How do you type the filled in symbols in chat

like the suits of cards

especially the hearts

someone please tell me

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Copy-paste I believe

:spades::heart::diamonds::clubs: Like this?

: spades : = without the spaces = :spades:

If you do a : it will show you the options for whatever word-beginning you type.

E. G.

Pick the hearts

But not sure if you mean this.

I think they meant in-game.
For the hearts I believe its alt+3 (from the number pad)


I think you wanna Google for ascii codes. Amongst others, you can invoke them with alt + numpad combo’s.


Ah ingame symbols, if you have a num pad you can refer to the ASCII-256 code.

I hope thats the right one.

Which should show you all possible symbols you can perform with Alt+(number)

Btw Alt+3 is correct. :slight_smile:


Alt + 3 / 4 / 5 / 6


As a kind of nitpicky correction that might be relevant for Googling, you can use most or all of Unicode in chat, not just ASCII. The card suits specifically are all in in the basic ASCII set, though.