How I managed to climb from gold to masters in 2 months

Hey everyone, hope you all are doing well! Anyways, I came on the forums to share my experience with climbing out of gold and reaching very high diamond/masters. So basically I posted a while ago that I was considering buying a smurf account… Well I did that exact thing. I bought a brand new account, I did placements, and overall everything was going well! I was playing against mid diamond players and I won 3/5 games. I got placed gold and I wasn’t to happy (note I was solo queuing)… For a moment I was just about to give up and realize maybe I really do belong in gold. But part of me said that I know I’m better than the average player, and I was right!! I took a break for a few days came back to the game with a different mentality, and once the new season came out I grinded, won all 5/5 of the new placements and I was in plat before I knew it!!! I was dominating in plat up until around 2900… I noticed that the intensity was picking up a bit and I was still doing decent in my games. I was frustrated and I didn’t know how to get better. My friend in gm told me to watch my replays, and analyze what I was doing wrong. I did that and I didn’t think much of it at first and it almost felt like it was making me worse… I started watching streamers such as SamitoFPS, and I learned how to position myself, practice my game sense, etc. I was quickly able to climb the more hours I put into the game. I peaked masters then quickly fell back down to 3400 ( I was most likely lucky with the teammates I had). So my point is that anyone can climb and even if it seems impossible try to improve on things that you do wrong, put in the time to want to get better! I hope some of you learned from my experience and I thank you all for your time!

Edit: I appreciate every single one of you for defending me in the comments <3! Remember the point of this post is to tell my story and how I was able to achieve my goal. I encourage everyone that has difficulty climbing out of a lower rank to keep practicing and set yourself a goal!


You should be banned just for buying accounts. Thanks for perpetuating the cycle of boosted accounts and account sales in general.

Your achievement is moot.


This actually violates Blizzards TOS but of course they aren’t going to do anything about that.


They’ll likely ban us for calling it out though.


i was thinking this was just a r/kappa post

You do realize that this account is level 200 now and I’m still currently in 3467… Explain to me how this is boosting when I specifically said that I was “solo queuing”.


If you didn’t start it from scratch and earn it yourself it’s a boost, no matter if you maintained that rank or not.

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The only thing he proved is his old account decided he belonged in gold and he clearly proved his old account wrong by buying a new account and hitting masters. He was better than being a gold player.

It’s sad he needed to buy a new account to show that.

Congrats on hitting masters.


Boosting is Boosting regardless if you Solo queued or not. You boosted other players in your progression, and smurfed others by exploited the system. This is what is wrong. You violated the ToS and in turn also proved how damaged the SR/MMR system is. You dont get any cookies.


Are you going to the Olympics with those impressive mental gymnastics? Wouldn’t a new account be starting from scratch?


He didn’t boost anyone.he bought a new account and got out of gold. MMR is broken and tried to handcap him into being stuck in gold. he deserves his rank.


Hey current stuck 2900 here. What did you do to get past that wall? What heroes would you reccomend. I feel best at ball as hes my highest winrate and I feel like I do more but people seem to get really angry when I pick him and even throw.

you have to buy multiple acounts if you want to play comp. i can play in diamond no problem because the games actually make sense and people try. but my original account in gold is just not worth putting in the time ranking it up, the games are actually much harder because people just play dumb, it’s a dead account for me just use it to warm up.


Dont you guys have a flat earth convention to attend?


I have two accounts. One in gold one In diamond. Both on dps. The gold account. I’m ruining matches but I play on it on the weekends for.obvious reasons we all know.

My main account was and still is stuck in gold. Yet, I’m out mechanicing everyone around me. Getting paired against smurfs frequently. It’s not like I’m not actively trying to get my first account out of gold. I play on weekends and I just can’t carry. I make a few small mistakes or dont frag hard enough and we lose.

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gold elo is pure WTF. i could prob rank it up if i sunk enough hours into it to overcome the all the rng but it’s much easier to just buy a fresh account and place high from the start. i main heals though might not be the case for dps.


Selling and purchasing accounts is literally against the TOS

  1. Transfers: Attempt to sell, sublicense, rent, lease, grant a security interest in or otherwise transfer any copy of the Platform or component thereof, or your rights to the Platform to any other party in any way not expressly authorized herein.

Where did he say he bought it from a third party?
He literally said he bought a fresh account and placed it himself. Where did you get that he bought it from someone else???


Samito is one of the best, most intense dps, I love his playstyle and he is incredibly accurate. I just wish he played some other dps heroes cause honestly I get tired of watching hanzo/doom. Would like to see him play more Ashe, Soldier, Symm, Tracer, Genji as he is good enough to play all these heroes.

Which heroes did you play to get up to 3400? cause solo queuing you must be good with a small handful of dps players which ones do you use the most?

These people are so stupid they can’t even read lmao