I decided to add Tracer to my hero pool recently, but I suck as her. My mechanics aren’t great, and I really struggle to find kills, especially if the enemy are playing high mobility heroes like Mercy and Lucio. Can anyone give some tips?
Focus on staying alive as much as possible. You bring more value by poking and annoying than getting 1 kill and dying.
its not easy, takes practice like most heroes. i would say she is way harder then most hitscan. this is one of the reasons i dont mind her since im mid to low elo so the tracers i face are usually beginners or make a small to medium impact. of course you get the rare smurfs that obliterate with tracer but its not common
People seriously underrate how broken of a strat distracting 2 supports is.
yep try and go after healers especially ana. ive done that with tracer but with my luck i somehow get the pro ana’s that can sleep on a dime. then they have fun doing that triple combo of shoot/nade/punch = dead tracer
The biggest mistake novice Tracer players make is using all of their resources up, leaving themselves without a means of retreat.
Think carefully if you want to engage with Recall on cooldown and know when to cut your losses and recoup some of your cooldowns.
very poorly
It’s a few steps but here’s the first thing - Tracer’s rhythm is blink, shoot, blink while reloading, shoot, repeat. Because each cycle takes 2.0 seconds to occur and each blink takes 3 seconds to refresh, you can keep this up for a deceptively long time.
Then it’s just getting better at the basics:
- Don’t die (you’re not getting value while dead)
- Land your shots. Practice practice.
- Get value out of Pulse.
And a lot of the above advice in the thread is good. A cheeky, annoying Tracer can take a massive amount of space, leaving your team to win easy 5v3s, and she’s awesome at zipping over to a weakened target for the kill. She can pour a ton of sustained damage in to extended fights, and once you get a feel for it she’s very, very survivable despite a lot of the roster being able to one shot her.
We would know…
Most of all keep alive and know when to retreat.
Blink management is the biggest hurdle for newer tracers. If you blink too much the enemy is going to conserve their cooldowns until you’re out of options. Not enough and you’ll be easy to hit. When to blink is an instinct that builds over time. Ideally, in a one-on-one, you’re always just out of their LOS.
do what ever you want, dont get punished because you play the most broken hero
Thanks for the advice everyone, I can see myself starting to improve now.
Since Tracer is a tracking hero, it can help to use your blinks to put yourself in a spot where you can “move with them” rather than having to jerk your mouse all around tracking them. Best way I can describe it.
That would be ded sentence against burst heroes like McCree if you move with them, you are moving right into his flicks.
Blinks will throw off both players aim, but with practice you will flick and track faster than the enemy. You do have advantage of muscle memory over time.
I literally quoted “high mobility heroes like Mercy and Lucio” as they stated they were having a hard time killing them. Why are you bringing Cassidy into this? That’s not what I was saying at all.
Oh my bad. I didnt read the previous post.
Well, I can give out a bunch of info here, but I’ll keep it simple and small for now. As a flanker, u want to be flanking a bunch, which u’ll use Blinks 4. U want to constantly focus certain targets depending on ur role: If ur the Tank Killer, then u heavy focus Tanks with her. Otherwise, go for the squishier targets, preferably Supports. Learn ur tracking on Tracer’s guns rly well so that u can not only output more dmg, but also give u potential chances of 1 clipping people. And learn how to aim with Pulse Bomb, cuz if u carelessly throw ur Pulse, and ya miss, u might not get the value u seek. Sometimes, not sticking works for the bigger AoE radius or for the random luck chance, but it’s much more preferable to stick to secure the dmg/kill. And finally, Recall if ur bout to die or need more mobility or need to change positioning, etc. That’s Tracer in a nutshell, people.
(To be fair, if I needed to, I could’ve gave u so much more info, some of it very much being more vital info, but to give u the general idea on how to Tracer, since ur so new, to not blow up in ur face, I kept it short enough.)
- Be annoying
- Focus on killing enemy support by sneaking up on them
- Even just annoying the supports bring value since you’re denying them healing
- Don’t overextend and die
- If one of the enemies are in trouble from being focused by your team, help your team secure those kills
- Use geometry to your advantage and use corners when you need to escape or evade incoming damage
- Manage your blink and recall cooldowns wisely
I thought that got nerfed so it doesn’t work anymore? At least with the punch at the end, tracer has enough time to recall if that’s out of cooldown. So when I’m on ana, I usually just shoot, nade and try to shoot again when I manage to sleep tracer.