How does OW@PS4 select a region/server?

Hi all,
I just noticed my Blizz account is in Germany as I used to live in that area. But now I’m back in the US. I’ve submitted a ticket to have it changed, but I’m curious if anyone knows (I have searched and cannot find this anywhere)… does OW@PS4 choose a region & server based on…

My IP?
My PSN account region?
My Blizzard account region?


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I figure you just change the psn account region

I think it might just depend who’s online, maybe your rating, whether or not you’ve been winning or losing, then maybe the heroes you play, then the other stats.

I get placed with people all over.

Overwatch on PlayStation is a global region. As far as which servers you connect to, the game client will ping all possible data-centers and look for the one with the fastest possible connection speed when you first log onto the game.

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Thanks for the replies all!