makes the enemy stronger with more ults. Maybe this would make him worse maybe not, idk I can’t playtest it. I traded his armor for shields to make him easier to kill and his kit already works with shields.
  • Combat Mode (NEW)
    • Replaces Roll
    • Roll is now the basic form.
      • When Hacked, he now stays in ball form, now hacking ball literally prevents him from fighting back for 5 seconds so he’s still a very valuable hack target, he just shouldn’t have to swap now.
  • Grappling Hook
    • Knockback strength increased by 20%
    • Cooldown increased from 5 to 6
    • Grapples that don’t trigger fireball do not consume cooldown (QOL)
      • Grapple is now stronger but it has a longer cooldown before you can use it, which decreases how often he can engage on his enemies but increases the value he gets off of it every time. Also QOL since I fat finger it all the time like a clown.
  • Adaptive Shields
    • Now gives off ult-charge
      • I think this change is what he needs for him to feel better for everyone involved, he could much more consistently get kills on enemies when slammed on before it was nerfed to just be a lil extra CC and ult charge, his boop pushes you barely anywhere if you walk towards him to counter the push, all he can do rn well is roll through enemies and not die. I want him to feel more impactful with his buffs and I want people to feel better about dealing damage to him since they get their own reward with the amount of ult charge they get.
  • Minefield
    • No longer has cast time. (QOL)
      • Every time it’s canceled it’s 100% an accident, nobody can time the cancel since its only 0.1 second long and can be activated at any time.
    • No longer sticks to walls and ceilings?
    • Ult can’t be charged while mines are active
      • Consistency
    • Ult cost decreased by 10%
      • Compensation
  • Energy
    • Drain rate is 2 (it’s 1.6 I think as of when this post was made)
      • Now if she doesn’t get a singe ounce of charge for 50 seconds, she loses 100 charge instead of 80
  • Particle Cannon (Primary Fire)
    • Area of effect increased from 0.15 to 0.2
      • Weird nerf, idk why it happened.
    • Beam damage now scales from 90-170 damage-per-second, up from 75-170
      • Reverted the nerf because it’s for OW2, not 1.
  • Particle Cannon (Secondary Fire)
    • Explosion Radius reduced from 2.5 to 2
    • Projectile speed increased from 25 to 30
      • Better at landing hits outside your effective range but worse at landing shots that were too far away, a fair trade in my eyes.
  • Particle Barrier and Projected Barrier
    • Now are completely invincible and don’t give charge for the first 0.25 Seconds when it’s deployed.
      • This is so Zarya bubbles don’t earn charge before the enemy can react while also making her better at tanking.
    • Projected Barrier range decreased from 30 to 20
      • Zarya can save a teammate she is miles away from which is too strong imo.
    • Projected Barrier duration decreased from 2 to 1.5
      • Most of the time when you don’t charge a Zarya bubble, The bubble essentially makes the enemy invulnerable for 2 seconds. decreasing the duration makes it more balanced and easily beaten with her one weakness.
  • Graviton Surge
    • Duration reduced from 4 to 3.5
      • still very good ult


  • The Viper (both Primary Fire and Secondary Fire)
    • Holding down Primary Fire automatically fires the shots just like the rest of the cast (QOL)
      • I hate mashing left click specifically for Ashe, it feels unnecessary and they did a change to a weapon in paladins just like that and it felt so much better.
    • Reload Time per round increased from 0.25 to 0.3
      • I gave her a longer reload so her minor weakness of having to be careful being caught out with low ammo is a bit more relevant since it’s not even a problem anymore on live.
    • Aim down sights movement penalty increased from 25% to 30%
      • Consistency with sniper like damage heroes.
  • B.O.B.
    • Health Decreased from 1200 to 500
      • I’m lowering the health pool so that it’s more in line with everything else as nothing in this game goes up to 1200 HP that isn’t a barrier.
    • Armor increased from 0 to 250
      • B.O.B. is usually thrown face first into the enemy team, it’s kinda crazy how he didn’t have armor in the first place, this was done to work with my next two changes.
    • Duration increased from 10 to 15
      • Duration is increased to work with my next change.
    • Healing/Damaging B.O.B. gives ult charge.
      • B.O.B. can deal damage, take damage, get slept, hacked, stunned, push the payload and get healed. just like any player in the entire game. I’m going to make it so he gives off ult charge to the people who damage him and the people who heal him, B.O.B. is kind of an auto pilot ult, just throw him into the enemy team when he’s available and you want to win a fight that isn’t won yet. Since he gives off ult charge and lasts longer, he now becomes someone who you must respect as a sleep dart doesn’t basically take out 60% of the value he would get every single use. Put him in a position where he won’t feed, and still get value, buff and nerf.
    • Hitting Q while B.O.B. is active makes him retreat.
    • Ult Charge can’t be gained while B.O.B. is active.
    • Ult Cost reduced by 10%
      • Allowing Ashe to let B.O.B. Retreat can let a better Ashe call back a B.O.B. from letting him feed if used improperly. Ult charge can’t be gained while he’s active to fit more in line with other ults like Supercharger. Ult Cost is reduced as compensation.

Path 1, Cooldown

  • Coach Gun
    • Cooldown increased from 10 to 12
      • Ashe has a really strong escape option as it also pushes her foes away too. So the cooldown was increased to compensate for her really strong defensive option. (plus her cooldowns and ammo are all 12 which is neat.)

Or Path 2, Weaker

  • Coach Gun
    • Enemy Knockback Scalar reduced by 50%
      • Closing the distance on Ashe can result in you having to close the distance a second time without getting shredded, This should make her weakness more exploitable without making her helpless.
  • Health
    • Armor increased from 100 to 200
      • He now feeds more ult charge while staying as tanky. this takes the Ironclad removal in consideration.
  • Ironclad
    • Removed.
      • What a stupid passive, just give him more armor if you want him to take less damage, is it because that would make recon too op? good one, I’m sure he would make soldier irrelevant, it’s not like soldier is more mobile, accurate, smaller, can heal and shoot at the same time, while also having an ability that adds 120 burst damage available every 6 seconds.
  • Configuration
    • Bastion has 50% Damage reduction while swapping forms.
      • If you are being shot at by a Soldier, Echo, Hanzo, Ashe, etc while in sentry mode on live, you are already dead, you cannot escape or outheal their dps. With this change, if you swap forms early enough you get to live
    • Now has a 1.5 second cooldown before he can swap forms.
      • It now has a cooldown so no one can abuse the damage reduction.
  • Configuration: Recon
    • Casting time into Recon increased from 0.5 seconds to 1
      • This isn’t as bad as it sounds with the new DR
    • Ammo decreased from 35 to 20.
    • Damage reduced from 20 to 19
    • Fires Identically to Soldier 76’s Pulse Rifle
      • I’m pretty sure Bastion’s gun was identical to Soldier’s before they gave him his recoil changes. I’m changing his gun to match his but with less ammo. The goal in my eyes is to make Recon the decent long range form and his Sentry form to be an incredible close range damage tool.
  • Configuration: Sentry
    • Ammo decreased from 300 to 200
    • Falloff range reduced from 30-50 to 15-30
    • Weapon Spread is changed. Instead of the spread going from 100% to 66% after firing 40 rounds, it now goes from 66% to 100%
      • Sentry form feels completely broken and entirely useless at the same time on live. It’s too strong in lower ranks and too weak in higher ranks. Bastion’s Sentry form is for close range and if he’s set up in a good position he should be feared. If you stop him from taking space or attack him at range he becomes much weaker.
  • Self Repair
    • Resource drain rate decreased by 20%
    • Healing reduced from 90 to 75
      • Reverted buff for a powercrept environment
  • Configuration: Tank
    • Casting time decreased from 1.5 seconds to 1.2 (Tied with Tact Visor)
    • Can now be manually cancelled by hitting Q
    • Explosions are more transparent the closer you are to it (QOL)
      • I was playing Archives and his explosions stopped me from seeing anything it was crazy.
Doomfist ✓
  • Cosmetic
    • Melee attack is done by using his right hand to flick at you.
      • I thought he should flick with his right hand because it’s funny and feels more fitting than a left hook, like imagine this dude just flicks at you and you die, that’s hilarious and everybody would love it.
  • Hand Cannon
    • 10% more accurate
    • Can no longer Headshot
      • No headshots because that’s dumb on a shotgun.
  • Seismic Slam
    • (IDK how to word it but when you’re on the ground and you use Seismic Slam, he does a little jump forwards and slams compared to when you use it in the air and it forces you to do the lock on slam that goes really quickly and gives you less charge? Now you can do the slower less accurate one by tapping E without being locked onto anything)
      • Hopefully you know what I’m talking about. It is really annoying to me that I can’t do this already.
  • Rocket Punch
    • Now moved from an ability to secondary fire
    • Requires one shot in the ammo capacity to be used and drains all ammo once activated. Can only be used once all ammo is regained.
      • Doom can now be played vs Sombra.
    • Damage on punch goes from 50-100 to 75-150
    • Damage on Wall Impact removed
    • Don’t know the numbers on how far Rocket Punch send’s you backwards when hit so just reduce that by 25%
      • I think removing the one shot is healthier for the game, I removed the splat because I heard the devs were disappointed in having a character punish them using something they couldn’t see, (the wall behind them).
    • Punch now can be aimed on the vertical axis
      • Flying as doom was really fun in the April fools patch, with the rocket punch changes this would actually be balanced.
  • Meteor Strike
    • Damage changed from dealing 300 in the middle ring to 200 on the outside of the middle ring and scaling down to 0, to dealing 300 in the middle ring and scaling down to 0 at the edge of the second ring. (If you’re in the center ring, it does 300, if you’re just on the edge of the ring, it does 250 and scales down the further away you are instead of 200)
      • this change is Chipsa’s suggestion, his ult instantly dropping to 200 outside the ring feels very unnatural.
Echo ✓
  • Tri Shot
    • Projectile Speed increased from 75 to 90 (Same as Zenyatta)
    • Damage increased from 17 to 19
    • Ammo decreased from 12 to 10
    • Can no longer Headshot
      • Her spread is too much to earn the headshot bonus when not all of the shots can even land on the head even with aimbot so it’s removed, Projectile speed is increased slightly as compensation for next change
  • Sticky Bombs
    • Cooldown increased from 6 to 8
      • Sticky Bombs were toned down to be more comparable to Soldier’s Helix Rockets.
  • Flight
    • Duration decreased from 3 to 2
      • This will keep her air time lower but her escape option usually ready.
  • Duplicate
    • Cost increased by 20%
    • Echo now leaves the ult with what health she had when she used it and doesn’t reset cooldowns. (ie. if Echo has 10 hp, ults, then the ult ends, she would have 10 hp.)
      • Ult generation compensation + Here’s more new hero bias I was talking about with Sigma, if Winston leaves his ult with the same cooldowns and HP then so should Echo.

Path 1: Damage Echo

    • No additional changes

Or Path 2: Support Echo

  • Tri Shot
    • Damage decreased from 17 to 15
  • Sticky Bombs
    • Now can target teammates and gives heals equal to the damage dealt.
    • Each explosion shoots a healing mist into the air that heals allies for 20 HPS while in the effect, doesn’t stack, the effect lasts 5 seconds.
  • Focusing Beam
    • Now can target teammates and gives heals equal to the damage dealt.
      • Bliz please try support Echo, this idea actually looks really really fun and also evens out the roster. Saying Echo can’t be a support because her ult wouldn’t fly on a support and her bombs didn’t look like a support ability is a disappointing reason, it’s imo, one of the reasons damage is such a desired role even though it has the least impact overall. It just has so much variety, you have damage tanks, damage damage, damage supports, close range long range hitscan projectile, just try some experiments with Doom as a tank, Sombra as a Support etc. I promise it’ll be worth the experiment.
Genji ✓
  • Deflect
    • Deflect duration decreased from 2 to 1.5
    • Can no longer be canceled manually, instead, can be canceled with melee.
      • Deflect is reverted because I hate it on live, deflect was fine, I think Projectile speed buffs are way better at making him win more duels.
  • Swift Strike
    • Cooldown reduced from 8 to 6
      • This cyber enhanced ninja is not as quick as most heroes, especially newer ones like doom echo and ball, who will all reach point faster than him, this’ll help him catch up.
  • Dragon Blade
    • Damage dealt per swing reduced from 120 to 80
    • Rate of Fire increased from 0.9 to 0.45
    • Ult charge increased by 20%
    • Can be manually canceled by hitting Q again. (QOL)
      • Nano blade is so so strong and regular genji is so so weak, its why you’ll see clips of genjis using their ult then getting hit by grav, shatter, trans and the kitchen sink, and you’ll also see people crying on the forums about how he’s unplayable. Now he’s not as op or weak.
Hanzo ✓
  • Storm Bow
    • Move speed decreased from -30% to -45%
      • Consistency with Sniper DPS.
    • Projectile Speed increased from 110 to 125 (Reverted arrow speed nerf)
      • Now he has Sniper projectile speed since he was supposed to be a sniper.
    • Damage readjusted from 27.2-125 to 40-100
      • Now a headshot from his arrow wont instantly kill 250 HP targets unless powerboosted, but it still will kill 200 HP heroes. uncharged arrows were buffed to be like storm arrows if it wasn’t an absolutely broken ability that should never have went to live.
  • Explosive Arrow (NEW)
    • Replaces Sonic Arrow
    • Works like Sonic Arrow, next shot will create an explosion that will explode 0.75 seconds after hitting a target, (wall, enemy) functioning exactly like Ashe’s Dynamite, except Explosive Arrow has 60 damage on impact and the explosion deals 90 damage and no burn damage, Hanzo takes 50% self damage when in the radius of the explosion.
      • I finally came up with a good idea for a replacement to OP Storm Arrows that functions like Scatter Arrow was supposed to. Explosive arrow now can damage enemies behind cover and inside buildings without killing tanks in one shot just for aiming at their toes. What do you guys think?
Junkrat ✓
  • Frag Launcher
    • Projectile Speed increased from 25 to 35 (As fast as Pharah’s Primary Fire on live)
    • Projectile now damages himself.
      • Buff projectile speed until it makes up for 1 Concussion Mine._
  • Concussion Mine
    • Can only have one charge instead of 2
    • Now deals 50% self damage if it hits both an opponent and Junkrat
      • Doubling an abilities usage is dumb. The Mine self damage nerf is to punish him for playing in point blank range vs enemies while keeping it as a safe movement tool.
  • Steel Trap
    • Root duration reduced from 3 to 2.5
    • Damage increased from 80 to 120
    • Health decreased from 100 to 75
      • Trap is one of those super old abilities that haven’t been changed much, I made it’s damage higher but at the cost of locking you in place for less time and being gone faster once you notice it.
McCree ✓
  • Health
    • HP decreased from 225 to 200
      • This change was unnecessary when they originally added it let alone in this overall nerfed patch
  • Peacekeeper
    • Reload speed increased from 1.2 to 1.5
      • Same as above note.
  • Combat Roll
    • Invulnerable during Roll, Doesn’t cleanse.
      • It always should’ve done this imo, this or a damage reduction, it’s like smash bros now so that’s neat.
Mei ✓
  • Cyro-Freeze
    • Duration decreased from up to 5 seconds to 4
    • Cooldown decreased from 12 to 11
      • I reduced the time both Mei and the enemy have to wait for it to be over but to compensate it’s cooldown is decreased.
  • Ice Wall
    • Jumping while on top of the wall 0.25 seconds after it is deployed launches you 6 meters into the air.
      • Mei isn’t able to reach highground after using her wall in a few places. This will help her reach Highground more consistently on most maps.

Path 1: Damage Mei

  • No additional Changes

Or Path 2: Tank Mei

  • General
    • Moved to the Tank Role
      • More tanks yay
    • Character size increased by 15%
      • Giant Mei mmm
  • Health
    • Increased from 250 to 400
      • My tank Mei is very very flawed, but she evens out the tank roster and I’m sick of only being able to play as half the roster because tank and support are the only roles I can que for without having to wait 5 minutes. Maybe Tank role would be more popular if their views on what makes a tank wasn’t so strict.
Pharah ✓
  • Health
    • Increased from 200 to 250
      • Health is increased because it makes sense and also helps with the new playstyle adjustment.
  • Rocket Launcher
    • Explosion damage reduced from 80 to 65
    • Impact damage increased from 40 to 55
    • Projectile Speed increased from 35 to 40 (As fast as Molten Core or Micro Missiles on live)
      • Reverted the direct hit nerf since you no longer play Pharah at really long distances and now play close enough that direct hits are more consistently do-able, especially with the projectile speed buff. Also on console it wont be as oppressive anymore.
  • Hover Jets
    • Movement Speed buff increased from 20% to 25%
    • Refill Rate decreased from 43% per second to 32.25%
    • Vertical Speed Gained decreased from 100% to 75%
    • Crouching midair gives Pharah increased gravity
      • These changes encourage Pharah to engage on her foes more than live since she moves faster at the cost of not staying in the sky as long anymore.
  • Jump Jet
    • Height gained decreased from 100% to 65%
    • Cooldown decreased from 10 to 6
      • Jump Jet is now more of an escape/mobility tool than an ability which lets you sit in the skybox all day.
  • Concussive Blast
    • Reworked, now works like Junkrat’s Mine where it activates once you hit secondary fire and sticks to surfaces. Has 50 HP once it’s stuck to something. Shooting Concussive Blast with your rocket detonates it and makes the knockback deal 50+ damage, using it on yourself gives you insane movement.
      • This sounds really cool imo, I really like this idea, it’s not important to completing her character or anything so it doesn’t deserve much attention if you don’t like it.
  • Barrage
    • No longer locks you in place but instead gives you flight and 66% move speed penalty.
    • Casting Time increased from 0? to 1 second
    • Duration Increased from 2.5 to 3
      • This makes the ult more like some of the best designed ones, start up to give enemies to react, very powerful, has counterplay etc.
Reaper ✓
  • Hellfire Shotguns
    • Weapon Spread increased from 6 to 8
    • Damage increased from 6 to 7
    • Can no longer headshot
      • Reverted range buffs, made Reaper feel less unique imo, should’ve just flat buffed the spread by .5 or something imo.
  • Wraith Form
    • Can no longer escape Graviton Surge or Gravitic Flux
      • If you get hit by these ults then that’s on you and you shouldn’t be able to escape them for free.
  • Death Blossom
    • Ult cost increased by 15%
      • Ult cost increased to compensate for heals charging ult. replace 15% with whatever it would take to be equal.
Soldier: 76 ✓
  • Heavy Pulse Rifle
    • Ammo decreased from 30 to 25
      • Ammo decrease. This makes his weapon deal a good amount less shield damage as a result which is good as hitscan shouldn’t do much shield damage barring a few exceptions imo.
  • Helix Rockets
    • Cooldown increased from 6 to 8
    • Projectile Speed increased from 50 to 75 (As fast as Echo’s Primary Fire on live)
      • Reversing powercreep.
  • Sprint
    • Can now shoot/use abilities/melee while sprinting
      • Sprint is very weak even in a post powercreep nerf patch, now it’s better.
  • Biotic Field
    • Cooldown decreased from 15 to 12
      • No reason it’s cooldown should be this long.
  • Tactical Visor
    • Max lock on range increased from 50 to infinite
    • Can now be manually cancelled by hitting Q (QOL)
      • Has a visor specifically for being accurate and it doesn’t even work from ranges past 50. Feels unintentional and also forgotten at this point so I fixed it.
Sombra ✓
  • Machine Pistol
    • Damage decreased from 8 to 7
    • Weapon Spread decreased by 10%
      • This is to lower her damage output overall without changing her TTK, less spread is always good.
  • Hack
    • Can now hack the Payload, this makes it move half as fast when used on Defense and prevents heals. while on attack it makes it give 300% more heals (from 10? to 30)
      • This change might make her better on Payload instead of making her mostly useful for 2CP, Remove it if accidental payload hacks are too common.
    • Cooldown from unsuccessful attempt increased from 2 to 4
      • Sombra players are given a slap on the wrist when they use their oppressively strong ability that can force swaps when used properly, improperly. So only the mistakes are more punishing.
    • Hacked Health Pack’s respawn rate changes from 400% to 200%
      • Now that Health Packs are generally better, The respawn rate buff was decreased. This makes playing around a hacked healthpack not as consistently good but still strong
  • Stealth
    • Casting time decreased from 0.75 to 0.45 (only when entering stealth)
    • Movement speed increased from 50% to 75%
    • After 20 seconds of being cloaked, Stealth is canceled.
      • Removing the Stealth Timer and making it slower was a very bad change imo, just increase the timer from 20 to 25 or 30 if it’s gone too quick don’t just scrap the whole thing.
  • EMP
    • EMP ult cost increased by 25%
    • No longer removes shields (still removes barriers)
    • Now deals 50 damage to all hit
      • Trying to make EMP more consistent versus all heroes instead of just ones with shields, ult cost compensated with heals charging ult.
Torbjorn ✓
  • Rivet Gun
    • Projectile Speed adjusted from 70 and 125 to 110 for both (As fast as Hanzo’s Primary Fire on live)
    • Primary Fire damage increased from 70 to 80
    • Secondary Fire damage increased from 12.5 to 14 (125 to 140)
    • Can no longer headshot
      • headshots with Torb are more like accidents than actually intended, I’m buffing his damage because 116 DPS is pathetic on a Damage hero (Sombra does 180 for comparison)
  • Forge Hammer
    • Damage increased from 55 to 70
      • Hammer damage is very risk vs reward and right click already overshadows it so might as well.
  • Turret
    • When manually destroyed while it has full HP, Cooldown doesn’t begin even while in combat.
      • Turret QOL, this is so annoying when I play Torb, IDK why I have to wait the full 10 seconds it’s not like I’m cheating my way out of destroying my turret ugh.
  • Overload
    • Cooldown increased from 10 to 12
      • Overload is very strong especially in this nerfed environment, so it keeps it’s power at the cost of it’s cooldown.
  • Molten Core
    • Automatically activates Overload even if it’s off cooldown (QOL)
      • More QOL as you usually want to have overload on so you can move faster and position lava better. This way you don’t have to wait for cooldown.
    • Can’t farm ult while active
    • Ult cost reduced by 10%
      • More consistency and compensations.
Tracer ✓
  • Pulse Pistols
    • Damage falloff distance decreased from 13 to 10.
      • Tracer was one of if not the strongest DPS in the game for the longest time, the fact that they had to buff her proves to me that they went too far with their changes over the years imo.
Widowmaker ✓
  • Health
    • Health increased from 175 to 200
      • Reverted health nerf because I’m taking the weakness and moving it somewhere else in her kit.
  • Widow’s Kiss
    • Ammo Reduced from 35 to 30
  • Widow’s Kiss (Primary Fire)
    • Spread decreased from 3 to 2
    • Damage Reduced from 13 to 12
      • Reduced spread by a large margin but nerfed her damage as compensation.
  • Widow’s Kiss (Secondary Fire)
    • Headshot multiplier reduced from 2.5 to 2
    • Falloff removed.
    • Damage increased from 12-120 to 12.5-125
    • Holding Primary fire while scoped fires the shot as soon as it’s fully charged (QOL)
    • Reload time increased from 1.55 to 2
      • Widow headshots dealing 300 damage is overkill and so I made it kill just enough for 250 HP targets, then more downtime between shots and how many she can fire.
  • Grappling Hook
    • Cooldown decreased from 12 to 10
    • Grapple is canceled while taking Damage over 40 during grapple but doesn’t go on cooldown.
    • Can now do any action while grappling
    • Holding Shift now makes Grapple work like Wrecking Ball’s (Spiderman time)
      • Grapple is now balanced to be where her weakness lies, if you close the distance, she just can’t grapple away for free.
  • Venom Mine
    • Cooldown decreased from 15 to 12
      • Venom mine doesn’t warrant the massive cooldown as it’s not that strong but they’d rather give Orisa a 6 second halt as of April 15 2021 patch notes, cool.
  • Infra-Sight
    • Enemies will have a red glow over their characters while wall hacks are currently affecting them. (kinda QOL)
      • Infra-Sight should either play a noise so the enemy can know it’s over or play an overlay effect so they know when it’s over or at least still affecting them.


Ana ✓
  • Biotic Rifle
    • Fire rate decreased from 1.25 to 1
    • Clip Size decreased from 12 to 8
    • Can now headshot enemies while scoped
      • HPS are now put below Moira, she still has infinite range on heals, Hitscan, DPS, and utility over her so I think this is fine.
  • Sleep Dart
    • Projectile speed increased from 60 to 125 (now matches unscoped shots)
      • Sleep dart feels like it whiffs all the time on smaller opponents and is completely free vs tanks, this should make Damage heroes suffer too.
  • Biotic Grenade
    • Healing dealt has been decreased from 100 to 60
    • Healing penalty vs enemies has been decreased from 100% to 50%
      • Some people think that Biotic Grenade is balanced because if Ana can land a nade behind a shield or while it’s down then she deserves the rewards. I say you are wrong. Games should be balanced around how people play it, not how you should. If 90% of tank players cant block anti then it should be balanced around that fact 90% of tank players can’t block it. Nade does everything on such a short cooldown, now it only heals 60 instead of 100 because dealing 60 damage, cutting heals taken in half and buffing healing done by 50% is really really really really strong for a 10 second cooldown. I tried to make all my dev notes short but I’m keeping this long as I feel like this really needs to be said.
  • Nano Boost
    • No longer has cast time (QOL)
    • No longer gives 200 HP
    • Damage reduction no longer capped at 50%
    • Now gives +50% healing dealt
    • Can be used on yourself by hitting the interact key
      • Nano getting canceled is usually an accident because the cast time is so short so I removed it all together. Damage Reduction Cap and 200 HP heals on the ult is unnecessary imo. As compensation it now buffs the healing dealt by 50%. I think that would be crazy to see what people do with it now.
Baptiste ✓
  • Biotic Launcher (Primary Fire) (NEW)
    • Replaces Primary Fire and Secondary Fire with Reworked Hybrid Grenades
    • Now deals damage, damage dealt is exactly how heals are dealt but it damages enemies.
    • Fire Rate decreased from 0.9 to 1
    • Clip Size decreased from 10 to 6
    • Projectile Speed increased from 60 to 90 (Matches Zen’s Primary Fire on live)
    • Projectile’s gravity is increased enough so they have the same arc to them.
      • Personally don’t like Bap’s Gun, if you’re not shooting a tank, it feels more like you’re fighting the weapon than the enemy. Now you heal and shoot with the same thing + reverse heal powercreep.
  • Regenerative Burst
    • No longer heals
    • Now gives all allies affected 12.5% damage resistance for 5 seconds.
      • Regenerative Burst is a complete joke of an ability, 15 hps on a 13 second cooldown are you kidding me? Now it’s something more proactive and interesting.
  • Amplification Matrix (NEW)
    • Moved to E, now functions on a resource Like’s Defense Matrix
    • Hitting E recalls Amp Matrix. Amp Matrix regenerates at a rate of 15% while not in use for over 1.5 seconds, has a 1.5 second cooldown before it can be placed again.
    • Disappears after amping a total of 250 heals/damage combined, (regardless of if it landed or missed) or if Bap dies, if completely used up, it becomes disabled for 5 seconds before it can be used again.
    • Size reduced from 9x5 to 5x5
    • Damage decreased from 100% to 25%
    • Healing decreased from 100% to 25%
      • This is just to replace his ult on cooldown with another ult that can actually be balanced like an ability, like Overload. It functions like Ana grenade as they both amplify heals n help the team.
  • Immortality Field (NEW)
    • Moved to ult
    • HP increased from 150 to 250
    • Maximum duration increased from 5 to 8
      • Unnerfed Bap Immortality as an ult. I didn’t write how much it should cost because I have no idea how much it should be. So instead just make it whatever you think is fair.
Brigitte ✓
  • Health
    • Health increased from 150 to 250
      • We’re making tank brig a thing again. But now she’ll do much less healing to make her even more unique.
  • Inspire
    • Cooldown before it can be activated again is removed (from 1 to 0)
    • Range reduced from 20 to 16
      • The Range her heals were provided were insane so it got nerfed. I never got why there was a cooldown before she could proc it again tho so that’s gone but if it really served a purpose lmk.
  • Repair Pack
    • Can only have one charge instead of 3
    • Duration decreased from 2 to 1
    • Healing increased from 55 to 60
      • Burst heals are very slightly increased but she loses nearly half of the overall heals she can do with one, and she can’t stack up to three of them anymore.
  • Whip Shot
    • Cooldown increased from 4 to 6
      • A knockback on that short of a cooldown that’s also long range is annoying, it gets toned down.
  • Barrier Shield
    • Health increased from 250 to 500
  • Shield Bash
    • Cooldown increased from 7 to 10
    • Stun Duration increased from 0.75 to 0.9
      • With these changes, Roadhog should be able to play the game.
  • Rally
    • Ult Charge reduced by 25%
    • Area of affect increased from 8.5 to 10
    • Duration reduced from 10 to 8
      • Rally had it’s duration toned down as support ults have slowly been lasting longer and longer as time when on.
Lucio ✓
  • Sound Barrier
    • Shields decay at a rate of 100 instead of 125
      • To me, Lucio ult is supposed to counter ults that deal high damage at once vs overtime, and it’s not very good at that, Nano Blade, Rip Tire High Noon, etc, all of them can just wait it out, now it gets more value as waiting it out still works, just not as effectively.
    • Ult deals 200 damage to whoever is underneath Lucio while ulting
    • Speed boosting gives Lucio 10% of the ult charge his teammates gain while amped and 5% when not amped.
      • Now he can get his ult slightly quicker as it takes way too long on live.
Mercy ✓
  • Regeneration
    • Removed
      • Removed as everyone heals automatically after avoiding combat for a few seconds. I’d honestly like it if supports all healed passively like mercy but i havent felt like writing that down for all of them specifically.
  • Caduceus Staff
    • Damage boost decreased from 30% to 25%
      • I always thought Mercy’s Damage boost should mirror Zen’s, idk why it doesn’t. If there’s a bigger reason I forgot then lmk.
    • Effect will now stack with bonus damage provided by another Mercy
  • Caduceus Blaster
    • Projectile Speed increased from 50 to 75 (As fast as Echo’s Primary Fire on live)
  • Pacify (NEW)
    • Replaces Resurrect
    • Fires a projectile beam of light through her left hand which gives the enemy hit a damage penalty of 50% for 4 seconds
    • Has a cooldown of 10 seconds
    • Is blocked on shields, doesn’t affect things like Junk tire or Torb Turret. Interacts with abilities the same as any regular projectile
      • Pacify gives her a different utility that isn’t game breaking, anti-skill, ultimate level power and brainless like her old rez. Projectile speed and size is whatever you think would be balanced.
  • Resurrect (NEW)
    • Replaces Valkyrie.
    • Range increased from 5 to 15
    • Casted in a radius instead of a single target use
    • Can be used without dead allies
    • Cast time decreased from 1.75 seconds to 1
    • Movement penalty removed
    • All living allies including mercy gain a burst heal of 150 and become cleansed once ult is successfully pulled off
      • both the 150 heals and the becoming cleansed parts of her ult are seperate things that idk how they should be balanced, not that idk if she should have that bit at all.
    • Ult Cost decreased by 10%
Moira ✓
  • Biotic Grasp (Primary Fire)
    • Linger Heals increased from 17.5 to 37.5
    • Linger Heals Duration decreased from 2 to 1
      • Keeps her linger heals equal, just lowers the chance of a hero who doesn’t look like they’re being healed healing up health.
    • Heals increased from 70 to 75
    • Heals now function like Ana’s shots (heals get absorbed into teammates body, goes through at full HP, Single Target Heals)
    • Healing resource consumption rate decreased from 14 to 12
      • Less heals overall but better heals when focused.
  • Biotic Grasp (Secondary Fire)
    • Gains 25% charge on shields instead of 0% (compared to the 100% on players)
    • Damage increased from 50 to 75
    • Range decreased from 20 to 15
    • Self Heals reduced from 20 to 15
      • Moira does 0 damage to enemies getting healed by any main healer, I buffed her at the cost of her range, but she doesn’t need range as much as she has more fuel.
  • Biotic Orb
    • Can only bounce twice.
    • Healing decreased from 65 to 50
    • Healing Orb Range decreased from 5 to 4
    • Healing capped up to 200
      • I tried to fix many problems with heal orb with these changes, reduce RNG with bouncing Orb deaths, prevent support combos dealing up to borderline trans heals without ults, and to give both versions of orb equal amounts of value.
    • When amplified, increases the total amount of healing/damage instead of increasing the rate of it dealing/healing damage
      • This was kinda lame that it wasn’t that already it might be a technical bug but still.
  • Fade
    • Can no longer escape Graviton Surge or Gravitic Flux
      • No reason Moira should be able to escape those ults especially on such a short cooldown
    • Movement speed bonus decreased from 250% to 200%
      • Fade is the best escape tool any support could ever ask for. It gets the job done and it comes up so frequently. It’s too much and the slight movement nerf should make her easier to kill.
  • Coalescence
    • Damage increased from 70 to 100
    • Healing dealt decreased from 140 to 100
    • Movement Speed decreased from 150% to 100%
    • Ult duration decreased from 8 to 6
      • Heals and damage equalized, movement speed buff makes Moira even easier and the duration was reduced as ults have been lasting longer and longer as the game went on.
Symmetra ✓
  • General
    • Moved to the support category.
  • Health
    • Health reduced from 100 to 75 (225 to 200)
      • Health increase was a pitiful attempt to make Sym better as a close range dps and it failed pathetically, she’s not a close range dps anymore so it got removed.
  • Photon Projector (Primary Fire)
    • Beam Width increased from 0.2 to 0.3
      • An in between of Sym 2.0 and 3.0 to not alienate older players.
    • Range increased from 12 to 24
    • Damage reduced from 60/120/180 to 60/90/120
    • Causes a 10% slow on hit for 0.2 seconds
      • Damage was nerfed as compensation for her range increased, full charge laser should have a slight disadvantage vs damage heroes in a duel. Slow on primary fire for more utility as a support with no heals.
    • Ammo increased from 70 to 100
    • Doesn’t gain ammo vs shields
      • Gaining more ammo for beating shields is a really bad idea, ammo was increased as compensation for her toxic shield regen ammo mechanic removed.
  • Photon Projector (Secondary Fire)
    • Splash damage removed.
    • Projectile Speed increased from 25 to 30 (As fast as Ana’s grenade on live)
    • Now goes through Barriers. (still doesn’t go through people)
      • If shields take too long to break, you can go for farming ult charge on the people behind them, I think if it could go through people as well it could be really obnoxious, test it in an experimental first.
  • Sentry Turret
    • Damage decreased from 40 to 30 (30 to 22.5~ on Console)
    • Slow has been Removed.
      • Taking the power away from her turrets and putting it in her weapon. Slow on aimbot is a bad idea.
    • Cooldown decreased from 10 to 8
      • 30 Seconds for all three turrets is a bit crazy, like each turret is as valuable as one of Torb’s for some reason
    • Can’t travel through teleporters.
  • Shield Generator (NEW)
    • Replaces Teleporter ability, hitting E on an ally gives them 50 bonus shields that lasts until they die, it has a 5 second cooldown and drains 20% ult when used on a target without additional shields granted by sym. if used on someone who already has shields, it will give 50 instant heals instead and cost no ult charge.
      • Gives Sym a healing ability, utility, and is an interesting rework of an uninteresting ult.
  • Teleporter / Photon Barrier (NEW)
    • (Teleporter) Now back to Ult, along with Photon Barrier. Entrance is placed in the spawn room and the exit is put in front of Sym. Hitting Q brings up a communication wheel but with three options, option one is Tele, option 2 is Barrier, option 3 is cancel. Sym can charge ult while tele is up, Tele has 3 uses and can be increased by 3 by using her ult while tele is still up, Hitting Interact lets Sym teleport to her TP at the cost of one tp use, revealing a trail to where it’s located like Sombra Translocator.
    • (Teleporter) On use, cleanses you and heals you instantly for 600
    • (Photon Barrier) Health is decreased from 4000 to 2000
    • (Photon Barrier) Allow’s Sym to recall it and reposition it however she likes by hitting Q, has a 2 second redeploy rate
    • Ult Cost reduced by 30%
      • Compensation for worse TP and wall. Teleporter is moved back to ult status, on live it’s mostly used as a taxi service or a completely selfish and bad tool to reposition.
Zenyatta ✓
  • General
    • Can now levitate for up to three seconds by holding Jump.
      • That change was so fun guys omg I love it, might be OP who knows.
  • Orb of Destruction
    • Secondary Fire can no longer Headshot
      • Working towards removing one shots, and this should make that less frequent. There’s no reason you need to do 600 damage with a secondary fire even on a dps.
    • Reload Time increased from 1.5 to 2
      • With new Reload changes, this should compensate as his reload is one of those which can be interrupted quite frequently with his two abilities and as a last resort in combat.
  • Heal Orb & Discord Orb
    • No longer interrupts any actions (QOL)
Removed changes

  • Health
    • Health and Armor ratio is 100/400
      • I want her to stay just as tanky while not giving as much ult charge. If this doesn’t work then some number changes should fix the problem.
  • Fusion Cannons
    • Fires 10 pellets (11 as of when I’m writing this)
      • Removing headshots is enough for the damage potential.
  • Light Gun
    • Projectile speed increased from 50 to 75 (As fast as Echo’s Primary Fire on live)
      • Hitscan got nerfed


  • Hitboxes
    • Head Hitbox reduced by 10%
      • It’d be better to just make her move faster than to make some shots that seem like they should’ve landed miss.


  • Hyperspheres
    • Recovery Time increased from 1.3 to 1.5
      • Tried to reduce his damage output, but it can imagine it makes him clunkier without really making him much worse.

Wrecking Ball

  • Quad Cannons
    • Ammo Reduced from 80 to 60
    • Is 25% more accurate
      • Was supposed to reduce damage overall, but really doesn’t matter.
  • Adaptive Shields
    • Casting time removed
      • It’s in the game.


  • Configuration: Tank
    • Projectile speed increased from 60 to 80 (As fast as Doom’s Primary Fire on live)
      • Hitscan got nerfed.


  • Sticky Bombs
    • Explosion damage reduced from 25 to 20 (180 > 150 if all hits connect)
    • Projectile Speed increased from 50 to 75
      • Hitscan got nerfed, plus Echo’s Bombs don’t need that much of a nerf.


  • Shuriken
    • Projectile speed increased from 60 to 90 (As fast as Zen’s Primary Fire on live)
      • Hitscan got a nerf to their range so Projectiles don’t need an overall speed increase.
    • Damage increased from 28 to 29
      • Went live.
    • Ammunition size decreased from 30 to 27
      • I thought this would promote less spam but I ended up scrapping this change, I don’t like it.


  • Sonic Amplifier
    • Projectile Speed increased from 50 to 75 (As fast as Echo’s Primary Fire on live)
      • _Hitscan got nerfed.


  • Orbs of Destruction
    • Projectile Speed increased from 90 to 100
      • _Hitscan got nerfed

Tell me what you guys think. I looked over this post over 20 times and I want to hear what you think about the changes.


For Hamster I would say all he needs is his knockback and ultimate spread nerfs reverted. However I do like the qol changes. The funny thing about having a huge knockback at 25% means mccree stun will no longer counter hamster. Basically you knock him back right as he stuns you so his fan the hammer wont matter against your reduced health. With ultimate spread decreased, it rewards hamster who set up mines with piledriver vs hamster players who just ult on a point without setup first.


A 65 DMG blade.



Nah, even as a Widow Player, I think 175 HP is something she needs to be kept in check. It makes it much easier to counter her and make Dive more effective. I’d rather have glass canon Widow.

Additionally, the 2.5 HS Multiplier was put in place to compensate for reducing Widow’s BS damage (was 150, now 120.) so that hitting only BS provides less value and make HS more rewarding, although they have the same damage. I’m even a little cautious about raising it to 130, but that might be me being nervous. Admittedly, I think the fall-off was stupid, so I’m fine with that. Especially with the 175 hp she has to play at farther distances to stay safer.

As fun as this sounds, I can already imagine the rage people would have playing against this :rofl:, especially Chipsa having a psychotic breakdown over it. Also, I really think Grapple breaking on any damage wouldn’t feel good at all, really. Similar to how any damage cancels Sombra’s Stealth and Hack.

Honestly, yes. Venom-Mine is a laughable ability, with most Widow players including myself just kind of… throwing it out for a quick wall-hack and some ult charge. The only niches it’s good for is pairing with SMG, anti-flank and a 225 Damage Combo (VM + Body Shot + Melee does a perfect 225 damage.). I wouldn’t be opposed to it.

Honestly, I’m confused why this wasn’t in the game in the first place, the enemy should at least know you see them.


So what you are saying is you hate Sombra? And the Sym change is debatable.

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It’s 28 on live right now.

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So now hack is even worse and clunky :confused:

I’d prefer instead of this change just back to the Feb 2018 hack ( but with old cast time )

0.8 cast time
6 s duration
no CD if its canceled

She could do it earlier but with current respawn rate, i think it will hurt health pack efficiency during the fight a lot

It will be hard to control your movements with that high speed, i think you will bump into enemies faces quiet a lot

+75% boost is perfect

Its because Sombra is supposed to be good against Sigma


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First of all, I think you don’t play the tank role. Only Wrecking Ball notes had some good ideas. Which I think would be pretty good, though I wouldn’t lower Balls health that much.

Ashe nerfs seem fine, though rather coach gun should just have less enemy knockback, than longer cooldown. Bob giving ult charge would be pretty bad for obvious reasons, idk about that fam.

You nerf Doomfist punch, without giving any compensating buffs? What about: Rocket punch charge back from 1.4 to 1.0 sec and uppercut recovery back to 0.2 from 0.35sec. Or even slam range from 15m to 17.5m.

Echo doesn’t need nerfs to her already bad primary fire, also don’t touch flight cooldown that much. Her problem is the crazy burst dmg with murder beam and sticky bombs. I like the pro experimental way to deal with Echo existing ult, than what you suggested.

Junkrat is just a pretty bad hero and no way needs any nerfs like this

McCree yess, good ideas but invincibility by rolling means that he can just Moira Fade from D.Va bombs, junkrat tires or even genji nanoblade :D. Idk if that’s a good idea.

I think there is a reason why Roadhog, D.Va or Reaper has fall-off damage, even though on long range pellets won’t connect that much it would be slightly too strong.

Soldier won’t be that much better, if he can shoot while sprinting. It would be just hard to aim anything else, but tanks. You can’t really move that freely while sprinting and Soldier76 totally doesn’t need that many nerfs.

Excuse me Symmetra with 20m Beam? Sorry that would be insane. Just nooo

Torb changes seem fun, but I think Torb is fine and non-oppressive dive counter (not like Hanzo or McCree). I think keep the armor the same. 75 damage on hammer means, that it does higher damage than Reinhardt hammer, so it would lower meme value. Nah.

Ana nerfs are insane, her pickrate is always high due to her fun kit. But Ana is mostly fine and a little weak overall.

Baptiste changes are just not thought out i think. I don’t like the weird reworks of making Lamp be the ult. Though your regen burst idea seems kinda cool and actually interesting.

Moira needs some buffs than flat out nerfs, naah no-go

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Ana is now bad.

Baptiste is now totally busted.

hard to say what Brigittes net value change would be, but she might still be OK and fun to play as a support. Not a fan of the hybrid character thing now that we’re forced into 2-2-2. Giving a away for players to have 3 tanks despite being in 2-2-2 doesn’t seem like a good idea. But maybe she wouldn’t be too bad with your changes.

Not a fan of the Mercy changes. Her new beam ability sounds… OK…? Doesn’t nail it for me. A good starting concept but needs work in my opinion. And I don’t want mass rez back in the game. Not in any form.

With Moira, when you say amplified do you mean when she gets a boost from an allies ability? I’m not a fan of these changes because you’ve just made the heal potential lower compared to her damage. What she needs, in my opinion, and what I’d like to see her have is utility. Team buffs or enemy debuffs so she has more to think about other than just “How much healing do I need”. Healing should be higher than damage output on a healer. She is not a DPS healer hybrid, she is a healer and her abilities should reflect that.

I am glad you didn’t change Zen. I do like where Zen is atm. Really have no opinion on Lucio. But I’m not a fan of the other changes. Maybe I’m biased towards Ana, but I think her changes are too much of a nerf, and increasing damage on a support is not compensation for castrating their utility.

Baptiste now has an even stronger mini ult on cool. Doesn’t matter how big it is, or what the duration is. A small amount of coordination + 50% teamwide damage boost is just downright sinister. Bunker is now unapproachable, shields may as well not exist. I don’t think people realise how strong a damage boots actually is.

Not sure on Brig. I personally like my supports to be supports, but she might be alright as you described. And I don’t like what you’re working towards with Mercy or Moira.

I would do it a little differently:
Dmg from 120 to 100 and crit from x2.5 to x3.
The 120 + x2.5 weren’t just any numbers chosen. Initially, Widow was 150 x2. 150 was considered too strong, which needs to be adjusted. However, the developers wanted to receive the 300 HS dmg, which is why the 120 + x2.5 came about.

With Grapple break I don’t know. There should definitely be a threshold for damage from when it breaks. There are several Autoaim attacks (Winston, Moira, Turrents + Uls) and also Dmg over time.
Widow would be completely defenseless for 5 seconds if she was hit by dynamite. Winston would be a big problem too, with Dmg over time and Autoaim. It would be practically impossible to escape Winston. You jump down to lure the Winston from the high round, you want to go up again, but a single lightning bolt hits you and you sit completely defenseless in front of him.

But if the grappling breaks at even 1 dmg, there should be a buff for the SMG. Spread from 3 ° to 2.4 (Sombra) or even to 2 ° so that Widow is not completely defenseless.
(It’s stupid anyway that Sombra has a smaller spread than Widow, although Widowkiss is always used with two hands, so the recoil (main reason for the spread) should be better kept under control. But then we would be back to the tiresome topic of inconsistency in Overwatch, where you could write entire books.)

The new options for Grapple look fun too, but I doubt it will be of much use.
In addition, the grapple would have to get physics to be able to swing. It would be weird if you just stood in the air while scoping.

Everything else (200hp, infra indicator, no falloff, 100 mine) would be quite good so far.




(FR: wtf is the point?!)

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So Dragonblade is basically a weaker Rein hammer?

I’m gonna let that rhetorical question speak for itself.

« * Reload time reduced from 2.55 to 2.5 »
What’s the utility for 0,05s duration change in the Orisa reload and I have a little hard for all Orisa change

« * (Genji Shuriken) Damage increased from 29? to 30 »
It’s currently 28, but I want to say you, keep attention with shuriken damage, you increase = you increase to the damage to the secondary fire. It’s the same for Hanzo, you increase or lowered damage, you change too the damage of the arrow to the Sonic Arrow capacity and the arrow damage only in the ultimate. So if you change damage for Genji or Hanzo, write if the damage change is affectee to the other ability or only one ability

« Junkrat

  • Frag Launcher
    • Projectile Speed increased from 25 meters per second to 30
    • Projectile no longer deals knockback
    • Ammo increased from 5 to 6
  • Concussion Mine
    • Can only have one charge instead of 2 »

Frag Launcher change I want really to try but Concussion Mine change, I think it’s to much for a nerf

« Grappling Hook (It’s from Widowmaker)

  • Cooldown decreased from 12 to 10
  • Grapple is canceled while taking Damage but doesn’t go on cooldown. »

Lol, spamming grappling to escape when you being attacked by a beam attack or Dva, it will be interrupt every milisecond, I think a great buff of move during is greatly welcome

« Ana Biotic Grenade

  • Healing penalty vs enemies has been decreased from 100% to 50% »

These idea change is writing in every personal patch note what I see, I’m 100% okay with that. This proposition is always say everywhere, I really don’t understand why Blizzard don’t listen or have not already listen. Maybe pro player can explain why

« Immortality Field

  • Moved to ult
  • HP increased from 150 to 250
  • Maximum duration increased from 5? to 8 »

Yes it’s 5s for the generator but health prevent stay 0,5s more after generator is out.
What is the ultimate cost ???

Achievement unlocked: SQUISH

Remaining Achievements: Pop; Six; Uh-uh; Cicero; Lipschitz

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Usually the forum changes are pretty good but this one isn’t. Sorry

I never knew they increased the spread the ult flies outwards. Idk if it’d even be a buff as you can more easily destroy them when playing mine sweeper as rien or winston etc but im not opposed to trying that change out.

The swing speed is doubled and the damage is halved so it’s not as strong as it normally’d be.

I reverted the health changes because it feels unnecessary especially since I’m making her escape actually have counter play. Her weakness is getting dove instead of being able to just grapple away and your tanks have to dive her again before it’s off cooldown. Basically she’s still glass cannon widow. just redistributed the glass to her escape option instead of her health. It wouldn’t feel good at all because it’s now supposed to be a reposition tool more than an escape option, you have to position more actively and carefully instead of just holding the best viewpoint of the map and firing away until someone shows up and you shift away, you need to hold positions where you’re safe or you can get help if you need it. I feel like this would make her weakness more pronounced and also make her more of a team player instead of a 1 woman army.

I don’t hate Sombra, I gave her more move speed and she can now farm ult off of healthpacks at the cost of being punished harder for using hack incorrectly, punished harder for using stealth poorly, along with some nerfs to how healthpacks affect her ult considering they removed it for a reason.
It’s why I was being careful not to overdo it. It might have been too extreme but it might make her OP on live, we’ll never know until we can playtest it.
I tried to make her ult slightly compensated for the amount of healing she can get done but not enough to make it worse than before she could get ult charge from healthpacks.
Feel free to debate me on what you think is wrong with the sym change, my opinion isn’t fact and how you feel is just as valid as mine.

Okay, I’ll go update my post, thank you.

Hack is indeed even worse and more clunky, If you mess up, which is the point, every other ability in the game doesn’t get refunded when you cancel it so why hack? should Mccree get his flashbang on a 4 second cooldown if he doesn’t stun anybody for example.
I don’t understand what you mean by health pack efficiency but maybe it could be moved from a 200% increase to 300% if it’s unviable, I’m not lucky enough to have my opinons be playable and test what’s too weak about Sombra so I played it safe because not many people like Sombra. But every hero is someone’s favorite so it makes sense.
Also with my suggested changes Sombra is still good against Sigma, it’s just not as oppressive if it’s a bad Sombra. Plus the mech changes are funny ngl, you can’t tell me people would dislike the idea haha.

Plus I just found out I need to wait for a reply before I can make my next post so this one post is gonna be mega long.

First of all, I think it’s very ignorant to say I don’t play the tank role, literally check my profile and you’ll realize I have 3/5 of my most played heros as tanks. Maybe the Wrecking ball change is too severe and he’d be throwing at that point idk.
B.O.B. kinda just sits on point and either gets shredded or put to sleep, only to wake up, deal like 400 dmg then leave. I originally threw a damage buff from 14 per shot to 15 but I took it away. The goal is to make B.O.B. require more thought than to just auto pilot and throw him onto the point, giving off ult charge is moreso a nerf but situationally a buff, supports could choose to heal him over their tanks since he actually does something for them since there’s no real reason to heal B.O.B. unless nobody else is hurt.
Yes. It’s net nerfs across the board except for shields honestly, from what I recall, Doom players use punch to engage and its mostly just oppressive in lower ranks which is what I tried to fix.
If you think Echo’s primary fire is bad than idk what to say, a bad primary fire is Junkrat, Doomfist, Genji maybe, not Echo. Why shouldn’t flight be changed at least that much, it’s not that integral to her playstyle. Stickybombs are not the problem. It has very valid pros and cons compared to soldier’s helix rockets and you didn’t want that nerfed, sticky bombs require all shots to land for full damage instead of one shot, loses more damage against armor, has a delay before the damage happens allowing more time to use defensive abilities compared to rockets. all at the one bonus of more damage. I think the experimental is a lame way of making it consistently worse regardless of how you use it vs it being important for what health you use it in.
I just realized a massive problem regarding the fall off, and that’s the damage to shields. imagine the chaos of a reaper shooting your Riens shield and just deleting it lmao, I gotta change that. Good catch.
I don’t expect sprinting and shooting to compensate for the nerfs, I just wanted to give him a new tool at the cost of nerfing two things I think need to happen.
when you look at the change in a vaccum, Sym with nearly double laser range is insane indeed. But she also has a 25% damage penalty. It used to be a 33% damage penalty but I don’t think it would be good enough against barriers so I buffed it a bit, maybe it’s too strong but I can’t playtest it.
Rien Hammer is 85. So that is objectively wrong.
I actually spent the most time thinking this one out over everyone else, I made it all up in my head and used Junk as a reference for the damage while trying to make amp matrix like a weird version of ana’s grenade that amps damage instead of preventing heals.
Rn Moira needs flat buffs but when looking at all the changes overall, her healing output is still incredible and would make her one boon more pronounced when compared to heroes that had really high healing outputs before like bap brig and ana.

Why is Ana bad?
Why is Bap totally busted?
I think if you make all the supports just healers then it feels less interesting to fight different comps. I think the idea of making your team trade on utility and healing output to run 3-2-1 is a cool idea and what she should be balanced around, I know it can be done.
Why does her new ability not nail it for you? And mass rez isn’t going to be viable more times than not, the more teammates that are dead the more vulnerable she will be when she casts it. I imagine it’d would bring back maybe 1 or 2 allies on average and anymore is at risk of wasting your ultimate and dying.
For moira, apparently if you throw the orb through baps amp or get power boosted, the orb doesn’t have higher healing output but instead, it just uses up it’s resources faster, (so if the orb deals 65 heals and depletes after 200 heals is done, after going through new baps amp matrix, it now heals 97.5 but depletes after 200 heals regardless. instead it would either be 65 and depletes after 300 or 97.5 and depletes after 300, see which is too stong/weak) The other changes actually match her damage and healing, I stated that to be the goal of my changes. Giving her utility and more focus on healing would take away from the characters identity, it’d be like if I gave Zen a mobility option. Her healing is still higher than her damage, (Primary fire is 70 AOE vs her Secondary fire being 50 Single target, Ult is 150 Heals vs 80 Damage) Her heal orb just matches her damage orb except it heals, it’s almost always better to use heal orb as is because it just has better numbers. I want it to require a bit more planning.
Yeah it’s too strong, I originally made it exclusive only towards him but it seemed really selfish, I’ll get to changing that.
You can enjoy your supports to be supports, you have every other support in the game for that, Brig can have her interesting and viable niche. And for mercy I’m working towards removing her ult on cooldown and for moira I made it easier for her to get resources while having less of a crutch being heal orb to compensate for when she’s empty.

I’m gonna edit my post after this. Although I disagree with the 100 bodyshot 300 headshot change, I feel like it would only make her weaker in lower ranks and better against tanks which should be what she struggles against since they can actually survive her shots. You’re right about the damage threshold, I agree with literally everything else tho.

2.55 is a weird number and nobody would complain if she reloaded that much faster. That is the point.

Yes. you’re trading 20 damage for a double jumping super mobile squishy rien that swings +200% faster.

Ha you agree with basically everything I say, I like you.
The orisa change is solely because I saw 2.55 and thought it was a weird number.
I’ll make it go from 28 to 29, I understand it will increase right click from 84 to 87 and I don’t think genji will burn the game to the ground with +3 damage per right click.
The Junkrat change is indeed probably a nerf but we could just keep increasing his projectile speed until he’s better.
I was thinking of buffing smg while also giving the grapple a damage threshold so maybe it would break after taking a hit that deals +50 damage or something.
I specifically chose to not mention the ult cost because people looking probably would think my answer is too low or too high, so I’ll let you yourself come up with a number you think is fair.

See this person likes fun haha

“I expected your ideas to be good and they aren’t. Sorry.” You just trashed on my ideas without explaining why then apologized, what am I supposed to do with this information?


Not only have you lowered her healing potential (which seems fine on paper) but missing is now punished far more drastically with a slower fire rate and more frequent reloads.

On top of that, she lost a lot of her made potential.

Baptiste now has his ultimate on a cooldown. Damage boost for the whole team is very strong. That’s why the only two other cases we see it in are in ults.

I don’t need all the supports to be healers. What I would like however, is for all of my supports to be supports and not tanks.

I can’t put my finger on it. It just doesn’t seem like Mercy to me? I’m not really sure. I’d have to see it in game to judge.

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nah just change it to 3 seconds please its a pain to use already

Hog - I dont think he needs changed hes really balanced rn imo

I dont agree with this just because this makes his shield rlly bad imo, I think leave it at 2 seconds but up it too 800 health

he doesnt need changes, hes either op or trash it just depends if its his meta, what winston actually needs is for the player base to be educated on how to play with him

Ball - not sure about them will either be very good or very bad for the game

shes fine how she is imo

ashe - idk I think you just need to nerf hitscan in general cause its op af

bastion - idk I feel he will always be the noobstomper

doom - good

this is close to gutting her imo, other changes are good but id rather her stickies got nerfed rather than her flight

all of this doesnt need touched, blade is balanced and dash resets exist
he is supposed to reward high skill, decreasing dash cooldown lowers skill floor

always the better option he is supposed to duel not tank bust

junk, frag buff isn’t work conc nerf

mcree, good

I think pharah is fine, these changes are just kind of weird

reaper, I think his new version is better would prefer to not revert him

pls no he is perfect balance imo

sombra doesnt need changed, she rewards team play, what this game is about

Sym - shes my least played hero and couldn’t care for her

torb - hes fine dont touch him

tracer - good

widow - she will be op with this

ana - just dont touch her imo she isn’t op like people say

bap changes are good

brig is strong, she just doesnt fit this meta, she is actually a hard hero to play now but can completely shut down a lot of heroes if the player has the required gamesense to get value, in short just remove knock back from whipshot and give her 25 more hp

mercy - I think mercys power comes from damage boost rather than Rez in higher ranks and vice versa for low ranks so this would actually gut her in low ranks

moira - I say leave her be

I just realised how many edits you made but I cab going through them

New Ana reloads every 8 seconds instead of 9 and heals 80 per second instead of 87.5, so it’s not too bad anymore. I feel like your argument doesn’t hold up anymore because she no longer heals 70 per shot anymore. But for the nade argument, I heard from someone that overwatch should be designed around how people should play the game and honestly, people aren’t very good at playing around nade, nobody notices the grenade that basically confirms they’re dead until it hits them, and so I made it worse.

I feel like Bap ult on cooldown won’t work either honestly, I feel the same way as the OW devs on Immortality, like it should keep you immortal just like the name suggests but still, their idea with bap is probably better than mine would play out. I just spitballed the idea like he could maybe have the new DR regenerative burst and the old healing burst as two seperate abilities but idk if that’d be as engaging. Do you have any ideas for a new Bap Ability? Should immortality stay?
I didn’t remove her heals, I just made her more tank than healer. And while you like is to have all supports to be supports, I like my supports to be varied, interesting and unique as long as they assist the team to make plays.

Also I think the ability is so strange because you have to aim at enemies which is a very strange idea especially for mercy, it also doesn’t exactly feel like a guardian angel type thing where she helps one specific person at a time.

Rein: Considered one of if not the best tank rn, Straight up buffing him feels like it wouldn’t make many people happy, plus 3 seconds feels really oppressive when your team has no shield which basically translates to no Rein after the shield nerfs, orisa’s is gone too fast, ball hogs the shields for himself and sigma has too big of a window before he can shield again.

Hog: he’s not op or too unviable as is, I just wanted to make his kills on squishys more consistent and his hooks on tanks not as strong. Maybe a nerf maybe a buff.

Sigma: What was his shield before my changes? Good, bad? What does making it stronger and not making it faster do to sigma to balance out his pick and win rates?

Winston: I highly doubt people just don’t know how to play winston, he’s not as complicated as say sigma, just requires game sense really and that’s true for every hero. Plus I haven’t heard calls about Winston being broken in literally forever.

Ball: I think a better way to go would’ve been to make him the biggest feeder in the game and giving him back most of the power he’s lost over the years. AKA make shields give ult charge.

Zarya: I also think Zarya is fine but she could maybe be better, I think her bubbles disapear way too quickly sometimes and I want to fix that, now she’s a better tank and accidentally feeding charge isn’t as common. Just because a character was fine doesn’t mean I couldn’t or wouldn’t change them.

Ashe: idk why you titled this feedback as ashe since she isn’t even addressed specifically here, also hitscan in general was nerfed except maybe Bastion.

Bastion: He probably still will be a noob stomper but at least he’s better overall. Maybe I could think of something better for all ranks. He’s not one of my better ideas imo.

Echo: You only quoted the flight change, is that the thing that kills her or is it everything overall? Also Stickies absolutely do not need to be nerfed, especially if you don’t think Helix Rockets need a nerf as well. Helix rockets is better vs armor, it does all it’s damage instantly instead of over 1 second, you only need to land one shot vs 6 different ones for full damage AND it’s on a 2 second shorter cooldown but that doesn’t get suggested for nerfs by anyone.

Genji: refer to my Zarya point for things not needing to be touched for the rest of my response. Is giving Genji more mobility not a good idea? Is he too strong there? Dash cooldown does not lower skill floor. You can dash 2 seconds earlier, and everyone complains about nano blade, it even beats trans, the one ult that should be the best at countering genji blade, his blade even used to be 8 seconds but it was changed to 6 to match trans. less skilled genji’s aren’t going to pop off harder because dash is 2 seconds shorter since it’s only purpose is to finish kills and maybe escape sometimes.

Hanzo: How come Hanzo is supposed to duel and so we should make him duel but Sigma, the tank with the super flexible shield should keep his very restrictive tank changes?

Junkrat: then we could buff his projectile speed even further, we shouldn’t ever have double mines ever.

Pharah is not fine, you constantly need resoursed to make her a viable pick and even then she gets shut down by hitscan too harshly and invalidates certain picks with her existence alone. She is not fine imo. The changes are indeed weird but would be fun and cool instead of floating out of range from everyone shooting missiles so far away that any directs you land are just guesses.

Reaper: I don’t think new reaper is better, even if it makes him more viable which I personally don’t believe, he lost some of his soul for a shred of viability.

Soldier: Running and shooting isn’t going to break soldier now cmon

Widow: How is she broken? Tanks are less fragile vs her but she has slightly more hp and a worse escape option, I don’t see how she’ll tear up the meta like this.

Ana: you don’t even explain why you think that way for nearly any character other than they’re fine in your opinion, I think Ana who can deal 87.5 hps and 131 with her nade on them plus having the strongest debuff in the game is a little op imo.

Bap: honestly I think the idea in practice is very healthy and interesting but it might be way too oppressive in reality, I guess we’ll never know until it can be playtested.

Brig: you say “Brig can completely shut down a lot of heroes if the player has the required gamesense to get value” and the same is true with echo and pharah but you don’t think changes to fix them are a good idea. I also don’t think brig forces anyone to swap, they just have a harder time vs them. Whip shot would be the most limp noodle ability ever if it just did 50 damage with 20 something meter range im too lazy to check.

Mercy: Really now? Mercy, the healer with mobility on a 1.5 second cooldown and lock on heals will be gutted in lower rank play? not ana who cant afford to miss more shots, or bap who has to juggle ammo for heals and damage now and can’t heal himself anymore, but Mercy.

Moira: If ana and Bap’s heals are toned down then moira’s have to as well.

And lastly the updates I made are just to show the previous ideas I had but have now been updated, you don’t need to look at the updates for the newest ideas. for example edit 5 changes like tracer fall off reverted to 10 meters instead of 13 is also for her section in the regular post

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first of all I am a main tank player so I just want you to keep that in mind with my opinions

rein isn’t even good the only things that make him meta rn is every tank other than him and Zarya is trash aswell as immortality, ill happily take away the 85 damage and 50 extra armour for a shatter buff, rein was perfectly balanced in early 2020 but blizzard nerfed him for some reason, should’ve left him in that state

he does so much already he doesnt need a buff to his shield cooldown otherwise he will fit into every possible comp archetype again

I said people dont know how to play with a winston, as in he won’t have his team dive with him (or that’s what I meant) Winston is very strong depending on meta and is probably one of the best balanced heroes, there is just a huge amount of burst damage that needs nerfed


so giving rein a buff isn’t good but giving Zarya a buff is fine?

after reading the next few lines I cab wasting my time with someone who thinks stickies are balanced