How do you mess up a hero this badly?

not being meta and not being played is very different, even in gm brig was considered a throw pick for a while with 75 overheal, not because she was bad just people didnt realise she was good, you cant really expect plat players to figure out what is good by themselves or they wouldnt be playing mercy with rein zarya

What is this post??

She WAS META in GM, and was a stable pick in the pro scene. The only problem with the second iteration of Brig is that she relied on a skillset that you need to climb into Masters+, and anything below largely doesn’t have or aren’t consistent enough with it - which is why Brig has struggled to scratch being META elsewhere.

The ONLY rank to have experienced Brig in her full glory on her second iteration were GM and that CAUSED her to get continually nerfed again - which as I’ve said, isn’t okay because that’s 1% of the community.

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my point is people who are bad dont know whats good

From the title I thought you were talking about Sym :woman_shrugging:

I mean, this is nearly a 3 month old thread lol

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