How does this go on?

There is absolutely NO way that you can play the amount of comp games I have and suddenly see EVERY team you are on throw. I don’t mean try to fake it but again end up with 0 kills for EVERY player on the team while the opposing team dominates.

Yet there are websites that I can go to right now that advertise overwatch hacks. They sell them with NO fear of being pulled down or caught. They sell them and even SHOW you how they work on youtube while the devs, blizzard wring their hands and do not seemingly know what to do.

How can a company who says it cares let this stuff go on? This makes no sense when its CLEAR nothing makes sense. Are any of you who are in positions of power MONITORING any of these games? I just came off comp right now and NONE of the games I was in had a team that was not throwing 100%, all the games in a ROW have players AFK and the team is not even TRYING to get on the point. They are not trying to push the robot they are not trying to move the payload.

Then for some strange reason in these games they are toxic, cursing and stuff. Yet nobody in a position of power seems to do anything.

You guys either don’t care or want it to go on and only let the top players run the show.

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Replay Codes?


blizzard just has really dumb people working there now

matchmaking was better when the game originally came out now they set it up so they pick a rank for you and give you trash team mates every game to keep you at a certain rating

i play the game since its free but I wouldn’t pay any more $ to blizzard because they are incompetent and just focus all their efforts on releasing skins and don’t care about gameplay

idk how you take a good game and just make it worse over time

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I feel that.

For this season, I was doing decent for my usual rank. I climbed to G2. And for one week now, I keep losing, I’m now at silver 4, I have no idea what to do to win one game as a support. I’m in that type of game where 3 of my mates are over 1 death per min…

But when it comes to ask if Blizzard is aware… Its hard to know.
In some interviews, it feels like even the engineers were trying stuff and were surprised by the results…

In the latest update, they gave up the idea of preventing losing streaks, telling they didn’t feel it worked…

Continuing the discussion from Overwatch 2 Retail Patch Notes – October 15, 2024:

My guess is that matchmaker didn’t change between OW1 and 2. But when the guys came to work on 2, they realised the authors didn’t leave any note so they’re just doing some eldritch magic.
I mean… I don’t really see any other explanation when the devs tell they don’t see measurable impact from their own code change…

Thats because, theyre lying, as usual. We are the guinea pig testers and the game stays in perpetual beta stage.

Nothings ever finished. Everythings always not quite there…

Anyway, about you rank problem. I’d say in S1-G1 man, just hit shots on critical targets. Go ashe or torb or something and poke the heals to kill em, or tickle them enough so they run away and youre free to burst the tank…

At that rank people dont play cover well and should be out of position enough to clip them.

And then stagger them, even if it means solo ulting. Gold rank rarely groups up, theyd rather yell for swaps in text chat than actually analyze their position.

If youre still struggling to kill, hold your ult and sit there and count their abilities. For example, if you have dva bomb, sit there and hold it till you see zarya use both bubbles, bap used immort, kiri used tp and suzu, reaper faded, theyre all in open…

Edit, just saw ‘as support’
In that case, if youre ana or kiri or moira bap…any heal that can damage well, keep an eye on who your Heal target is shooting, and KILL THAT GUY with your heal tarfet. Just one damage shot as Ana can mke all the difference. And save abilities to get kills, or counter enemy ults.

Another thing is supports can be best shotcallers causr they see the entire battle field. One callout “rein purple” can win entire teamfight.