How do you win as Yeti Winston?

I can’t seem to get placed as yeti. The two times I have been Winston Yeti, I haven’t done well at all and usually win as a hunter so idk… How do you win as a yeti?

You gotta be sneaky at first! Collect the meat bits unseen like a true cryptid, to do this use the environment to block line of sight as often as possible by going through corridors, leaping over buildings beyond reach, moving to high ground, etc., be patient and careful. You have use to your shield to prevent sniping from a distance, as well, or for defense when you’re cornered.

Also, if you see a Mei alone and separated far enough from the group just kill them, you don’t have to wait to be in beast mode to get kills and they die pretty quickly by themselves. They also die faster if you use the splash damage from leap first, so try to drop one on them if you can before finishing them off for the kill.

When you DO collect all the meat bits, just go ape. You can burst through the ice walls almost instantly and the Mei’s die super fast. If you’re unable to finish off the Mei’s by the time it runs out, try to position yourself near the next meat bit to appear so you can go for it again ASAP, since the meat reloads on a timer you should keep track in your mind which ones you’ve already gotten so you can head towards the next ones available.


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