There is absolutely NO way that you can play the amount of comp games I have and suddenly see EVERY team you are on throw. I don’t mean try to fake it but again end up with 0 kills for EVERY player on the team while the opposing team dominates.
Yet there are websites that I can go to right now that advertise overwatch hacks. They sell them with NO fear of being pulled down or caught. They sell them and even SHOW you how they work on youtube while the devs, blizzard wring their hands and do not seemingly know what to do.
How can a company who says it cares let this stuff go on? This makes no sense when its CLEAR nothing makes sense. Are any of you who are in positions of power MONITORING any of these games? I just came off comp right now and NONE of the games I was in had a team that was not throwing 100%, all the games in a ROW have players AFK and the team is not even TRYING to get on the point. They are not trying to push the robot they are not trying to move the payload.
Then for some strange reason in these games they are toxic, cursing and stuff. Yet nobody in a position of power seems to do anything.
You guys either don’t care or want it to go on and only let the top players run the show.