How do you see your rank

or rather how or where do you see how many games you need in a role till it shows your rank for that role



is the only way to see at the end of the match?

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Uk where you can see how many games you have won in each role and combined and then next to it there is ur rank and if u look closely u can see a tiny number

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um what? (20 characters)

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20 characters is fun.

Apparently, if you put in for a data request (access to information and privacy), they are forced by law to respond within 30 days. This is a requirement and service-standard they must comply with in order to do business in most civilized nations.

You’ll receive an email/.zip file that holds a bunch of txt files holding all the data they have on file of you. in those files you see some of your chat logs and supposedly, SR.

I’ll be filing for some ATIP on my account(s) tomorrow.

Anyone else learn about their SR via ATIP/data request ?
I did this a year ago, and I was 2760 but bottom500. Gold when I’m sloppy, Diamond when I’m juiced, unfairly going 50-50 in the b5…sounds about right.

You are asking for too much basic functionality.


Uhm you can also see ur rank if u go to select comp there u can see it but its rly small

the only tiny numbers i want to see in 2023:

days_employed(keller, aaron)
salary_received(mercer, scott)

garbage at the top making cash on the suffering of customers and loyal fans.

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Sorry!! can’t do that!! here’s a free skin from 2017 for $20 though…


i don’t want to know my rank…I want to know how many games I have to play before I’m ranked in that specific role. It was much easier before idk why they complicated it

Wait so you could see your MMR for every game? Seems interesting. I also wonder if I could retrieve my comp data from seasons 6-35 (or whatever season is the last one missing). Cause I don’t like that they deleted the data from OW1. I liked looking at my old stats. I would also get curious to see where other players started vs where they are now. It was always nice to see a top 500 that used to be in gold.

I did it in OW1, they even store stats that arguably should be in the game but aren’t. Like map specific winrates. :rage:

If you’re curious, MMR wasn’t a personal datapoint that was included when I got my copy. Only SR.

Divide the # of wins by 7. Every 7th win is an update… unless you lost 20 games and triggered an update that way. Then the count might be inaccurate.

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Oh that idk i just remember how many i have left that’s it

They need to add those! The more info the better

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how do placement matches even work in OW2…seems pretty different from how it was in OW1