How do you get out of Silver Rank as a Healer?

Dude I’ve heard all those arguments before, you keep ignoring the fact that I was carrying and climbing in combination with my medals. It’s not like I said “I’m dva with gold elims and I can’t rank up wtf” in that case I agree it wouldn’t matter. But if I have the gold medals, I can see that I’m getting all the kills, and I’m ranking up then the medals do mean something.

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Okay man, keep climbing!

  1. Die less
  2. Save ult for important situations
  3. Prioritise your carry/most vulnerable target
  4. DPS when necessary
  5. ???
  6. Profit

Eh, maybe. That depends on which dps you were and how many dps were on your team. That sounds more like a dps that got hard carried.

nah nah - you’re winning, and you’re ranking up, and you’re getting gold medals… but you’re not necessarily winning and ranking up BECAUSE OF those gold medals.

the whole “medals dont matter” thing gets thrown around because of people like the dps moiras throwing damage orbs and bragging about gold elims. that moira was not carrying at all. but medals arent nothing, and if youre constantly outperforming the dps on your team, then you’re probably also outperforming the dps on the other team, and that is definitely impactful.

to put it another way - if you’re carrying hard every game, then you will almost certainly have a bunch of gold medals… but it’s still possible to have gold medals and be a dead weight to your team, so all people are trying to say is dont fall into that trap

and of course, congrats on your progress so far :slight_smile:


Getting a small group together to climb with helps as healer. Solo queuing as healer can be impossible sometimes, even if you’re playing perfectly.

Recently I found out as a support main climbing myself out of gold, that you should never solo queue. Solo queuing is a 50/50 shot of losing. Find an open group or make one yourself. Also, try to be the shot caller, tell the tanks and the dps the flankers and high ground. This will help with knowing locations of where counters could be hiding. Use your ultimates quicker, as a support you should hold on to it but if 2 of your teammates are on the point and they need back up, pop it. You’ll get it back. I also found shouting out the gold healing is a way of remembering that you are essentially winning that team push. Try to play a main support or go offensively with a mercy and Lucio comp. Try not to really dps ever unless it’s do or die, here’s an example: Playing mercy mostly of my team died on point, I already had a val so popping it, I was able to rez someone and battle it out to win overtime for my team. This what I found personally for me as a sliver support, try to set a healing goal or and ultimate goal like I want over 50 sound barriers this game or 20k plus healing, this will boost your spirit and really help.