How do you place high on a fresh account (for example diamond) in competitive?


But he is not using new account. He is using older one which already has bad SR/MMR from previous seasons. You can see it at the beggining. The acccount was very low silver before so its absolutly right that he is doing first comp game in bronze/silver border.

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Oh… I skipped that part and missed it.

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To place into Diamond you essentially have to be a M/GM player.

Pretty sure the game takes everything into account. Dmg, healing, deaths, aim, and prob how many good team wipes you get.

The highest I have ever placed is Plat. Generally I place high gold then bowl my way through Plat to Diamond. Although I haven’t been playing much so my SR has been slippin. Kinda curious to see where I’ll be placed next season.

No you dont LMAO…

Quickplay doesn’t matter at all, unless something changed recently.

On a fresh account you will start unranked…but at ~2500, and if you win you go up a lot. Your performance matters, but winning the first few games keeps you vs plats/diamonds for your placements.

It is the kind of player that will most likely place Diamond LMAO…….

I watch a lot of unranked to Masters. M/GM players constantly place High Diamond with their original placements. I think I saw a few land in Plat but Diamond is the sweet spot.

Like many have said there’s a lot of variables to consider and depending on the hero/heros you use also effect your final placement.

You do know what the word essentially means right? In it’s use I was indicating that it is not a requirement to be M/GM but rather a good way to raise the likeliness that you land in that kind of rank.

Players placing M right off the bat is exceptionally rare.

The placement works in a way that its actualy a lot more easy to place higher in rank than climbing into that rank naturaly by playing on your main. I never climbed into diamond few seasons back, not by winning games. But i was placed there several times. My friends is plat-low dia and he was placed almost in masters on new account.

but he didn’t place masters. I never said placing higher was harder. There seems to be a hard cap in which Bliz has attached to ranks that makes it extremely difficult to place in Masters.

The better you play the more likely you are to land in Diamond which isn’t the highest that you can place but is often where most high skilled player place on a fresh account.

My very first season as a JR 1-trick I placed High Plat. My aim was good and I stayed with my tanks but that was about it. I didn’t belong in that rank and for the rest of that season was basically a slow decent to gold.

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Yeah I remember my first alt acc(season 2 or 3) placed in high plat like 400 SR higher than my main. I was scared to play on it after :smiley:

Ok so earlier placements are always going to be the most important?

It seems like it. The first few games really matter.

It absolutely does. Ever since they introduced the level 25 limit. People have done tests on this and I have experienced this first hand.

No it doesnt, it was proven many times, by many players. I did test it myself. If you claim something different, show us the evidence.

I’m sorry I didn’t bother taking screen shots… wasn’t thinking ahead to get in a stupid argument like this. Anyway, when playing in quick play when LFG was used more, depending on your performance it would show and let you join groups in the rank it thought you were before you even placed. The higher performance you had, the higher level groups it would give you. After finishing placements the rank you would get would be around what rank range was exposed to you in LFG.

I have done it. My friends have done it. If you screw around in QP for the first 25 levels you get placed low, no matter if you win all the games or not. You try-hard and you get a higher placement.

You don’t have to believe me. I don’t care. That’s your loss not mine.

Of course, thats because you have QP and Arcade MMR just as you have MMR in competitive. But its completely separated. Of course you dont have evidence to support your theory. There is plenty of evidnce which goes against your theory tho. Literary go to any unranked to gm streams done by top players. For example dafran, you will see that they all starts in same place in comp.

No it doesnt work like that. I did tried both, result is same , ±2350

Its not question of believing, this is tested thing by many people and proven already. So loss is yours I guess?

Question for you Xion. While everyone starts around 2350 no matter how good you do in qp, how was the games after your first placements? Like say you had one account you screwed up on, and won the few placement. Would the second placement still be around gold? Or you had an account you try-harded on in qp to level 25, and played comp. Did your 2nd/following placements have a lot higher average in sr, or was it about the same as the other account? If you know what I mean. I’m trying to figure out if qp doesn’t affect your first game, maybe it affects the following ones.

Well thats interesting question and I was thinking about the same several times. But I had accounts on which I played with and against grandmasters in QP and my progress in initial placement was the same as with accounts where I played with golds in QP before going into comp. So no I dont think so, but they should definitely implement some kind of system like this. It would really help to place new account better.

Btw if you are interested about initial placement and how you move up or down, you can check my games. I did this as experiement, playing only mercy in qp and in comp. I am trying to check ranks at every placement game.

Its from pre role q competitive. I think performace do matter more now in 5 placement system. Placement system of new account is actualy garbage. Its better now but still not very good. If QP do matter, people with bronze skill would not place gold.

It’s been proven time and time again that your performance in Quickplay is being measured and it does apply to your ranking in Competition for your first placement. The hidden MMR tracks everything you do in this game in order to provide the most “honest” evaluation of your skill. Remember SR is trumped by MMR, the game’s sole purpose with match making is to get you to your MMR, which in the end should be within a certain variance of your SR. They will place you in matches where you are certain to loose, just to get your SR to match your MMR. It’s not in your head, they’ve said this is how it works.

Show me one source or evidence of this.

Like you can see it every day on this forum, people who are low bronze on main account will buy new account and they will place high gold easy. Why? Because comp MMR has nothing to do with QP/arcade MMR. If it would matter, these people would never place gold.

This is nonsense too btw.