How exactly is the win rate calculated?


For those scared of random links on an internet forum:
My Ana win rate is 50% because I won 29 games out of 58 non-tied games.
My Ashe win rate is 48% because I won 3 games out of a total of 6 games, none of them tied.
(these stats are from the current competitive season overview)

It seems quite fine for Ana, 29/29 is, indeed, a 50% win rate. I could consult my math professor to prove that, but I am very sure of that myself.
What I take issue with is my win rate for Ashe, which for some reason defies the laws of mathematics that have been proven in the past and then taught to me in an arduous process called “schooling”. Such as 1 + 1 = 2, or 3 / 6 = 0.5. What’s up with that?

I checked if maybe it accounts for all seasons, not just the one selected. It doesn’t. The win rate of all seasons combined for Ashe (47%) is correct (yet rounded down instead of up, but that is simply flavor, not a mathematical rule I can object to).
It is also not for all game modes combined where I have a significantly higher win rate (which would suggest a win rate slightly above 50% instead of slightly below).

So how exactly does Blizzard get 0.48 out of 3 / 6 ?

It’s very likely that a question like this has been asked and answered before. But the search function bombards me with all these idiotic discussions about hero win rates and balancing issues that it’s quite hard to find a thread that fits my question. So, sorry in advance, I guess.

It’s if you switch to Ashe mid game. Let’s say you switch and immediately lose, it doesn’t count as a match played but does affect winrate

Weird bliz shinanigans


It’s based on how much of the round you play as the hero. So if you played Ashe more on one of the rounds you lost, your win rate may be lower than 50%.



Thanks :slight_smile: That makes a lot of sense. Could’ve thought of that myself, really :confused:


gotta use this next time when people go: “BuT McCrEe’S wIn RaTe.”

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It doesn’t count as a full match played, but two half matches absolutely do count. Otherwise the vast majority of people would have a 0% pickrate on most heroes if they swapped.

That doesn’t really apply here. Both pick rate and win rate are a percentage of the matches played.


I think you and the person you responded to misunderstand the system.

If you’re on McCree for 20% of a match and at the end you lose, it counts as 20% of a “match played” for your McCree stats (with 100% of that partial game allocated to a loss), and 80% of a “match played” for your other heroes combined (also with 100% of that partial game allocated to a loss).

It also rounds to the nearest match played, which is where the apparent discrepency comes from.

If it worked the way you implied, people who swap every game at least once would have 0 games played, which is ridiculous.

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If you play a certain hero up to a certain time limit it counts that game as 1 game for that hero (I don’t remember the time limit from the top of my head). Then let’s say that you switched near the end of the game to that hero and played only half of the required time limit for it to count as a whole game, it’ll still count it as 0.5 games played with that hero effecting your winrate that way.

I have 100% winrate on Wrecking Ball this comp season on this account for this reason despite playing 0 games on him :slight_smile:

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