How do you think Moira can be reworked into a more fun anti-flanker?

its definitely subjective. imo shes a hero thats far more fun to play than to play against.

Well the point is to make a better experience for everyone. Support players got Brig+Moira because of how annoying flankers were for them. Just asking you to feel a little sympathy for flankers when they tell you Moira is really frustrating to play against and let’s come up with suggestions to make it better for everyone :slight_smile:

But that’s your opinion, too.

I don’t mind playing against her either.

Moira 1v1s are fun :smiley:

she doesn’t solo hard counter tracer but that doesn’t necessarily mean that she isn’t an effective anti flanker.


yeah. thats why I said its definitely subjective.

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Huh? You got a greater effective range than her since the flanker buff, so short of getting hit by a stray whip shot and that knocking you into a position where someone else kills you, she’s entirely without teeth.

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they reverted the armor changes and tracer’s damage is significantly less effective vs armor (especially at range). also the threat of bash is still strong since tracer 150 hp

She takes longer to kill than anyone else. Getting value with Tracer is either harassing or getting kills fast. Brig also gives out lots of armor which makes Tracer sad. Her ult makes everyone unkillable.

also genji gets rocked by brig. arguably worse than vs lucio or moira.

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No aim will always be anti-fun, but no aim is also the only way to counter mobility (at least by some player’s standard).

I say let Moira mains have the no aim they love so much that they can’t live without, and just nerf the range and self-heal.

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IF she was, you would see Tracers pick rate go down when Brigs is up, but that doesn’t happen any more.

She enables her as much as she counters her.


because she is also strong with tracer. her being strong with tracer doesn’t mean that she isn’t a good anti flanker.

Decreasing her range is a bad idea.

It’s needed because otherwise Moira can’t heal. You know, she has to attack in order to have heal juice.

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It still may lead to the same place, where Tracer gets nerfed for it.

Which, if they did in the first place, we could have avoided the whole Brig thing to begin with :slight_smile:


It’s weird because heroes with crazy forgiving aim like her usually have pretty short range too. Winston primary is 8m and Mei’s is 10m. I think old Sym was only 5m lol. But Moira problem is she needs to do damage to heal. Maybe nerf her range and buff her heal regen rate?

But that’s her whole identity.

To attack in order to heal.

That’s the unique thing about Moira.

I have faith in the devs whether I should or not lmao. I agree that they probably should have just nerfed the stronger dive characters in hindsight or buffed options to compete.

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That would make her stronger in the low ranks (which she doesn’t need) and weaker in the upper ranks (which she really doesn’t need)

You could narrow her beam a bit (which would make her weaker in the lower ranks) and buff her damage (which would make her stronger in the upper ranks)

AND make her less of a Genji counter in the process without stopping her being a Genji counter.

Like, mucking around with her kit is a good plan, but we should be careful how.

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Let her keep her primary but replace her orbs with something more skill based.

It’s mostly her aim. Damage orbs are a nice add-on, don’t get me wrong, but 4 seconds of relaxed tracking greatly limits how long they can do their thing.

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