How do you mess up a hero this badly?

I think we all know who I’m going to be talking about. But seriously, how does one mess up THIS badly on a hero, with little to no sign of direction or any compensation for removing any real reason to play her?

On release, you made her the monster brawler, it was broken and she was nerfed. You decided to change her into a main healer, reducing her presence on the front-line and the reliance on it - cool. But now, you’re just making her only form of value come from a cooldown healing ability.

Here is how you’ve trashed the hero in every single way:

Shield and Shield Bash

ONLY ONE of these was a buff - a compensation BUFF for TWO nerfs. You made shield bash less forgiving, essentially halved it’s health, reduced how quickly the shield regens and how often a Brig can rely on her shield bash to punish or to even secure kills - you made the stun duration so short, you might as well just use it to hopefully/potentially stun someone out of their ultimate. So, since Brig can’t rely on her shield so much, they must’ve increased her survivability in other ways? Right?


Okay, so you kinda flip-flopped, you made inspire longer lasting, that’s cool and she can rely on it a bit more for her survivability - oh wait.

Hold on…

So, to punish all the buffs or postives of Inspire, you just ruined it by reducing her down to 150. Before anyone says anything, I am aware that she is at 175, however this may be patched out soon enough.

You ruined her shield, and her self-sustain through her passive is meaningless because of how quickly someone could BURST through FIFTEEN HEALTH PER SECOND - This is also ignoring the fact that you removed much reason for her to be a front-line support by continually messing with her healing numbers and making them so slow that you might as well just play someone else.

Repair Pack

So, you attempted to make repair packs more reliable by increasing the amount of armour packs, whilst also continually nerfing the amount of healing it does, make it a ‘time over’ type healing meaning that she has very little potential for sustain, and also officially removed her ONLY form of utility and her ONLY reason to be played over other supports by removing armour health from the ability - Keeping in mind that this is ALL on top of making her redundant on the front-line , therefore making her more reliable on health packs for larger sustain, only to be taking that away from her too.


You watered down how much individual impact Rally has on each player affected, made it temporary, WHILST increasing it’s cost. Are you even keeping track of the changes you MAKE? You’ve continually nerfed her healing in all forms, and then her last form of big impact, you’ve nerfed and had the audacity to make it cost more? When you’ve forced Brig to have to actively DO MORE for value? How is any of this making sense?


This is literally the only ability to not receive out-right nerfs and it’s her only form of a long-range attack, and a boop. Now it’s the only way for her to safely use her inspire without potentially throwing herself as ult charge to the enemy.

How can you stack these changes one on top of another, and not compensate? How can you try to make the hero reliant on other parts of their kits and then CONTINUALLY nerf those areas too with no compensation for previous or current nerfs?

Anyone with a brain can see how problematic the mishandling of Brig is. All because what? Pro players and streamers wanted to abuse a hero and now has a self-incited PTSD from the hero ever having any form of value? So now you can sit here and kick a dead horse over and over again to mock the players that loved to play Brig whilst also only appeasing those ‘top-dogs’ for making the hero absolutely trash? What is the excuse? Is this incompetence, ignorance or negligence? What are you doing Blizzard?


yea blizzard let the whole community down on brigs release


Brig’s idea and design WAS cool. She was unique, even in her second iteration, she could directly help the tanks and not be at the mercy of flankers.

That was good, great. They’ve ruined it all.


I mean she did too much but they didn’t actually try to really address the problem and have just nerfed her, kept her in the game for the people who hate her, nerfed her for the people who like her, so pretty much everyone loses in this situation


Oh yeah, because everyone plays with a pro-team and participates in competitive skirms, right? Because everyone is a masters+, where the level of play is significantly different? Because everyone has a communicative and reliable team to even make Brig playable through coordination?

You’re dismissing the bigger picture here, there is more to this game than some contenders - who play to win as a job. Not the average player like yourself or me.


Can you assemble all these with zaryas changes please :slight_smile: you do a really really good job


Oh yeah, because everyone plays in gold, right? Because everyone is a plat-, where the level of play is significantly different? Because everyone hasnt got the first idea on how the game is played or even the correct playstyle of brig?

You’re dismissing the bigger picture here, there is more to this game than some golds - who play for fun. Not the players who balance actually affects.

You’re not the only person in the world, the game shouldnt revolve around you


Brig was a really stupid and mishandled addition


*** Laughs in Mei ***


While agree she’s been nerfed a lot…

You did neglect to mention that throughout MOST of that the general community thought she was too strong

Like yeah they toned her down a LOT…but it was kinda for a reason

Doesn’t excuse the changes themselves…but it is worth mentioning

Without Brig, flankers would have been gutted and we’d have had a long Double barrier / Bunker meta instead of Goats.


And i agreed, I do think upon release she was broken. Do i think she deserved or deserves the treatment that she’s been submitted to? There are obvious solutions or things to attempt through experimental that they’ve refused to even touch. It’s so disappointing.

I actually got these from a website :slight_smile:

www. esportstales. com/overwatch/list-all-hero-updates-and-balance-changes

Every single change in the history of Overwatch and it’s heroes is there, it’s very useful

When gold-plat is the majority of the population, it does matter. No one ever said that she should be easy and abusable. But it’s a huge issue when a hero is ONLY usable in masters+, not even abusable. Even the heroes that the skill elitists love Ana, Widow, Ashe are playable and get value in lower ranks.


Thank you brother ! Be safe

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High ranks have some heroes that are good there and bad there, you’re complaining about the design of overwatch but only mentioning one hero then say people don’t get the big picture? Idk seems really weird that you wouldn’t bring up the same Point about widow at lower ranks or reaper at higher ranks. you can’t have every hero viable at every rank and you definitely can’t have balance around people who play the game incorrectly

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They introduced her as a quick fix to the complaints of a stale meta-single handedly. So they made a hero that could go against 6-8 (depending on who was the second DPS) heroes. A quick fix that nobody took into consideration the long term effects. (And heck she wasn’t used that much until GOATS was established because she was an awkward fit in most comps).

When 2-2-2 was implemented she was the only hero to get truly reworked to fit into the new composition; because it was apparent from the start that despite her overtuned kit she didn’t work in 2-2-2. And no other hero really got those adjustments to work in the new mandatory comp.

i honestly dont see what all the commontion is about.
they gave a buff to a hero who was struggling a bit, turns out the buff was a bit much so they went back on it. i honestly wish they were always this fast to go back on changes that dont work out.
i believe there is still some work to be done on brig for her to be more evenly balanced across the ranks, but im happy they are try things then quickly go back when it doesnt achieve what they were hoping for.

Brigitte needs a rework.

I feel more than justified in claiming that her kit is obviously problematic and she needs changes to her core mechanics

I blame the community for mistakenly believing that Brig beating them in 1v1s in small rooms away from their teams for some reason meant that she was overpowered and not that they were dumb for trying to 1v1 her in the first place.

I like Brig’s design and it’s funny to me how upset she still makes people after years. Seriously, just shoot her. That’s her counter. People assume she won’t die, so they don’t shoot her, so she lives, then they complain.


Really? Because at Brig’s release, she is the one who was actually capable of going in 1v2 or 1v3 and still decimate them. Flank Brig was actually a thing. It was very hard to punish Brig because she was genuinely broken. The community had every right to call old Brig overpowered, and rightfully so.

Ah, this brings back memories. “How to counter moth Mercy? Just click her head lulz”

She should never have existed in the first place. She was created solely to shut down an entire meta by herself, ie to stop 2 tanks and 2 dps from deleting a 200hp hero. Of course anyone who could do this was going to be OP. Of course anyone who could shut down this many heroes from getting a kill was going to be able to make any single one of those heroes unplayable.

It’s unbelievable that anyone thinks she was a good idea, including support mains. Dive is meant to kill support. Making a support that counters dive is like making a character like junk rat a widow and pharah counter. Or like making a tank that counters reaper.