How good is new Symmetra?

I have been playing Symmetra pretty much 24/7 on the PS4 and I will saw she is definitely far from useless. While theres times I don’t function well with her, but that is probably 3% of time shes doesn’t always work for me, what I mean by this is not winning a match entirely because there other factors that influences a win/loss.

Primary Fire, I was at the common consensus that her primary fire was really terrible at the time until I really started playing her and ultimately I discovered over time I am using her primary fire more than her orbs. Why? If you have a lot of shield barrier heroes and you’re not being 1 v 1, it is nice to attack at the barrier to break it, constantly recharges your ammo and you and jump/juke around these heroes and do insane damage. What I mean by this if you say you’re attacking an Orisa and you attack at her barrier, you can attack her, attack the barrier to remain full charge power/ammo then rinse and repeat. Also its great to finish off high mobility characters who do get close to you. The only thing I would change would be her range of her primary and maybe tweaking the base damage up a bit.

Secondary, Not much I would really do with these, I think these are fine is becuase if primary does get buffed these would make sense being at the level they are.

Turrets, I would suggest adding 1 more additional turret and lowering the cooldown between turrets by 2s.

Teleporter, maybe making last 2s longer

Ultimate, at the moment it seems pretty good barrier wise but there needs to be something more added to it, I would suggest that if enemies pass through the barrier they receive 3-4s reduced mobility over time.

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Except it will be the same people that complained for them to delete Sym because she was a terrible and easily countered pick, which she still is.

Something that people with hundreds of hours seem to agree with. Even Steven said that she was better, but will still be a troll pick.


That anyone finds her current ult useless is not only baffling, but explains a lot of things about their perception of her.


Anyone that found 2.0 useless was equally baffling and revolves around people’s perception of her.


I wish more people were mad about this. The “range increase” on her primary is a total joke. And the grav thing just doesn’t happen, unless nobody was going to die in it in the first place. The TP needs more HP and needs to deploy much faster with ideally a slightly enlarged interact radius. They can make the TP have more shield HP so that EMP can remain the most devastating thing to the entirety of Sym’s kit.


I could care less with some streamer thinks. She’s a troll pick only because this community is full of tryhards who’d rather not work in tandem with their lineup, but instead complain about not going meta. I mean, look at the introduction of Brig. She hit Dive so hard people are still complaining about her after nerfs. Why? Because Dive meta was bread and butter far too long, and that’s all anyone wants to do. I completely disregard meta chumps. She a team dependent character in a team game. She is fine. Sym is not the problem, the players are.

But Blizzard can’t really say, “Hey guys Sym doesn’t suck, you do. Learn to cooperate past meta picks”

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“Some streamer” aka one of if not the most iconic and generally highest rank Sym main. Ya. His opinion carries 0 weight along with the other people that have 500-1000 hours on her. They certainly couldn’t be speaking from experience whatsoever.


especially as it stops snipers form contestign a point.

can save team from ult, and more.

sure it isnt instant gratification like old genetator…but it is healthier to play against.

Never said 2.0 was useless.

She’s just like the cake mixer in my kitchen. Super useful. When I want to make a cake. Which only happens a couple times a year.


I am more than willing to give this rework a fair shake, but DEAR LORD that primary wouldn’t even be acceptable on a support hero when even Mercy’s pistol has better lethal and defensive power.

If taking 2 seconds to destroy 1 Widowmaker mine or Symmetra turret with a beam wasn’t enough to convince you something is well and truly rotten

Maybe the fact that there is a genuine consensus that her primary is bad and you will literally perform better forgetting it even exists will.


Steve-O isn’t the ONLY high ranking Sym main with an opinion. Other Sym mains have stated the opposite. Siding with the best player is not how I form my opinions. That’s a very poor way of doing things. As I said, I think she is fine and oppose the idea that she is a troll pick. She’s only a troll in perception to the meta.

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They have hundreds of hours on some completely different version of the hero. Let’s be honest here. New Symmetra is a totally new hero. Pretty much no one has hundreds of hours on new Symmetra. We’ve seen a few weeks of her on the PTR where game quality is a joke and two weeks of her in quick play where it’s less of a joke, but still not that serious. Tommorow, she hits comp, and we’ll start to see how she does in the real deal. And even after that, we’re still kinda waiting to see what the pro scene does with her.

So let’s keep an open mind and try not to treat anyone’s words as gospel, because Symmetra 3.0 all but pushed a big reset on peoples’ experience level with the hero.


Idk, her playstyle isn’t terribly different. In terms of positioning she still feels like a passive backline utility dps/support. The only way she isn’t as passive anymore is due to how spammy she is. Spam your turrets, spam your tp, spam your orbs. In that way she’s different and more active.

I’ll say duels are tipped more in Syms favor as 3.0, but the matchups are still in favor of everyone else.

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The new sym could use more work honestly! I am a sym main with over 200 hours invested on her prior to the rework. I love the fact her turrets have slightly more health and do more damage, but we should at least get 4 if not the full 6.

The new teleporter can use more work! even with the range, I find myself in defenseless situations where the TP does not get placed fast enough or it gets destroyed during the building process during deployment. Last, while her turrets are traveling in the air to their location to be set up - they should not be destructable while traveling until they are set.

It’s not about being hard to hit 2 orbs. It’s about being able to shoot the two orbs before he just do a small bullet burst and rocket you in the feet.

Sym 2.0 could try to throw her barrier to protect her against the rocket, and if the Soldier panics, he might start running backwards instead of running towards Sym to minimize barrier time in front of his face.

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I’ll quote a very wise person in this thread:

I don’t care if she is OPAF, worse than before, or even “really good”. What hit me harder in this whole mess is that Symmetra gameplay was so unique that I, as a player, have no hero to fallback when I want to play the way I played her OG kit. The hero that resonated the strongest with me in playstyle was removed from the game, and while I still have some heroes I enjoy playing, they are nowhere as fun to play (for me) as Symmetra was.

She could perfectly be a new Vishkar hero, that while similar, give a new spin to her niche, like how Sombra and Tracer mirror each other in different ways. This is especially infuriating when Mei and Reaper got nice buffs that kept their core gameplay intact, and Jeff said Sym didn’t need many buffs not too long ago.

I’m doing well on new Sym thus far, and she is a fun hero. But I’m fearing for the future Torb rework (he is my second main), and I’m sure if he gets hit as hard in his core gameplay as Sym was, I’ll be done with the game.

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That’s what I was saying, the horizontal is useless. Have to cut the map diagonally

With Gravity + dragons being the flavour of the month this what if they buffed her ULT so it could not be penetrated by the dragons

But is it more powerful than, say, just killing 2 or 3 people with Riptire or Dragonblade?

I’m sorry to hear that you’re unhappy with the rework, but sadly, I don’t think Symmetra as she existed before was ever going to work in the game. She really did need a complete overhaul, which means they can’t make everyone happy.

Leaving her in a state where she’s never seen in the pro scene and provokes reports, avoids, and toxicity just by choosing her isn’t really great, either. Since that’s really what would happen if they released a new, but similar hero. Would you really be happy if Blizzard said “We’ve given up trying to make Symmetra work, so we’re just going to freeze her as-is forever, and instead, have this new hero who is going to be like Sym, but built for try hards.”

I know I wouldn’t be. And I doubt others would, either. They’ve released two aggressive, close-range supports with low aim requirement that are arguably good options for Symmetra players to play instead (Moira and Brigitte). Yet, people aren’t going to be happy just swapping to those and giving up on seeing Symmetra be in a good, healthy state. Because we want to see Symmetra there. Plus, you have all the people who hated playing against old Symmetra, who wouldn’t be happy either, since she’d still be around everywhere but the pro scene.

It’s impossible to develop a game that makes everyone happy. I think they tried some very experimental stuff, and that Symmetra was one of the most experimental and crazy hero designs that made it to release. Honestly, I think this is a good sign of how much they loved her. But in the end, she just didn’t fit, and they’ve made a new kit that preserves much of the feel of Symmetra, even if many of the specifics are gone. She still shapes the battle with turrets, teleporters, and shields to gain the upper hand while using spammy orbs from long and mid range and a powerful, ramping beam from close range. If any specific piece of her kit was more important than the general feel, then I can definitely understand being upset, and I empathize. I hope you’re able to still find fun.