How do you place high on a fresh account (for example diamond) in competitive?

Yeah I made a new acc as well but that is broken on ps4

I see people from bronze to diamond and masters in the same team in my qp matches…

So can’t tell there haha

Well i tested that once. I have always been in Bronze and with fresh acc i get placed low Plat ( ~2600 ) , i hanged between 2450 - 2550 like week and then started play this account again for hoping that someday i will glimb :laughing:

Play as diamond or higher in placements and win them all. Then its very important to win first 10 games. First game after placement csn be like 100+ SR. Then bonus sr will go slowly down to zero. Quickplay doesnt matter btw.

No they are not pre-placing you based on qp. Qp and comp are completely separated.

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Yeah, he is just confusing people like you. Qp doesnt matter for comp.

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Don’t take me for my word- I aint no game dev, but here goes:

Every single match you’ve played since you logged in to the account is taken into consideration when finishing placements - because mmr affects sr

Medals don’t, stats do.
How much damage per second do you do on average vs every single player in that rank (medals are for comparing players within one match)
How much damage do you block as tank compared to all other tanks in the game
How fast do you charge your ult on average compared to all other players on that hero in the game or on that rank

Anyway - what the game is trying to do is place you closest to the sr range where you get 50-50 win/loss ratio
First placements are not enough data, so even after you finish them the sr will skyrocket or sink deeply before the game get’s you to 50% win/lose rate as close as it can.

Before that - it’s def not medals X)
It’s just all your stats per second/minute.

Yes they do, this is the reason why people who want to place really low dom’t play qp but level in custom games and aracde.
Also quickplay affects your mmr and mmr affects your sr gain/loss depending on rank

Quickplay/arcade and comp is not related in any way. Doesnt matter what you do, if you play in qp or in arcade. Your comp start is always in same place, no matter what you did until you reached lvl 25.

I thought its not true in past too and i changed my mind by facing facts and testing it myself. You can see it on multiple top500 stream. They always start in same place. Its around 2350 sr. Every new account starts there. If you claim something different, show the evidence.


But isn’t it that if your mmr is a certain number and you win a gold game that mmr will determine how far up you’ll be in the next game?

Also players that didn’t play qp before going into placements on average place lower and gain lower amounts of sr when they win?

That’s what I noticed on streams.

I can’t show it but: There were 3 of us - friends, 2 of us were high plat, one was silver.
We all get new accounts. Me and the silver play qp to lvl, the other high plat does custom games to level.

The silver get’s silver teamamtes in first placements matches. Never get’s out of silver
I get high golds, the second placements I’m already against plats
The plat dude get’s low golds, second and third placements are still in gold

In the end we all place more or less right where be belonged anyway, being that the other plat guy placed lower than me, but whatevz, he climbs fast enough after.

(this was before 222)

I’m telling you, my silver friend started in silver on fist placements and stayed there - That I remember for a fact. (also he’s really bad at the game, like borderline bronze)

Win games. That’s about it. Even with awful stats on Orisa/sigma, i placed plat because i won 6-7 games.

I didnt test role placement so well as i did with pre role q placement, but:

Before role q was a thing, we had 10 placement games, your first placement game was(and still is) at 2350 sr. Every win or loss was basicly ±150 sr. Your performance wasnt really that important. It was mostly win /loss scenerio. Meaning you could play like trash and still place in plat with lucky games. Or place in bronze with plat skill just because you had unlucky games with trolls.

Games after placement were affected with after placement bonus easily amping up to 70 at first game. Then the bonus went slowly down.

I noticed few things is changed in role q. I cant confirm this with hard evidence but it seems that they actualy changed initial placement as its affected by performance a lot more now. Probably because there is only 5 games and old - 150 would not be enough to to place people low or high enough. So now performance and win probably matter equally.

We still have after placement bonus and its actualy double the amount from pre role q. First after placement game can be ±150 sr. This after placement bonus will be affected by your performance. I noticed it was active even when i was in game number 13 after placement as system still probably thought i am not where i belong. Meaning it was probably trying to adjust my sr to match mmr.

I am not exactly sure when mmr forms to be honest. It might at first placement game and then adjust pretty fast as you do placement games. Or maybe its actualy formed after placement? We know that mmr is used in matchmaker to create games. So yeah most likely your first comp game actualy give you 2350± MMR and every next comp game is adjusted. A lot in placement and it will slowly go down.

We of course dont know everything as blizzard probably did few hidden changes after role q was introduce and they didnt say a word about these changes. One example are leavers and sr adjustement in games with them. This was new in role q beta. Never mentioned in dev updates tho. Never confirmed but its there. I have recorded evidence of that.

You didn’t place silver with 5/5 wins on a new account. You had played a previous season and ended close to that for that to happen.

But how do you know people in it were all silver? Are you saying that he wasnt placed and all his team mates were placed silver?

He could easily be only one at 2350 mmr with others who were 1800 mmr. Enemy team could have sonething similar. You having 2350 mmr doesnt mean you will be placed in game where others have 2350 mmr. Another thing might be that people there were silver but had higher mmr. Its a lot of unknown information without checking their profiles. I wish i could see it recorded :wink:

Yeah, that’s what I said, I was around 1650 silver before that. Like 20 seasons before that.

Anecdotal but related to the above conversation. I’ve placed over 10 accounts fresh, and every single one of them started at mid gold no matter what. Some of them I just threw on Lucio through QP, some of them I tryharded, some of them I levelled in arcade. None of it made a difference; they all started in the same rank for their initial placements.

Most accounts placed around 3000, but I’ve had one as high as 3600 (this one, 10 wins) and one as low as 2700.

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Either that or via career profile inspection they were silver.
I also know instances or have watched streams where people were placed with majority of plat players on their first placement.

No-freakin’-way can that ever happen.

Don’t believe it…

I placed diamond on a fresh account by dying less and killing more.

Maybe that’s how. I dunno :rofl:

Doing well before placements, I mean when you level up. Boosting your MMR as you will.

But it was really like that, its my experience form placing several accounts. Pre role q placement was mostly about win /loss. But only initial placement tho. Seasonal was about performace mostly.

Do you have link to any of them? I saw few too. Last one i remeber was Dafran who started his placement as mid gold place.

I dont think you would be lying, I dont want to say I dont believe you. Its tough without seeing picture, there is still chance you can be mistaken. I am sad we didnt have this converastion few days ago as I am leveling up new account. I would try to avoid QP completely, but its too late now. Maybe someone else here would be willing to test it?

So, I am gonna buy a new account tonight.

To reiterate, it’ll be my third since first purchasing the game when it launched. I mained Pharah then.

I’ve since purchased a second account after first switching to support and before role que placed 2600 SR.

It’s been about two years since then and I have learned a lot and am gaining lots of speed in both my personal stats on Moira and my SR. I’m fairly consistent now. Personally, and like many people here often say about themselves, I feel I have improved 2x fold since then.

We’ll see where I end up with new placements.

95% Percentile

Ranked 1,379 of 30,417 (95th Percentile) - HERO RANK

18,135 - HERO SCORE

35-15-3 - RECORD

3.28 - MEDALS

10 hours - TIME PLAYED

70.00% - WIN RATE

17.6% - On Fire

14.8k Healing Avg and rising (rose 900+ this week alone)

97th Percentile Beam Kills

If I don’t place at least 2800 I am going to be mad… as well as motivated.

Can’t find any (they all either buy lvl 15 accounts, or play with team to level fast in scrimms)
I just found Redshell starting his first placement match in bronze.

I’m telling you it was pre-222, 100% pre-222 you could start placements with silvers or plats.
But now…? No clue, also no clue why they would change that.

But you didnt provide link :smiley:

I have never seen that and I placed many accounts myself and saw placing many other people to place theirs, low bronze guys having alt starting in mid gold, top500 players starting new accounts in low gold in first placement.