Title. Been noticing in some of my games that Mercy and Ana are pinging to the team their cooldown on sleep and rez. How do I do that?
You hold ping and press the button that is on cooldown. Or maybe it was the opposite, hold the button on cooldown and press ping? One of the two.
For mercy your cross hair is on the dead body- ping it. If it’s available/ it will say “I’m going to resurrect them!” If not it will say “I can’t resurrect them yet!”
For Ana your crosshairs is in the slept target- ping it. If with say “Enemy slept here”.
Those are not CDs tho.
I am not sure if you can even ping your cooldown on rez or sleep…
I assumed this was OP meant.
I’ve never ever seen it, but there’s always a first time.
Someone let me know then too- if this is not what OP is talking about and they have the correct answer. Maybe Green nailed it.
The ability literally has a timer after I use it. Its a CD. End of discussion.
I´ve seen Mercy ping her cd, but only yesterday and I never seen any hint in settings, how to do that.
you can do Ult status but other cds? idk
Yep, Green’s correct.
For example, head into the Training Range, select Bap, and chuck out an IF. Bring up your ping screen like this
and hit E. It’ll print out the cooldown in party chat.
TBH, it should do it if I simply press E and IF’s on cooldown.
Yep, also other cd´s. I´ve seen it. And post above mine shows it.
But did you test as well on mercy or Ana? I play on console and I have ping wheel as up on the d pad.
I hope it works and I’ll try it out! Thank you.
Im sure it is because i saw someone using it on Brigs Repair Pack
I was reacting to Kelsofox post and those are not CDs what you meant.
Here ya go. I tested it on every support except Mercy, since hers are annoying to test in the ol’ Range there, and also on Sigma to show that it’s not only on supports.
I have seen Mercy Rez cooldown print-outs in the wild so I’m 99% sure it works for her too.
If it’s on Shift or E, you can probably call it out. For example, Torb can update everyone on his turret and Overload cooldowns. Right clicks don’t seem to work, though, since I couldn’t get Lucio’s boop or 76’s Helix to show up in the chat - and Brig’s bash (which involves both a barrier deploy AND an additional right click) is right out.
ping + ability button
Yeah just hold ping so the little circle menu pops up and press the button your cooldown is on
What I wanna know is why I saw a ping with little Timmy on it?