How Do You Get Through a Losing Streak

You gotta get down into the sub-1000. At that point it becomes easier than quick play

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This sounds so good. Would you mind if a scrub Silver would join? :slight_smile:

As for OP, I have posted a topic about comp anxiety, having this fear of playing comp and losing too much and the replies that I have gotten were pretty influential for me, especially the guy who posted a youtube video of a coaching session that was actually directed at just that, comp anxiety.

I have had times where I could not play this game for like 2-3 days straight due to real life obligations so when I would find the time to play I would find myself in a losing streak. I started doing little breaks. Please do not listen to advice of people telling you to tank down your SR and stomp on low elo people. That will never work, especially not in the long run.

What I did was, I win a game, I take a break, either QP break, Arcade break or simply getting coffee, having a smoke, doing the dishes etc. Sometimes I get 2 wins in a row and I again do a break.

If I lose 3 times in a row I will stop playing comp for the evening. Most of the times I do not want to quit playing OW so I will play QP for the rest of the night, leaving Comp for another day. It really does help. Another thing that is helping me atm is to try and consider Comp as QP. If in order to do that makes you want to leave VC then do it, seriously, do it. I am all for comming in Comp, but sometimes you have to let it go.

Also, I have found myself looking more at my replay even if I win. One does not have to look at their own replay only when they lose, especially in low elo. If you win there are, trust me, stil certain things that you could have done better, but it did not get punished by the enemy so you won making you think you did good. I am not saying that you did not do good, it is just look at you win replays as much as your loss replays,

I have found out that my win replays tell me more about my gameplay, where I managed to outlive the enemy not by being smarter than them but them being more oblivious to what was happening than I was. It will give you fuel and drive to keep on grinding.

I have played like 10 mins ago or so (comp) and have won and watched my replay and found 20 mistakes the least, so bad mistakes which actually proved that I do not belong in a higher rank. Even when you lose, self reflection is a good thing, trust me. I know you get tilted, I do too, so does everyone else even t500 players, and I have failed many times to self reflect when I was on a losing streak and found every single possible excuse to justify those losing streaks, how it was not me, how it was the feeding Ball on my team, while my accuracy on Ana was less than 30% that match. And I got mad for them dying.

Once you start getting tilted, breathe, just breathe. Grab a coffee, watch a funny Youtube video, stop playing Comp for the evening if it is that severe. Enjoy your role, your hero, play what you like playing the most in other modes. Come back to Comp later.


Absolutely not a problem!! I was Bronze before too.

It’s true that GM players know the game better than we ever will, but they don’t understand what it’s like to suck at the game because they don’t see it the same way.

The only requirement for joining the server is don’t be a @$$ hole… :innocent:


you should try improving

If that requires tryharding in quick play, then I’m out.

Take a break, refresh, come back with a clear head and go at it.

I do what I call a mental skill reset. I come back into it a day or two later with an open/clean mindset and I feel like I’ve reset myself. I play like butt for a bit but the confidence comes back.

Maybe ego reset is a better term. Suddenly I’m not upset, I fight harder/clearer and I see some success.


Uninstall and get a better game

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Only a couple thousand people still play this game. There aren’t enough people to group with.

I play for 20 hours until I at least gained back half the SR I lost. But if I happen to win my first game I watch the replay 12 times and call it a day.


Wow, that’s all? 100? I lose that in 2-3 games. Of course I’ve been on a losing streak for five years…


tilt, whip out the skin I never lose on, lose, tilt, wait a day, lose another set of games, then win one by being carried, losing streak over

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I would not stop playing after 3 lost games, key is to over come the tilt and play some more. I only stop playing when I feel tired and when it affects my performance. And I usualy end Overwatch after win so I dont feel bad.


only 100sr? I went down almost 1k SR. There’s some discussions about MMR and how it handicaps you, but this season it’s almost at extremes trying to make you win or make you lose.


I’m glad somebody went against the grain in this thread. It’s key to stop when it’s appropriate, & that limit is different for everyone. I personally usually will continue playing regardless, but in some cases for example if it’s been a longer session & I’m a net 3+ losses below where I started I’ll call it quits for the time being.

Know when quitting is appropriate for you.


Why would game try to make you lose? Makes no sense.


After 3 loses in a row I will just play another game. Imo even if i don’t ‘feel’ tilted I will be and it’s usually best to just come back another day. If I reeeeeaaally want overwatch tho, I’ll just watch a stream instead.

Don’t worry man, 100 sr is nothing. I dropped almost 700 sr last season. Got up to 2911 then dropped to 2260 on support. I’m back to 2800 this season, but it was rough last season during the hog meta.

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False. Many people still play the game regularly.


People always ask why I have an alt account.

This is why.

If I’m having really bad games on one account (lots of hackers or leavers or toxic teams), it’s nice to hop over to the other account and keep grinding. It allows me to still get comp practice, even if the games are rough and I won’t be so stressed about sr because it’s not my main (still trying to win of course). I do the same thing if I wanna play comp on the weekends.

Otherwise I just stop for the night and get a good sleep before trying again the next day! Losing is normal. You’ll grind back up!


That’s all? :grin: :grin: :grin:

I’ve done a streak of (30 losses, 3 wins) and (20 losses, 2 wins).

And both times:

I rebounded to Season Highs before season ended.

I was very sure I would regain my losses (based on 4 years of experience).

I just never imagined that I would smash my Season Highs too.

And now after 4 years hardstuck (but having fun) in Gold and then Plat, I just hit Diamond.

Never thought I’d reach Diamond, either.

I’ll enjoy the rank for a bit, then I’ll play and not care if it drops.

After 4 years, I’ve learned that SR is decently accurate.

And if I drop from Diamond, it’s fine.

Why should I stop playing a game I enjoy just to “save” SR.

It’s also why I play solo.

I like to climb on my own merits.

But maaan, when I had those 30-losses, it was rough. Wouldn’t even dare imagine I’d hit Diamond 2 seasons later.