How does anyone play in Plat?

There’s a difference for me. On console I’d check to see if they play any other games I also play to see if I wanted to add someone as a friend. For blizzard profiles on pc I usually already know if they play other games I do either way.

As far as overwatch career profiles go it usually never gives anything helpful since the stats shown don’t say much without context. The only thing it really reliably tells is what their comfort pick might be from time played.

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That’s why mine is private. 150 hours of Mercy and that’s when I was bad at the game.


I have seen some profiles that were sketchy, like a McCree/Widow main who literally had 80% average accuracy and 55% crit accuracy across both heroes, which is… Inhuman, but since most profile can be hidden to hide the fact your stats are not legit… Yikes.

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Yeah. Mine is set to friends/group because no one else has any real reason to see it other than to troll/be toxic anyways.

For the longest time Moira was my most played hero on Xbox (it may even still be on there too) to the point where I had started to deliberately avoid picking her to balance out the playtime. Was she my comfort pick anymore? No not at all, my best support now is Zen. But she was still the support/character with the most overall playtime.

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RIP Moira, you were meta for a month, then gutted into obscurity. We hardly knew ye.

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Luckily I always have gold damage, so nobody asks what I play. :slight_smile:


My friend; I play in Bronze and games no longer feel like they are BRONZE games, I swear.
I should know, because I have played in Bronze since Bronze tier exists and games back in the day were! different. Now it is…super sweaty and everybody is on edge.

not by ow rules what a game

TL;DR: This thread has veered into a 3-4 way argument about whos got the bigger peanut 4 a brain so i’ll tell ya how we stay playing in plat.

I personally play till i tilt and then throw my desk after my 10th loss in a row :smiley: Then i buy a new desk a month later and repeat.

P.S. I wish i knew how to avoid having my mouse cord fling under my mouse everytime i flick it as hitscan smh :pensive:. Like seriously it gets caught under my sensor and then i have to move it and i then look back at my screen only to see the kill cam.

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So my friend who was placed in silver but climbed to masters in 1 week was cheating? By your logic almost anything is smurfing

Going to call BS on this one… no one places Silver and then makes masters in a week. No one… not ever… it isn’t a thing.

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Pretty sure a majority of the community is stuck in plat.

Like most competitive games, there’s a rank that houses a majority of players on average. In League its Gold and Silver. In Overwatch its Platinum and Diamond.

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Not really. They have no issue with alt accounts, the problem comes in when people are playing down to play up, ie. true Smurfing. If you are a Diamond or Masters and playing in Plat, you simply should not be unless you are artificially throwing down.

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I believe the wording they used when talking about it was that they have nothing against people making extra accounts but it’s the people manipulating the ladder/matchmaking by/to either throw, boost, or smurf in general.

people, on average, are better players now than they were then. it’s only natural that there’s skill creep over time. people get better with practice.

they were either throwing or had real unlucky games

He gained 150 sr for a win because he just placed so the system didn’t know where he belonged. He went 36-7

The developers are reluctant to use the word “smurf” because people have different definitions of what it means.

What they do say is new accounts are not against the rules, but hard throwing to lower ranks definitely is

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wireless…problem solved

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You are certainly a bad person for even doing it.

Like how pathetic do you honestly have to be to randomly place a new account just to climb back to your rank.

It’s such a waste of time and you many others who do this with every week are ruining the game play experience of every other person who is actually climbing.

And since blizzard won’t do anything about it. Competitive will always be a huge joke.


So every1 chiling below their rank is cheating, but not you?

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