How does Mei avoid nerfs?

Can someone explain how the best hero in the game avoids nerfs everytime?

She should have been nerfed a long time ago when she was ruining 2-2-2 when it first came out.

She needs a big nerf. Lets get this game fixed.


Previous to 222 she was nearly throwing tier.

She was meta when 222 first came out, then quickly fell out of top tier when Sigma showed up.

Then she got to be meta again after this barrier nerf, 2 weeks ago.

That “long time ago” is kinda based on some very short time periods.

That said, yeah she could use some nerfs, but more minor ones.
✅ Mei: Slow duration 1.5sec -> 0.75sec

Hanzo on the other hand is just gigantically overpowered.


Whewww boy what a hilarious joke.
Mei is the best her—:face_vomiting:
Mei is the—:face_vomiting: :face_vomiting:
I can’t even say it. Not when Hanzo exists

Jokes aside. She’s not the best hero. Hardly. Just because she’s usable now doesn’t mean she’s suddenly the best, y’all freak tf out whenever a previously off-meta hero is meta like mei or symmetra or Moira, but widow and Hanzo are allowed to be the gods of ranked mode for forever. Chill


Barriers get nerfed, a character with a wall shows up alongside double barrier, and you can’t make the connection? She’s being used as a third tank, changing freeze changes nothing.


Which is true enough, but not that different from using Roadhog as a third DPS.


Funny seeing Mei mains claim the most broken hero in the history of the game is balanced lol.

She needs a massive nerf. Your suggestion is totally worthless.


Yeah, that’s the type of comment people make when they don’t care about gameplay balance, and don’t want to think.


I don’t agree on nerfing every single hero the moment they become meta.

Happy Holidays!


Nah it is the comment people make when talking about a massively OP hero who ruins the game lol

I think Mei is a special situation. CC Heroes should never be top tier.
All I’m looking for is to nerf Mei down to “Roadhog tier”.

High tier is fine.
Top tier is not.

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What is your ideal meta scenario? I want to know where your mindset is in terms of what is fine to be meta and what is not.

Happy Holidays!


I think Sombra tier would suit her more.

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As many heroes as viable as possible simultaneously.
They might not be the most ideal picks, but there aren’t any purely throw picks.

Nah, Mei needs a buff :slight_smile:


Happy Holidays!

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Shes been meta since orisa+hog. Its been awhile

  1. Because that limits a lot of heroes from being viable, since only the ones that can deal with that CC get used.
  2. I am very scared that if the devs let Mei be strong for too long, that as a hated “CC hero” they are going to nerf her into the ground, instead of taking the time to think. It’s much safer to gradually move her out of top tier to avoid utter annihilation.

Wrong. The best hero in this game is Hanzo. He’s literally in every game, the highest picked DPS. No nerfs to Mei before this sh*t gets nerfed


Funny seeing Mei mains claim the most broken hero in the history of the game is balanced lol.

In what world is Hanzo balanced? Go see overbuff stats for this week and tell me who’s the most picked DPS


Imagine being so openly biased that you make claims never before heard by any pro player, developer, youtuber, and streamer WHILE also lacking any form of evidence. Couldn’t be me.
Bet you don’t play mei at all and just keep getting killed by her, huh?
Cuz god forbid a dps hero kills things.