I feel that.
For this season, I was doing decent for my usual rank. I climbed to G2. And for one week now, I keep losing, I’m now at silver 4, I have no idea what to do to win one game as a support. I’m in that type of game where 3 of my mates are over 1 death per min…
But when it comes to ask if Blizzard is aware… Its hard to know.
In some interviews, it feels like even the engineers were trying stuff and were surprised by the results…
In the latest update, they gave up the idea of preventing losing streaks, telling they didn’t feel it worked…
Continuing the discussion from Overwatch 2 Retail Patch Notes – October 15, 2024:
My guess is that matchmaker didn’t change between OW1 and 2. But when the guys came to work on 2, they realised the authors didn’t leave any note so they’re just doing some eldritch magic.
I mean… I don’t really see any other explanation when the devs tell they don’t see measurable impact from their own code change…