How good is new Symmetra?

New Symm is so bad that I don’t even want to play Overwatch anymore.


WIdowmaker’s ult is literal wall-hack which allows her and her team to secure kills easier. Symmetra’s ult prevents the enemy team to secure kills. Literally nothing in common. Which also makes her the only DPS in the game that has an ult that doesn’t help her get any kills.

Which part of situational you don’t understand? On maps with payload when attacking the team pushes forward which makes the barrier inherently not good because you quickly have to push yourself, get in front of it. Too far and it negates any benefits.

On defense, the level design is such that the enemy team can easily reposition to negate the ult or flat out wait it out as it only lasts 15 seconds.

Regardless - players can pass through it, as can most of the enemy ults - Diva bomb, Junkrat’s tire, Graviton + Dragon, Genji can just go through it and blade, Mei’s ult freezes on the other side of the wall, Pharmercy can just pass through it and ult. The only benefit is that once in a blue moon you may be able to stop a High Noon or Soldier’s visor if you are lucky.

You’ve literally never played Symmetra so what I find funny is that you think you can tell me how to play a character that you yourself don’t even have 5 minutes on. :rofl:


She is worse than 2.0. The only «good» thing is TP, and it’s very situational. I likely won’t play the game much, if at all, until she is reverted to a more recognizable-self or until an utility hero that can pierce barriers is released. (Not that anyone cares, I’m just trying to show how bad I think this rework is)


She’s a 5/10 in my opinion. She’s semi viable due to fact she’s lacking in the primary and survivability area.

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Hmm…You do make good points, friend. But we still have to see how see pans out in competitive and perhaps pro play.

As for this; It was never my intention to instruct you how to play a character, I was merely stating how her ult, in my opinion, is much stronger than most people realize.

Sorry, I’m a little touchy on the subject. Symmetra has been literal trash for 10 seasons now, I thought they would do a proper rework considering is now their second time they reworked the character and they failed miserably. The ultimate is super situational, the primary is absolute garbage. She is still a 200hp glass with no mobility, no sustain, no escape ability of any kind and now has to aim (which I have no problem with) and charge on top of that for 10 seconds to reach any decent damage and expect no one so much as looks at her because she dies from a cough.

Non-Symmetra players ain’t gonna start loving her suddenly, and the few remaining Symmetra mains are now alienated. I dunno about the rest but personally I’m moving to play other characters. 10 seasons of torture were enough.


You’re exaggerating most of your points. However I agree that her primary fire is bad and needs improvements. Other than that I think she’s pretty balance with a good skill cap. She may need small buffs, but is better and more fun to play than 2.0


Let’s add the fact that Doomfists ult can be placed straight on the barrier in a way that either hits both sides or makes it impossible to predict which side has the damage.

Dva can also just plant the bomb so it explodes on both sides.

High Noon and Tac Visor can be TP’d past the barrier, meaning a part of Syms on kit is a direct counter to her own ult.

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I agree with a LOT of what you’re saying.

The teleporter is VERY clunky, and a little trickier on console because it feels strange.

They probably did it to prevent trolling though, so a Symm can’t put the other at the edge of a cliff anymore so you don’t accidentally walk into it when you don’t want to.

The ULT, it is semi-useless IMO. I’ve actually gotten more use out of the verticle placement personally. But only on a defense/attack node map. Especially because it’s easier to place right out of spawn. It can sometimes give your teammates more leverage because instead of having to run around in a circle to avoid a fight they only have to run left to right.

Her primary is a headache…it’s useless. I can’t say give her back her old primary because then she would actually be OP af. Unless they maybe give it a damage reduction. Or allow current beam to lock on after it hits 4th mode. IDK

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I agree that the remake has just made her worse. Sym 2.0 had some dramatic weaknesses, but also some impressive strengths that made her worth using. Sym 3.0 has fewer severe weaknesses, but no good strengths or compelling advantages. This leaves you with just a subpar DPS with a bad tank ult.


I sort of want the old Symmetra back but with some of what we have now. If she could have shot turrets like she does now and added exponential speed movement for her orbs that would have been a great buff.


This is turning into the biggest joke on the forums. The amount of people who dont understand the game and think a fast charging map wide shield for 15 sec useless is quite sad.

It has like the biggest hitbox in the entire game. Spam them around, they are great. Up close they are also great cuz the fairly slow travel doesnt matter too much and its hard to miss with the massive hitbox.

You cant crouch on console? Thats news to me.

I’d say her weaknesses are even more severe without SG or her old barrier. She can run from Winston, but only for a little while and only between two points.

A good example is that 2.0 could throw a barrier at Pharah to mitigate Pharahs damage and reposition herself. 3.0 has to set up a 2 second TP that’s literally a “aim directly here to kill me” sign for the Pharah. She might even destroy it before you can use it.

2.0 had to block a Hog hook, not die to his raw DPS, and dodge a 2nd hook (his cd was lower than her barriers) whereas now Sym has 0 chance vs Hog. He can walk into all 3 of her turrets, hook and kill her, then walk away healing. Some tank buster she is huh.

Any of the hitscans or anyone with range in general can obliterate Sym, as regardless of her new orbs speed, they are useless at long range except vs a Widow that isn’t looking at you and has 0 awareness to move after the first orb hits her.

Sym 3.0 will excel exactly where 2.0 and 1.0 did: Pissing off her teammates.


The problem with this is Sym only excels with orbs up close vs people that are bad. She can’t get point blank infront of McCree, Genji can outdamage her before she even finishes charging half of her second orb, Tracers with brains don’t come point blank unless they’re planning to stick you, it doesn’t burst down the tanks before they can kill you.

The only heroes I’d say she can reliably duel with orbs up close would be Sombra, another Sym, Widow (unless they have 0 problem headshotting you up close), and Mercy. That’s about it. If you win vs a McCree or Soldier or Hanzo up close as Sym, congrats, they’re bad just as it always has been before this rework.

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I don’t see any reason to play her. Unlike old one, who, while stupidly niche, had very clear power to her.

Current Sym power is in reverse proportion to how many mobile heroes you have on your team. And you are pretty much bound to have 2 of them. Her turrets are nearly completely useless on attack, while her teleport is nearly completely useless on defense. What a great design.


Now you’re thinking with port…walls.

I’m loving her, and I can’t wait to taker her into comp with LFG teams. Honestly, I don’t think I’ve ever had as much fun playing Overwatch as with new Symmetra. Her primary fire feels fantastic when you pull it off, but feels appropriately difficult to do so with. Her secondary is a great bread and butter tool. Turrets feel a thousand times better. The new teleporter is immensely enjoyable and satisfying, and is my favorite ability in the game. And I actually really enjoy trying to find clever ways to use the ultimate, and appreciate that it isn’t a standard “press Q and watch people die” dps ultimate.

The only thing I’d want to see at this point is a buff to her health to give her a bit more survivability so that using the primary fire is a little less risky. Right now, the reward in that risk/reward feels fine, and the difficulty of it also feels fine, but the risk seems a bit too high. Naturally, I also want them to keep an eye on the primary fire, and if it still feels too difficult to access its potential, to see a small buff or two a bit down the road. But I hope they take their time there, since I really don’t want to see a balance yo-yo with Sym’s primary fire, and I’m going to be incredibly upset if all these requests for the gun to be easier to use result in the damage getting reduced.

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>her turrets are useless
>her wall is useless
>her primary fire is "bad"

It’s nice to see so many terrible Sym players out there. Nice to know that they will be take by surprise on how to use her effectively. I can’t wait for the round of “DELETE SYM” threads when people who use her seriously actually play her in comp.

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Totally agree she isnt good in 1v1s, but this game isnt just about 1v1s. Id like to actually see how she plays in comp. Also think up close she would be better vs soldier, its not hard to hit 2 of her orbs in close range. Either way, ill save my judgement on the hero once she can actually be played. Not say she is trash based on how she looks on paper, and in qp with 0 coordination and lacking heals and tanks. B4 sombra came out she looked crazy OP on paper, and we saw how her launch went.